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Guardians -Welcome to the Wild Wild West


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Welcome to the Wild Wild West-

Avalon, 3/31/2120 - 1201 army time

You sit in a large circular room at a large circular desk that has twelve evenly spaced chairs. There are monitors and terminals surrounding the out side of the table and a large 3-D image projector in the center of the table. Eleven of those seats are filled with peoples of various sizes, shapes, and ages. At the head of the table an African American dressed in standard army fatigues leans over the table and smiles at all of you.

“I am Lt. Col. Marcus Savage, the commanding officer of the newest addition to the N.A.A. military service. I trust your move to Avalon has gone well. I want to lay down a couple things here and then do some introductions.

Firstly, this building North Shore is the only building the Guardians have. The Wildcats control this base first and foremost. Most of you have no military training but got officer rank anyway. Don’t boss any of the soldiers on this base around.

Secondly, we are on a strict schedule for the next week. We are supposed to be prepared for field demonstrations for President Redtree and his staff by next Sunday. That Sunday the 7th of April we are officially unveiled.

We will be commencing with a quick training exercise right after this meeting. Your trainer, Major Caldwell, will be supervising and testing all of your abilities so he can set up your regimens tomorrow. After that, the rest of the day is up to you. We start at 0600 tomorrow morning.

Now, for introductions, please stand and tell us your name and your mutation.”

Lt. Col. Savage looks to the girl seated at his right hand “Why don’t you start.”

A very petite Mexican girl dressed in a loose fitting shirt and what looks to be her big brothers mesh shorts stands and in a little voice says “Hi! Um…my names Sándra and I can turn into a big gold colored thing.” She smiles and sits.

OOC: Going in order around the table Banajx, Lightspeed, Karma, Longhorn, Carbon, Tornado, Pheonix, Leprechaun, Verbena. I apologize for the confusion. Please just post when you get a chance, don't worry about order.
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Super Girl

First Post
Karma, 4/4, 0 S/ 0 L, Absorbtion +8

Lucy's eyes flash at mention of the time their exercises would be starting, 6AM is just way too early, with getting ready and everything I'll need to be up by like 5, and there are nights I don't even comehome til 5, she thinks to herself. How did I get myself into this mess? I'm a mutant, thats how, I guess I better get used to all this stuff, at least I look good in these colors, the girl thinks whimsically.

After Sandra seats herself, a beautiful young woman wearing a pair of slacks and a halter top in a fashionable take on military camoflauge stands and smiles her eyes roving the group to make them all feel like they are the reason for the smile. "Hello everyone, I'm pleased to meet you, I'm Lucy White Feather," she says giving a wink, "yes, that Lucy White Feather, I hope you guys aren't too put off by the movie, I'm really not that bad. My power, if you want to call it that, is kind of like that old proverb, 'what goes around comes around'. If someone does something to me, they're the one that gets hurt, not me." the raven haired girl says, her smile fading a touch before it intensifies and takes everyone in again, turning on the charm. "I'm really looking forward to getting to know all of you, so I think we should have a party to get to know each other, what do you think guys all think?" she asks grinning.

OOC: yes, I know that she is probably speaking out of turn, but, military regualtions are like just ever so boring :p , Taking 10 on a diplomacy check to improve people's attitudes and opinions of her and the group +25 diplomacy.
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First Post
Lightspeed, 4/4, 0 S/ 0 L

Chris sits there observing the others at the table, and not saying much - though when Karma broaches the idea of a party he grins slightly, glancing at Savage. 'Now, somehow I get the feeling Marcus might not be happy about that idea. The last thing the N.A.A. wants is its swish new super team getting hammered and smashing up a bar somewhere!'

When it's his turn to speak, Chris gets to his feet in an easy manner. Everything about the good-looking 24-year old seems laid back, from his relaxed shirt and slacks to his lazy smile. He doesn't wear any jewellery, though he has an expensive-looking leather jacket slung over his chair and his clothing, while tastefully understated, doesn't look cheap. His demeanour would lead you to expect a certain scruffiness, but he's clean-shaven, and his hair is neat. He stands quietly for a moment, eyes twinkling as he looks over the other Guardians, hands stuck in his pockets. "Hey there. My name's Chris, and I move really fast. So the next time you want proper authentic Chinese take-out.." He trails off, leaving a shrug and an impish grin to end his sentence for him. Then he sits down again, still smiling and looking like he has all the time in the world.

