D&D 5E Good music for campaigning


Lowcountry Low Roller
I've always liked using the music of Tangerine Dream, ever since coming across the Legend soundtrack. The group has a vast and varied catalog, and most of it is great for gaming backgrounds. I'd recommend both the soundtrack above and Goblins' Club (though the soundtrack above includes two pop-vocal songs too, though they are easily skipped).

Also great for going with a retro-80s/Stranger Things D&D vibe :)

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The music produced by the composers of Square Enix for its fantasy RPG video games has enjoyed a reputation for iconic, moving themes.

You'll find a grand plethora of epic scores for your campaign enhancement from their selection of albums, many of which can be purchased on the iTunes store.

Final Fantasy, Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, Dragon Quest - hundreds of tracks that can take the soul through many worlds of dream and wonder.



I tend to grab very light, repeating background music from Youtube. Ya know those "10 hours of relaxing waves" sort of things? Well they have them for "10 hours of spooky tree noises" and stuff like that.

BGM is neat for a very specific scene, but with all the talking, I have to keep the volume really low, so I like to keep it generic.


Staff member

In a similar vein...

One evening I was hosting, at the requests of the other players, I just put on a mix of some of our favorite classic metal. By sheer coincidence, as our party started advancing through a graveyard, Black Sabbath’s “Children of The Grave” started playing. Now, it’s using that phrase metaphorically, but it still creeped out most of us at the table.


Dances with Gnolls
Lately, I have been using the Darkest Dungeon sound track heavily. (Purchased it for this specific reason) As the players are in a pretty dark time and sinister area. Works great to set the mood. If only I could give the cool blow by blow narration as the game does too.

"We are not the flame! We are but moths, and we are doomed!"

Otherwise, I use a smattering of instrumental soft music or a cheery jig if like we are all in a tavern. Usually that is kept low to just be background noise.


Lately, I have been using the Darkest Dungeon sound track heavily. (Purchased it for this specific reason) As the players are in a pretty dark time and sinister area. Works great to set the mood. If only I could give the cool blow by blow narration as the game does too.

"We are not the flame! We are but moths, and we are doomed!"

Otherwise, I use a smattering of instrumental soft music or a cheery jig if like we are all in a tavern. Usually that is kept low to just be background noise.
Yes! If I or anybody I play with could DM with that voice...

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Voidrunner's Codex

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