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Gwendolynn Von Holden's Diary: Can't a girl get some sleep around here?


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What a time we're having. First the little whiner comes down for breakfast in a huff. I could swear she was staring daggers at me. It's not like I stole her book or tore the pages. Then she barely touched breakfast. I had to convince the tavern keeper that the food was O.K. just the little missus was a little under the weather.

Then SHE decides that we ought to poke our noses around and ask questions. Who died and made her the boss. Snippy little thing wouldn't even give me a kiss on the cheek for everyone could see. What kind of "wife" won't give her husband a peck on the cheek. She's a lousy actress, probably should stay away from theater work.

OH, let's go look at land she says. Alright, it's probably the sane thing to do around here if we're gonna pretend to fit in...... Well what do you know. The kid has some talent. I ain't sure I liked her talking in my head. It worked ,but how would you shut her up later when she was mad at you. She ain't talking but you're hearing loud and clear. Whatever she done to Derek worked and we got answers. They weren't good answers but at least we know what we're facing. Some damnedable cult mess.

Headed back to town. We'll tell the others what we got when we see them. Our buddy Derek wants to buy us a drink. Probably to soften up a potential sale he's thinking. What in the hell is Miss Prissy Pants thinking??? She's just gonna wander upstairs with Derek to talk business?? I don't think so. Besides it wouldn't look appropriate. I nudge Aaron in the ribs and we follow them upstairs. Let's get this over with and go find the others.

Certainly not a very stylish room. The wine is probably cheap stuff he brews in his barn. I beg off on having any, Breakfast must not have set right I says. The kid gives me a look to say "See what I can do. I'm having a drink. I'm grown up enough to do what I want". Sure kid, whatever.

What the hell just happened. The kid's collapsing from 1 glass of wine. Aaron ain't looking good either. The little con artist drugged the wine. He was gonna steal our money. What's going on. The walls opening up. Our 'buddy' has friends. WHOA, they're ugly and mean. I yell at Aaron to get up and fight but he's looking confused. I can make it out the door and get help but that means leaving the squirt and the cleric. I don't abandon friends. If I can just hold them off and yell for help we might make it.

I can't move!!!. Some big ugly and some lady are coming out of the wall opening. This ain't gonna be good. She does something in the air near me. I'm passing out. I failed to protect the kid. I'm sorry Gwen, I tried to warn you about this trip. Hope the gods take your soul to a real nice place, You weren't that bad to know.

Oh God, it hurts to move. I'm either dead or wishing I was. We're in some cage in a dark dungeon looking place. I've been cut up a little but at least the bloods quit flowing. The kid and Aaron are here too. They're already awake and they look to be in better shape than I am. Dirty buggers must of took some cheap shots after I was out cold. Some cute little girl in another cage next to ours. A little dirty and scruffy looking but the look in her eyes says she ain't buying what this groups selling. A real wildcat if I ever seen one. She'd spit in your eye as she was clawing it out. Maybe we can get her to talk and find out where we are and what's going on. My gears gone but we're alive so there's some hope.

The rest of the group should realize we're missing and start looking for us. How long has it been? Where are we? Who is our gracious host or hostess? I'm gonna slit that jerks throat if I ever see him again. GWen don't seem to be having much luck getting the kid to talk. She just looks at us like it's our fault she's here. "Hey kid, we're in the same mess". Damn, I shouldn't have yelled like that. I think I pulled something near the cut in my side. Hey I think that's our gear over near that far wall. MIght as well be in the next town for all the good it's doing now. I need to rest. Maybe Gwen and Aaron can come up with something.

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This is really good, i hope i can find it again next time i wanna read something *keeps forgetting thread names* >.>

I really like the Diary storytelling style and Gwyn would make a good anime heroine, she kinda reminds me of the scrapped princess...not as bratty though.

Keep up the good work.



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Orlane, In Prison after talking to girl

Hey, thanks! I am not familiar with the scrapped princess. I will have to look it up!

*Shudder* Poor girl. Found out we are at the bottom of the Temple of Merrilee. She has to watch the head priest carve statues of Explicticus. Says he drools all over them while he carves them. Sounds like he might hit the girl or something. Don't really understand, but feel very sorry for her. I think she's the same age as me. Must figure out how to get out of here.


