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Golden Apple Rescue Squad ( Four Color to Fantasy campaign) Updated September 21th

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Bob Aberton

First Post
Cool Story Hour, Horacio.

By the way, I'm from Providence, and I think

So my campaign will be centered in Providence, RI. But in Terra 2, Providence is called Golden Apple, RI. Why? There are several reasons...

that that's cool.

Too bad the mayor isn't named Cianci:D

I can just imagine the G.A.R.S. vs. Mayor Cianci, LOL:D

Rubber Girl, 1st/6th/2nd level Fighter/Hero/Rogue,
Female human; CR 9; Medium-size humanoid (human); HD 1d10 + 6d4 + 2d6 + 9; hp: 38; Init +11 (+7 Dex, +4 Improved initiative); Spd 30 ft; AC 17 (+7 Dex); BAB +5; Attack +7 melee (varies) or +12 ranged (rubber balls, 1d6); SA Super powers; SQ Sneak Attack (1d6), Evasion; AL CG; Fort +5, Ref +12, Will +1; Str 14, Dex 24, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 14.

Skills and Feats: Balance +11(7+4), Bluff +6(2+4), Climb +6(2+4), Diplomacy +6(2+4), Disguise +6(2+4), Escape Artist +11(7+4), Gather Information +6(2+4), Jump +3(+2+1), Move Silently +11(7+4), Perform +6(2+4), Trumble +11(7+4); Dodge, Expertise, Improved initiative, Power attack, Mobility, Point Blank Shoot, Armor Proficiency (any), Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons), Weapon Proficiency (martial weapons).

Posessions: Typical for the fiancee of one of the wealthiest gils on the city, almost everything that can be bough on the open market.

Hero Points: 48.

Attack, proyectile (1 HrPt): Innated. Activated. Can throw hard rubber balls (1d6 dmg) as a standard action, with a 10 ft. range increment. Base rank 1.

Create Object (12 HrPt): Innated. Activated. Can create rubber objects (of Harness 10) out of thin air with a size maximun of 5ft x 5ft x 5ft at close range (25 ft) from her. Can mantain two different objects and if left unattended, each object dissolves in a black puddin like substance in 9 minutes (1 mt/level). Base rank 4. Medium Creation (2 ranks), Enduring Creation (1 ranks), More creations x1 (2 rank), Minor hardness (1 rank), Average Hardness (1 rank), Close range (1 rank).Close range isn't an actual enhancement for the power, but I think the cost is fair. You might actually want to give her a restriction, since rubber really isn't useful for a lot of uses. You can't make swords or ladders out of it, so its utility is limited compared to if she had chosen, say, stone or metal. I'd suggest that, if you mean really flexible rubber, this would be worth a 3 HrP reduction. If you mean something a little sturdier, maybe a 2 HrP reduction.

Entrangle (10 HrPt): Innated. Activated. Can produce an immovilicing rubber in a 10ft x 10 ft x 10 ft area. Lasts for 9 minutes before dissipating. Reflex save DC 15 to avoid. Base rank 8. Radius 5ft (2 ranks).

Heightened Dextery (12 HrPt): Innated. Persistent. +8 Dextery. Base rank 3. Increased effect x3 (9 ranks).

Impact Resistance (6 HrPt) Innated. Persistent. Can reflexively create rubber cushions between her and any upcoming obstacles, nullifying the first 8 dice of damage. Base rank 2. Increased effect x2 (4 ranks).

Shield (5 HrPt) Innated. Activated. Can create a rubber shield that gives her +7 AC from a 180 arc. Base rank 4. Opaque (1 ranks).

Superleap (2 HrPt) Innated. Persistent. Can leap a vertical distance equal to 0.5 x base speed (15 ft) and a horizontal one equal to base speed (30 ft). Base rank 2. I'd suggest this should cost 4 HrPs, instead of 2. Flight has a base cost of 8 HrPs, which means you can't get it until 5th level (just like the fly spell if you were a wizard). This power is about the same as the Jump spell, which you could get at 1st level, so it should cost about the same, 4 HrPs.


Ranger Wicket, thanks a lot for you help!
I agree with you in most of the things you've put in your posts. I will correct the stats problem tomorrow morning (now here it's 11:30 p.m..

About giving a range to Create Object, I know it isn't in the book, but I took the cost for similar enhancements on other powers. I'm glad you agree with the cost. I think I will give Rubber Girl a 2 HrPt reduction because it's sturdier rubber.

And those 2 HrPt will go to Superleap power, because I think I agree with you, it deserves to be a 4 ranks power.

About Dandy, why Invulnerability doesn't work againt wood, you ask? Really, I don't know why. I will ask the player and give you an answer, if she knows why. Maybe because it was a common substance no so common as weapon ;)


Thorntangle, Joshua Dyal and Jodo Kast: Thanks a lot for your support! I'm glad you like the story so far!

Bob Alberton: Do you know where I could find an online map of Providence? And more info about the city? Thanks a lot!!!