OOC: I think Calinon's suggestion in the ooc thread's a good one, so I'm going to post now rather than later. Hope that's ok.
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Argent Silvermage

First Post
Tornado, 4/4

Tornado waits his turn. When he stands up you all see an man who's comfortable in front of others. His face is weathered but still young looking and he sports mutton chops and long wavy brown hair. bushy brown eyebrows almost overshadow his warm brown eyes.
his uniform includes a neckerchief and a Stetson cowboy hat.
"Howdy Yall. Ahm Travis. Please call me Tornado. Ahm a livin' Tornado."


First Post
"Well, whatcha know; another texan," Linda says, tipping her own, well worn cowboy hat up a bit. Climbing to her feet, you see she's dressed in comfortable jeans, a button up 'cowboy' shirt, a belt with a rather significant Texas-shaped belt buckel, and from the click of her feet, a pair of cowboy boots. She has no rings or earrings on, no make-up, her brown hair pulled into a ponytail in the back and a natural smile on her face.

"I'm Linda Johnson, folks," she introduces herself. "You can call me Linda, or you can call me by my callsign, Longhorn. I'm a military pilot, driver and mechanic; your friendly neighbourhood grease monkey," she says cheerfully. "Ya need somethin' fixed, I can probly fix it.

"As for powers, I can't run fast, I aint a human tornado and hitting me aint gonna hurt ya. But I can guar-onn-tee, me hittin' you will hurt. See, I have some nifty energy in me"
she says with a broad smile, bringing a pink glowing energy up around her hands. A similar glow eminates from beneath the table, and quickly, a pair of pink horns extend from her temples. A nearly transparent field of energy surrounds her body like a second skin. "I can channel energy into every punch I land; I can even use it ta blast things at a fair distance. And this second skin of mine, well, it'll knock aside any punch or anything blasted at me, so long as it aint too much for me to lift. And uh, these," she says pointing at her horns, her smile broadening. "My callsign."

"Now, I don't know about goin' out ta party, and somethin' tells me we got a bit of braggin' going on about stampedin' to China and back without restin'," she says with a little bit of a wink at Chris, "but a barbeque," she says. "Now that I could go for. And, Lucy," Linda says with a friendly smile, "If... naw, and when these base boys start being obscene and lude to ya because of that film of yours, you let me know. I can guarantee ya it'll only happen to ya once. Uh... ya didn't hear that, sir," she adds to Colonel Savage without her smile fading.
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I aim to misbehave
Brandon Laine (Phoenix) 4/4 0/S 0/L Armor +8

Brandon leaned back, relaxed, listening to the others as they introduced themselves. He sported a California University red and yellow sweat shirt and pants, comfortable shoes and ballcap (on backwards). A silvery metal skin seemed to peek from beneath the neck of his sweatshirt. Black sunglasses covered his eyes, and curly blond hair leaked from beneath the cap . . . added to the deep tan . . . it made Brandon look very much like a surfer or beach bum.

When it was him turn, he stood, clearing his throat, and spoke much more eloquently than his appearance might have given. “Good afternoon, everyone. My name’s Brandon Laine, codename Phoenix. My most important mutation appears to be the ability to control and interact with fire. Flying, blasting, absorbing are all some of the abilities I possess. It seems if I absorb enough fire, I have a healing touch. Good agility and regenerative powers are additional mutations.”

Brandon paused for a few seconds . . . internally struggling with whether he should continue or not. Coming to a decision, he removed his sunglasses, revealing twin orbs of fire, burning . . . shaped like his eyes and where his eyes would be. Brandon added, “My final mutation is currently controlled by . . . ,” pulling his sweatshirt down at the neck to show everyone . . . reluctantly, “this armor . . . though I am striving to control it on my own. It’s an aura of fire that surrounds me all the time . . . whether I want it or not.”

Brandon smiled and nodded his head slightly, putting his glasses back on, “Good to meet everyone here . . . .” and sat back down.


Carbon, 4/4, 0S/0L, 0

Kevin nervously stands up from his seat to address everyone in the room. He's wearing a royal blue button-down short-sleeve shirt and black jeans. He looks a bit uncomfortable in the clothes, almost implying that what he's wearing isn't something he would normally wear. He goes to speak and pauses. He scratches the back of his head. He goes to speak and pauses again. He thrusts both hands into his pockets and lets out a gasp of air like he's been holding a mouthful of the stuff. Finally, he speaks up.

