D&D General Goblins Eat Pickles???

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The very first Paizo AP, in the first book (Rise of the Rune Lords: Burnt Offerings - book 1 of 6), it had an encounter where the goblins were eating pickles stolen from the pantry within their lair. Back then, Paizo products were written for 3.5 D&D.

Yup, this is a point where Pathfinder goblins and 5e D&D goblins diverge.

Pathfinder goblins are comic relief with huge round heads that eat anything, especially any human food that they can steal.

Yup, this is a point where Pathfinder goblins and 5e D&D goblins diverge.

Pathfinder goblins are comic relief with huge round heads that eat anything, especially any human food that they can steal.
They're also a core book race. From evil horse & human murdering evil pyromaniacs to cute pickle eating PCs in one edition change


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
Pathfinder goblins are comic relief with huge round heads that eat anything, especially any human food that they can steal.

Well, they're partly comic relief. Burnt Offerings did an awesome job of making goblins a go-to race in Paizo products. They were vibrant, they were funny, but they were also a bit dark as one of the follow-up encounters to the original Sandpoint Swallowtail Festival raid illustrated.

Voidrunner's Codex

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