First Post
Horacio said:
About Dandy, why Invulnerability doesn't work againt wood, you ask? Really, I don't know why. I will ask the player and give you an answer, if she knows why. Maybe because it was a common substance no so common as weapon ;)

Of course, you can always send a rogue vampire slayer after her...


A vampiric connection... hum... If she don't give me a good excuse I will begin to think about that... :)


Let's post today's update:

G.A.R.S. cast



Drawing done with HeroMachine v2.0 (beta)

Grenadier, 4th/5th level Fighter/Hero

William Smith was born in 1972 at Hawai, in a militar base. His father was Colonel Arthur D. Smith, and he taught William the militar values from his early childhood. When he was 6, Willian knew he wanted to be a soldier. When he was 8, he could shoot better than some professional soldiers. When he was 12, he was black belt in karate. When the Gulf War began, Willian joined the army, thinking he was going to live his dream of protecting America and the Free World. And then his life changed.

His unit was doing a routine operation near Kuwait when and ambushed group of Irakien attacked. It was a true carnage, in some seconds most of William's unit was down. He felt rage, he felt hat, he wished all those Irakien dead... and his wishes truned truth when a handful of glowling energy balls took away from his clenched hands and explosedagainst the attackers. Then the smoke dissipated, all the Irakian were dead. Willian, and the two other survivors of the unit came back to the HQ and reported the incident and Willian's parahuman explosion.

He was transferred to the Special Parahuman Forces, when he was trained to use his abilities at his maximum potential. He was trained to use not only his powers but his mind, to infiltrate, to kill of thousand of ways. For years he did covered missions around the world. Spy actions in China. Hostages rescue in Colombia. Sabotage of chemical war laboratories in Afganistan. Anti-mafia raids in Russia. He was the best on his work. Perfect anonymous parahuman soldier.

Until the Atlanta FBI building incident, when Captain William Smith was deployed in the ruins of the building to aid the investigators and a local camera filmed him while he used his powers to dig a tunnel in the debris to rescue a trapped survivor. Next morning his photo was in all newspapers. He was an hero, everybody wanted to interview that parahuman soldier who saved the trapped FBI survivor.

His job was ruined. He wouldn't be anonymous never again, so he couldn't continue doing cover missions. In the spy jargo, he was burnt. He passed the next two years doing public relations for the Army, visiting schools and colleges across the country, talking children and teenagers about how everyone, human or parahuman, can find a place in the Army and serve America. Until Mayor Eastroad of Golden Apple presented his G.A.R.S. project. The Army thought it was a good movement to have a man in the team, and offered Captain Smith services. He would be the gouvernement link to the team, and the Army would gain a good deal of free publicity.

So Captain Smith took the code name Grenadier and joined Seline Douglas (Dandy) and Sarah Peterhasen (Rubber Girl) in the newly formed Golden Apple Rescue Squad. The beginning was difficult, because the official leader, Dandy, hadn't any militar experience, and the team hadn't discipline. Grenadier felt he should be the leader, but he has been ordered to accept Dandy's leadership, so he obeyed. With the months, he learnt to respect Dandy, and she learnt to value Grenadier advises in tactical matters. Soon enough, the team members became not only co-workers but friends.


Grenadier, 4th/5th level Fighter/Hero,
Male human; CR 9; Medium-size humanoid (human); HD 4d10 + 5d4 + 54; hp: 92; Init +3 (+3 Dex); Spd 30 ft; AC 13 (+3 Dex); BAB +6/+1; Attack +7/+2 melee (varies), +9/+4 ranged (varies) or +10 ranged (force balls, 1d6/3d6); SA Super powers; AL LG; Fort +11, Ref +5, Will +3; Str 12, Dex 16, Con 22, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 8.

Skills and Feats: Climb +4(1+3), Jump +4(1+3), Knowledge (militar) +4(1+3), Move Silently +6(3+3), Swim +6(3+3); Dodge, Expertise, Power Attack, Mobility, Point Blank Shoot, Precise Shoot, Shot On the Run, Weapon Focus (force balls) Armor Proficiency (any), Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons), Weapon Proficiency (martial weapons).

Posessions: Typical for a middle class citizen, with acces to military light weapons.

Hero Points: 40.

Attack, proyectile (balls of force) (12 HrPt): Innated. Activated. Can throw glowing balls of pure force that explose on contact (Maximum damage 3d6 dmg) at 30 ft range. Base rank 1. Adjustable (2 ranks), Blast radius (3 ranks), Increased damage x2 (4 ranks), Increased range x2 (2 rank).

Energy resistance (force) (12 HrPt): Innated. Persistent. Energy resistance (force) 20. Base rank 1. Increased effect x9 (9 ranks). Greater effect x2 (2 ranks).

Heightened Constitution (12 HrPt): Innated. Persistent. +8 Constitution. Base rank 3. Increased effect x3 (9 ranks).

Impact Resistance (4 HrPt) Innated. Persistent. Nullify the first 4 dice of impact damage. Base rank 2. Increased effect x1 (2 ranks).


Your comments are always welcome!

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