"Hi, um, my name is Kevin Bergman." His left hand quickly shoots out of his pocket and back in, giving everyone a very brief wave. "I call myself Carbon because I can become another person. I look like that person and can do everything that person can do. Well almost everything... So, I'll probably be asking if it's okay for me to copy you from time to time, if that's okay with you all."

Kevin stands awkwardly for a moment, as if waiting for someone to ask a question or two, then abruptly sits down.


First Post
Introductions concluded

A short fairly thin asian man stands "My name's Mason and I can kinda control electric fields but I also have a fairly expansive home grown aresenal to play with." A short nod and his eyes drift back to the beautiful Lucy's...face.

The next to last feller to speak jumps up on the table out of his seat. A well kept goatee and a mess of curly red hair tops off all 3'2" of the 9th member of the team. Wearing some jeans and a T-shirt his crooked smile Immediately sets you at ease "My name's Steve and this is my sister Lindsey." At the mention of his sister you all seem to realize that there is someone sitting in the 10th seat. A brown haired girl at a little over six feet sits quietly; hands folded, shoulders slumped, and the classic one eye covered by the hair. When her name gets mentioned she pushes her hair out of her eyes slightly and with a shy smile gives a little wave. "We're from Nova Scotia and as you can see, I am a little short and can control the probability of situations. That makes me a statician's nightmare. Hey, everybody should be able to scare sombody." That crooked smile comes flashing back. "Linds here can play with people's brains. She doesn't even wear gloves...eww."

A soft "Hi" tingles in your brain as if someone whispered something in your ear. The voice is distinctly feminine.

After his introductions, Steve hops back down to his chair and leans back still standing. He couldn't see over the table sitting.

Lt. Col. Savage looks at each of your faces before breaking into a wolfish smile. "There, now we know each other. Couple things I would like to point out. Some of you are only known by your call signs. If you want to keep it that way be sure to let us know. Minerva will be up and running tomorrow and you can just let her know then. Minerva is our computer system. She is a lady, treat her like one." Without raising his voice you all get the feeling that Savage's wrath should be avoided at all costs. "No booze on the base and if you are under 21 don't get caught drinking. The veranda is open for a cook out. We can get the grub while you kids get to play together. Major Caldwell is waiting for you so follow me."

Lt. Col. Savage leads you out the double doors from the meeting room and down the left path of the T intersection. After a slight bend to the right a large room filled with black pods and wires stands before you.

"Boys on the left, girls on the right. You have a locker with your name on it. Suit up in the black and silver suits." You can see that there are two doors some 15 feet before the 'pod' room. One is marked men, the other is marked ladies.
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Super Girl

First Post
Karma, 4/4, 0 S/ 0 L, Karmic Counter Attack +8

Lucy's eyes rove over her 'companions' as they step forward to introduce themselves, and she gives a slight nod of approval, at Chris'es clothes, at least he had taste, the whole cowboy thing, when it was an actual style instead of being retro was like so 20th century, and don't get her started on the sweats. Linda sounds kinda cool, and her powers look pretty cool, hopefully everyone else just has stage fright or something, I mean, this seems like such a dead bunch, Chris and Linda seem lively, but the others... the girls line of thought trailed off abrubtly trails off when the Texan girl makes her offer of helping to deal with any rowdy soldiers who were making pains of themselves.

"I think I can deal with a few horny fans, but thanks for the offer Linda." the starlet offers the military woman with a grin. When Lucy feels the touch of Lindsey's mind on hers and 'feels' the girls 'voice' she shudders softly, not really liking the thought of someone else being in her head, it was like so not cool, privacy much, she thought to to herself. She does give the siblings a dazzling smile, but its just reflex.

Lucy makes a face at the no drinking rule, it was stupid, so long as she didn't get sloshed and make a scandal it shouldn't matter, and there was nothing wrong with drinking a little wine. The girl strides along beside the Colonel until they get to the locker rooms. When she finally gets a look at the uniforms, she winces, "The fasion police are soo going to be coming for us." sighing, she quickly removes her pants and halther top, revealing a lithe, slightly muscled figure, still very toned from prepping for her movie role. She slips the uniform on, and waits for the other girls before heading back outside to the Pod Room wishing she had worn a sports bra for support.
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Argent Silvermage

First Post
Tornado, 4/4

Travis suits up and looks over the equipment he has available. "Couple o these throwin' stars 'll do me just fine." he says putting them in the wrist "holsters" the tech boys had thought up (used for his whirlwind attack).
"So tell me? Any o you boys been in a fight before?" he says to the men as they suit up.

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