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Groups and Organizations - Collective Fun!!


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This is how we play this. Someone (in this case, it would be Me) names a company, business, group or organization. Then someone else will write up what they think and leave a new group.


Poster 1 - Vallentine Corp.

Poster 2 - *fills in information about Vallentine Corp.* Next name: Shugenja Showcase

Poster 3 - *fills in information about Shugenja Showcase* Next name: Appledumplin's Diner


Ill go first

Vallentine Corp

Run by the very well known and popular Mars Vallentine, Vallentine Corp. is widely known as a company that deals with book publishers and book deals. Many books published and authors signed to write books deal with the Vallentine Corperation. Although Mars has his hands in various other businesses (and other not-so-legal deeds), he treasures this one above all else.

"Knowledge," he says "Is the key to tomorrow's leaders."

Next name:

Atmosfear Entertainment

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Atmosfear Entertainment

OK, Me next

Atmosfear Entertainment

When Christopher Shaw bought out the former owners of Atmosfear in the early 90's, it was your basic Haloween/Haunted house company. It operated a handful of Haunted Houses in the Fall, and owned a several Costume shops around Atlanta. In the last decade, however, Shaw has expanded the company up and down the Eastern Seaboard, with stores that carry Horror films, books, costumes, etc. Atmosfear has also expanded its Haunted House operations around the country as well. The company began to provide another, slightly unusual, service several years ago. A group of friends could hire Atmosfear to produce a movie that starred one of their unsuspecting friends. Through hidden camera's and a huge cast of actors, Atmosfear would turn this person's life into a living horror show for a week. The individual sees friends being killed by psychos, monsters leaping out of alley ways, sounds that come from nowhere, etc. At the end of the week, he is informed that it has all been fiction, and is greeted by the friends who gave him this "present". Each film has opened to packed audiences across the world, and have completely revolutionized the Horror Film Industry. Of course, there have been a few rumors cropping up lately, that there are several movies that haven't been released because things have not gone exactly as planned, and several of the visitors to the Haunted Houses swear that there are things inside that can't possibly be human...

Up Next:
Taltos Consulting Group


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Taltos Consulting Group

The Taltos Consulting Group is an accounting firm, one of the best in Hidden Falls. All of the accountants are very compentent, smart and welthy. No one ever leaves the jobs due to the great benefits and very few are even hired into the company. Those who are temps, generally wind up moving away never to be seen again.

The problem is, the Taltos Consulting Group is run by a demon who feeds off of greed and money lust. All who work for the group signs their soul away to ensure their benefits; wealth, health, longevity and the safety of family and friends.

Temps are usually killed and a replacement is sent out to 'leave life behind'. Anyone who talks about the group outside the firm, usually is never seen again.

Next up ...
Paradox Communications


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Paradox Communications

can I just say that I love this idea... here's my contribution...


Paradox Communications (better known to the public as ParaComm) started out as a small telephone, cabling and networking company. Over a period of several years, the company’s ambitious director, Alex Parodyn steered Paradox towards corporate success. It is now a major supplier and outfitter of communications and IT equipment for government agencies and major private sector interests across the country and is the national leader in the industry.

However Paradox Communications has a darker side. Every piece of hardware and every metre of cable installed by the company is modified so that it can be monitored ParaComm. Parodyn has a well-screened team of operators that work around the clock examining, recording and sifting through telephone conversations, emails and databases from their unsuspecting clients. Through his network, Alex Parodyn and Paradox Communications have become major players in the black market information trade. Secrets gained are usually sold to the highest bidder and in some instances, ParaComm will even eavesdrop on specific individuals on requests (for an appropriate fee).

Unfortunately, Alex Parodyn has become increasing paranoid of late and will not allow Paradox agents to conduct business using any sort of electronic communication device for deals involving the sale of information. He maintains a team of trusted representatives who act as the company’s contacts to negotiate prices with prospective (or existing) clients.

and now... Blackland Security Services


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Blackland Security Services

Blackland Security Services

Between the kingdoms of Caberland and Danendale, lies the Blacklands: a wasteland of the darkest variety. It is incredibly dangerous and almost uninhabitable as far as most demihuman races are concerned. However, most will agree that travelling between the two kingdoms is necessary.

Luckily, the dwindiling race known as the Krylylkyn seem to be immune to the natural dangers of the Blacklands and they are skilled enough to combat or avoid any beasts they come across. For a price, their "Blackland Security Service" will provide one or more guides through the dangerous territory.

There are some who doubt the integrity of this organization though. Combat experts in particular have noted that fights with the beasts don't "feel" right and some elders from the two kingdoms recall a time before the Krylylkyn, when the Blacklands was host to, at worst, peacful tribal folk. Of course, those are merely the claims of some delusional, senile old men and women. They obviously don't remember things correctly, or so the Krylylkyn leader, a tall, imposing woodsman named Rydyk claims.


