Who Do You as GM Attack?

  • Fighter

    Votes: 40 32.5%
  • Wizard

    Votes: 21 17.1%
  • Rogue

    Votes: 9 7.3%
  • Cleric

    Votes: 28 22.8%
  • No one; other answer

    Votes: 25 20.3%

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Nah, I'd just weather the fighter's AoO. Unless the fighter conveniently has the Sentinel feat, it wouldn't interrupt my plan.
I feel like being bisected would interrupt a lot.

Remember: the situation is one that the rogue's normal attack from range would kill the BBEG. So an AoO would do the same.


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
I feel like being bisected would interrupt a lot.

Remember: the situation is one that the rogue's normal attack from range would kill the BBEG. So an AoO would do the same.
All the more reason to run for cover.

Stand still and take 3+ attacks? or run and take only one? That's not a difficult choice.

Partly luck with a paladin crit, they prepped a round and used a good chunk of consumables/resources. It was a fair win, but it shows how weak 5E creatures are against any amount of party tactics and optimization. Honorable mention to friggin silvery barbs, which I'm pretty close to banning.
of course it's the paladin (and silvery barbs). yeah, that would do it...
Even if it was an attack action it still doesn't matter, barring a bunch of out of turn actions. Bosses really need multiple initiatives with two full turns.
i meant more because fighters get most of their damage from having a bunch of attacks (especially when they're low on resources, like in the example). barring assuming some magic weapon adding a bunch of damage, if a single fighter attack can down the bbeg, so can an at-will attack from probably anyone on the field.

The key is that I am not asking what the villain would do, I am asking what you, the GM, would do. Of course, for many GMs, their answer would be "what the villain would do based on their...." But that likely isn't the only viable answer, and certainly not the only honest one.
This is a good clarification. There are certain things I don't do as DM because it's a negative play experience.

This is a good clarification. There are certain things I don't do as DM because it's a negative play experience.
Right. I just don't see how it would apply to this situation. Regardless of which character the enemy attacks none are unlikely to die. The boss knocks one character down, the rest of the characters kill the boss, and stabilise the downed character.

Now the enemy running away might be seen as negative play experience in certain context, but that was not an option in the OP in the first place.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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