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Gray makes it to Master Sash! (beat Tabris)


First Post
<GrayDoom> Gray of the Cherry Blossom Caves and Tiger Valleys
<GrayDoom> Diamond Sash 10
<GrayDoom> Signature Style (Cherry Blossom), Signature Style (Tiger), Signature Location (Caves), Signature Location (Valley), Hard Hitter, Master of Wealth, Arena Fighter, Mastery (Tiger), Poison Blade, Bribe Judges (x2), Crowd Pleaser (x2)
<GrayDoom> Yen Ring (Fist of Fury (x2), Poison Blade (x2))
<GrayDoom> 127 Yen
<GrayDoom> 33-23
<Kalanyr> He'd be a Thug
<Tabris> nah i wanna help gray get to 7th tier
<Tabris> yeah ill fight after
<Kalanyr> sigh
<Kalanyr> down some more I go
<Kazzt> k
<Kalanyr> No one can stop me!
<Kalanyr> !nb omega
<KalBot> Kalanyr: Watch me fall through the ranks!
<Kazzt> heh
<Kazzt> !archmage
<MeowthBot> Kazzt: <Archmage> maybe the boards would go faster if I wasn't runnin' Winders Update at the same time...
<KalBot> Kazzt: Valorian is an ambitious sucker
<Kazzt> !Kazz't
<Kazzt> !Kazzt
<GrayDoom> tab, stats?
<Kazzt> dang
<Kazzt> !Sollir
<Tabris> aahhh crap
<Tabris> i forgot to update my character to honour
<Darkwolf> sigh...why are you letting Gray get tier 7?
<Kalanyr> because he's a doofus
<GrayDoom> cause i start giving away yen then
<Darkwolf> as long as I get some ;p
<Kalanyr> Me Too you owe me about 50 yen my friend
<Tabris> what SS do i have as an honour?
<Kazzt> what tier are you Tabris?
<Darkwolf> Tabris is now: Green Belt D1 with -
<Darkwolf> Yellow Belt: Signature Style(Thorn), Dojo Style , Fist of Fury,
<Darkwolf> Green Belt: Signature Style(North Star), Dojo Style, Chi Strike, Master of Emotions
<GrayDoom> Gray of the Cherry Blossom Caves and Tiger Valleys
<GrayDoom> Diamond Sash 10
<GrayDoom> Signature Style (Cherry Blossom), Signature Style (Tiger), Signature Location (Caves), Signature Location (Valley), Hard Hitter, Master of Wealth, Arena Fighter, Mastery (Tiger), Poison Blade, Bribe Judges (x2), Crowd Pleaser (x2)
<GrayDoom> Yen Ring (Fist of Fury (x2), Poison Blade (x2))
<GrayDoom> 127 Yen
<GrayDoom> 33-23
<Kazzt> Tabris, before you fight me, I want you to get a few dojo styles...
<Kazzt> :)
<Darkwolf> DW refuses him membership on general principal
<GrayDoom> !mb ybinsult
<MeowthBot> GrayDoom: I find your brother to be insidious, your empire to be lewd, and your blocking to be ignorable.
<Kazzt> Hey, DW, if I corrupt him, you're free to fight me :)
<Kalanyr> DW is quite correct
<Kazzt> Oh well, I suppose Northstar isn't that bad for Kazz't
<Kalanyr> If you Corrupt him I wanna Redeem him
<Kazzt> I would perfer Dragon but I guess I can wait
<Darkwolf> ok..who's judging..
<Kazzt> why not
<Kazzt> I will
<Kazzt> if someone else logs
*** Kazzt is now known as Chromatic-Judge-Blue
<Chromatic-Judge-Blue> You rolled a 67 on the encounter table! And here I am!
<Darkwolf> why do I always seem to get stuck with the logs? I don't like the "ding" "ding" that goes on...
<Chromatic-Judge-Blue> hehe
<Darkwolf> insult Tabris..
<KalBot> Kazz't might be a little Biased
<Tabris> !mb ybinsult
<MeowthBot> Tabris: I find your horse to be malodorous, your citadel to be awful, and your discipline to be amateurish.
<Darkwolf> I can judge if needed...
<Chromatic-Judge-Blue> me?
<KalBot> So DW makes a better judge
<KalBot> Yes you :p
<Chromatic-Judge-Blue> lol, when have I been biased
<Kalanyr> !nb reload
<Kalanyr> !meowthbot
<KalBot> Kalanyr: <KalBot> The Wrathful Kalanyr obliterates the Hells so Fast it annihilates the Meowthbot/
<Kalanyr> hmm thats not right
<Darkwolf> who do the contenders want to judge?
<GrayDoom> well, _someone_ judge... /me really doesn't care
<Kalanyr> !nb reload
<Chromatic-Judge-Blue> !mb ybmaster
<MeowthBot> Chromatic-Judge-Blue: MeowthBot has decreed this match to take place at the dungeon north-west of Xiang-Xia Province on the morning of the raven.
<GrayDoom> who wins insults?
<Chromatic-Judge-Blue> Gray
<Kalanyr> who is judging?