Next Up: The Cardinal Coalition !

Bob Mackenzie

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The Cardinal Coalition

The Cardinal Coalition

The Church spans the known world, supporting the weak and needy and doing acts of charity. It has millions of worshippers, it has influence but no real power.

Many take the charity it offers but offer little deference in return. Powerful men pay lip service to the views of the church but don't support it enthusiastically. World leaders listen politely to its views but then do as they wish. Some think the Church does not get enough respect.

Within the Church are a group that think that enough is enough. An organisation of millions of souls should be IMPORTANT. After all if the chruch had real power it could do more good for people. If the means to achieve this aim are less than savoury the ultimate aims are laudible so then ends justify the means.

In some lands the faithful have been called out in massed strikes until buisness men agree to pay a tythe to the Church. Those most vociferously resisting the tythe and the strikes have died in accidents. Sometimes those investigating the "accidents" have also died in mysterious ways. In other countries politicians who don't attend church regularly, or who don't listen to the clergy hard enough have also had accidents, their offices have mysteriously burned down or compromising documents have reached the "wrong" people.

The people running this "Adjustment in Church Affairs" don't have a name for themselves, indeed very few are Cardinals. Those that oppose or fear them call them the Cardinal Coalition.

How much of the new tythes finds its way back to the needy?
Can the great and the good in the church heirarchy fight back against the "few bad apples"?
Will the new found militancy provoke a backlash, a pogrom?

The church is in virtual civil war, the shadowy Cardinal Coalition attacking the good Church like a cancer from within



Next up

The Library of Delusional Mania


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The Library of Delusional Mania

A small, unassuming door at 3341 1/2 N. Lincoln Ave. in Chicago, IL opens onto a pitch black 5ft by 5ft room. And that's it. Well, unless you close the door behind you. Then, the opposite wall slides open. Your eyes are shocked by a riot of colors and your ears ring with the beats pumping out of the floor to ceiling speakers. You've found The Library of Delusional Mania.

Run by Mark Dellinger and his longtime girlfriend Abbey Dawson, The Library of Delusional Mania is a hideout, of sorts. The scenesters, the hipsters, the artists, the poets--these are the people who stop by The Library of Delusional Mania for a drink. If someone wanted to find out anything going on in any of the various sub-cultures of the city, The Library of Delusional Mania is the place to go.

In addition, the house band at The Library of Delusional Mania, Wunderkind, fronted by Mark's little brother Alex Dellinger, is the next big thing. And they have been for the last three years. The only problem is, they only seem interested in playing at The Library of Delusional Mania. AR guys come out every once and a while now to try a new tactic to get Wunderkind to sign a contract and get into a studio. But Alex always kindly refuses. The music industry is big and powerful, though, and eventually, they'll find a way to get what they want. Wunderkind could always find a new singer.

Next Up:
Octogon Publishing


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Octogon Publishing

One of the highest ranking publishing businesses in the world, it is run by Miss Sarah Ferris. She takes pride in the Octogon Publishing name as it has been passed down from generation to generation. They do everything from employ authors to buy books, movie scripts and other things. She says their mottoo is 'Knowledge is in the mind of tomorrow's youth.'

How right she is. Octogon Publishing's small secret is the fact the books they publish tend to project subliminal messages into those who read the books or greeting cards. Movie scripts are far more insideous because the diretor makes sure the subliminal message gets across in the movie.

Next up ... Sunburst Enterprises

Bob Mackenzie

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Sunburst Enterprises

Ladies and Gentlemen

Having trouble removing troublesome aliens from your galaxy?

Finding it difficult to get a decisive breakthrough in your eons long war of vengeance?

Is a fleet of Death Stars just not enough firepower?

Sunburst Enterprises can help

For the small fee of just 1000 mega-sacrifices we'll put our state-of-the-art, shiny chromium, gamma emmiting death machine in orbit around your worst enemy's sun. In just three hours we'll trigger a supernova that will blot out an entire solar system and all your worries will be over.

To contact us just consult your local copy of the Necrominicon

Sunburst Enterprises is part of the the Rent-o-kill group




Next up

The Particular Service Squadron


A suffusion of yellow
The Particular Service Squadron

The Particular Service Squadron

The Particular Service Squadron is a catering firm hired out by Secret societies, Transdimensional megacorporations and certain other Extra-governmental agencies to organise dinner parties and procure approapriate gourmet dishes and entertainment for the more unusal palette.

Some of their more interesting dishes include 'Fillet of Leviathan', 'the Souls of 13 Virgins', and 'Pickled Zombie (choice of human or Elf flavours)'.

The firm is managed by a Ghoul named Typhoid Mary, and is owned by a conglomerate of Predators, Ex-Special Operatives, and retired Adventurers. Head quarters: Third Level the Abyss

next: The Violet Underground ;)

Voidrunner's Codex

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