<Chromatic-Judge-Blue> insulting your horse isn't that great, and Gray's insults are more humorous :)
<Chromatic-Judge-Blue> me
<Chromatic-Judge-Blue> :p
<Darkwolf> Sollir
<Kalanyr> !nb quit
*** KalBot has quit IRC (QUIT: Leaving <k!15b8>)
<GrayDoom> 3 flag speed standard
*** Darkwolf changes topic to 'YB Fight Channel || Gray: 3 flags to tier 7'
<GrayDoom> tabris, your move
<Tabris> ok
<Tabris> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Tabris: The fang dominates the island; protects against the foray of the clouds!
<Tabris> ok
<GrayDoom> say done when done
*** NightBot has joined #ybfight
<Tabris> done
<GrayDoom> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> GrayDoom: The rabbit dodges in the midst of the savanna; waves away the push of the battlements!
<GrayDoom> done
<Chromatic-Judge-Blue> poor Gray, point Tabris
<Chromatic-Judge-Blue> 1 flag Tabris, 0 flags Gray
<GrayDoom> tabris, your move
<Tabris> i want to chi strike
<Chromatic-Judge-Blue> k
<Tabris> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Tabris: The owl unremittingly cuts the ravine; averts the rolling of the lava as it smoothly removes the blood of the comet!
* GrayDoom is worried
* Chromatic-Judge-Blue gapes, Tabris is lucky tonight...
<Tabris> fist of fury
<Chromatic-Judge-Blue> you can't
*** NightBot has quit IRC (QUIT: Leaving <k!15b8>)
<Chromatic-Judge-Blue> you just chi striked
<GrayDoom> can't use fist of fury and chi strike at the same time
<Tabris> oh ok
<Tabris> i see
<Tabris> done
<GrayDoom> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> GrayDoom: The rose petal punches with the gate; removes the onslaught of the rodent!
*** NightBot has joined #ybfight
<GrayDoom> done
<Chromatic-Judge-Blue> erm, point Tabris, I think you understand Gray
<Chromatic-Judge-Blue> 2 flags Tabris
<Chromatic-Judge-Blue> 0 flags GRay
<Kalanyr> this is funny
<Tabris> ok
<Chromatic-Judge-Blue> Gray can bribe, he'
<Chromatic-Judge-Blue> he's fine
<Tabris> damit
<Tabris> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Tabris: The fan bashes the tower; parts the slash of the void!
<Tabris> fist of fury
<Tabris> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Tabris: The crane scatters the temple; leaps over the storm of the fortress!
<GrayDoom> done?
<Tabris> done
<Kalanyr> he ain't got nething left
<GrayDoom> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> GrayDoom: The irresistible spider slides near the savanna; parries the blood of the fortress!
<GrayDoom> poison blade, fof
<GrayDoom> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> GrayDoom: The spider demolishes the desert; dominates the blood of the lightbeam!
<GrayDoom> done
<Chromatic-Judge-Blue> *uses Darkwolf's system
<Chromatic-Judge-Blue> (Tabris): Bashes (+), parts (+), slash of the void (+-)
<Chromatic-Judge-Blue> (GrayDoom): Irresitible (+), Slides (-), parries (+-)
<Chromatic-Judge-Blue> 2 points Tabris, care to bribe Gray?
<GrayDoom> yup, bribed
<Chromatic-Judge-Blue> k
<Chromatic-Judge-Blue> -2 yen
<Chromatic-Judge-Blue> Gray are you up?
<GrayDoom> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> GrayDoom: The crane slaughters the foothills; scatters the aggression of the lightbeam!
<GrayDoom> poison blade, fof
<Tabris> crap
<GrayDoom> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> GrayDoom: The lizard rends the coast; quells the onslaught of the teardrop as it leaps over the punch of the root!
<GrayDoom> double crowd pleaser, done
*** NightBot has quit IRC (QUIT: Leaving <k!15b8>)
<Chromatic-Judge-Blue> Tabris, do you have any yen?
<Tabris> no
<Chromatic-Judge-Blue> k
<Chromatic-Judge-Blue> gen your move
<Tabris> !mb ybmove
<MeowthBot> Tabris: The hammer storms the delta; leaps over the gaze of the willow!
<Tabris> done
<Chromatic-Judge-Blue> 3 points Graydoom, 8 yen Graydoom, Graydoom, congrats you are now Tier 7, Master Sash with a profit of 6 yen
<Chromatic-Judge-Blue> match Graydoom as wlel
<Chromatic-Judge-Blue> Tabris, you are now Green Belt D2 still with 0 yen
<GrayDoom> who posts log?
<Tabris> lol
<Darkwolf> Master Sash: Signature Style, Perfect Attack or Perfect Defense, Purchased power
<Chromatic-Judge-Blue> DW
<GrayDoom> sig style crane or lizard....
<Chromatic-Judge-Blue> signature style: crane or lizard
<Kalanyr> So who gets the Yen?
<Chromatic-Judge-Blue> your choice
<Chromatic-Judge-Blue> Gray gains 6 yen
<Chromatic-Judge-Blue> overall
<Kalanyr> not bad Gray

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