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Orlane in prison after planning

Told Aaron and Korliss that I thought we could bluff our way out. Told them about my new power that makes people think they’re dead. They thought it might be useful, but we still had to wait for someone to come talk to us. I decided to hurry that up. I scanned nearby for mental presence and discovered somebody directly above us.

Let us free or I will kill you with my mind, I demanded.

Who are you? A voice thought back to me.

The woman you poisoned. Let me out now or you will die.

Heard scuffling above and smiled smugly. Never threatened someone’s life before. Told Aaron and Korliss someone was coming for us. Enjoyed the confused looks on their faces. Have they forgotten so soon that I have telepathy?


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Orlane after breaking out

My plan worked! Well almost worked. Okay, part of it worked. Priestess came down to see us accompanied by a man in chainmail with snake tattoos all over his arms.

“What do you mean you can kill me with your mind?”

“I’ll demonstrate on your guard, but I won’t quite kill him.” Purple light surrounded the guard’s head. Panic flicked across his eyes and he pushed one of the snake tattoos. The tattoo disappeared, and he looked up at me in confusion. Well, since he actually did something he realized that he wasn’t almost dead, which is how the spell works. It’s just to trick people into thinking they’re dead until they do something. Wonder what the tattoo was all about. Anyway, I quickly charmed him and asked him to give me the keys to the cell. He was very cooperative and I got the keys before the priestess had him under a hold spell. Korliss unlocked us and he and Aaron fought with the priestess. I’m not sure what they were doing. The charm spell was broken and the guard shot mental daggers at me. Mental Daggers! They were these ghost type daggers that flew out of his head and into my head. Oooooooow!!! I thought my brain had been severed.

Aaron and Korliss locked the priestess in the cell. At the same time, the hold spell wore off of the guard, and he ran out of the room. We chased after him, but it was like a maze down there. Eventually we ran out into the sanctuary and found that the rest of our group had been fighting the head priest. The guy we had been chasing apparently had run out of the sanctuary and made an 11 foot jump over the wall outside. What a mess it was up there. The head priest was dead, but I guess not dead enough for the prisoner we had been talking to. When Korliss let her out, she ran up and started stabbing the corpse over and over. She’s gone now and Korliss is yelling at me to quit writing cause we’re leaving.


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It would be nice if Falon, Chani, or Ardel posted here what happened up in the sanctuary. All I know is they were almost killed by a guard dog. I was not present when that played out, but everyone always makes jokes about it. So please speak up! If not, maybe BSF will be kind enough to fill everyone in. :)


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Orlane, Day 2, Ramni’s House

Number of townspeople after us: 50 at least; Number of fields on fire: 1 but growing fast

Crazy, charmed townspeople all running after us! The constable and his buddies were leading them with torches. We saw them as we left the walls of the temple and ran as fast as we could in the other direction. Crazy, charmed townspeople with torches can run surprisingly fast. We didn’t want to kill all of them, since we’re here to save them somehow. Falon flippantly suggested he could light the field on fire that we were running through, and Korliss said, “Do it.” After quick discussion, decided that distracting them with field on fire that they would have to put out would be best getaway. Falon’s hands glowed with fire. Much more impressive than own finger of fire. The crops seemed a little dry and we were amazed at how quickly the fire spread.

Ran all the way to the old wizard’s house who had wanted to see us. Not sure he wanted to see us anymore. Slightly disgruntled that we had set his town on fire. His name is Ramni, and he is thin, old and limps. Before he got too angry over the campfire in the middle of the farm field, I explained all about the snake thing charming the people of the town to use as slaves and sell their farms for money. He thought she sounded like this creature called a naga. He decided to let us stay the night and is going to accompany us in the morning to hunt her down. Completely exhausted from day’s events. Marriage is harder than I thought it would be.


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Impassable Forest (again) Day 1

Like traveling with Ramni. He can make magical hut appear that not only gives us shelter, but protects us from wandering monsters. Must buy one of these someday. Ramni carries a big stick but won’t tell me what it is. All he’ll say is that it’s for emergencies only. I think it gave him his limp. Hope Derek gave the right directions to the naga lair while he was charmed.


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Impassable Forest Day 8

Think we have found naga lair. Came to big hill with a lizard man hanging from a noose at the top of it. Korliss checked it out and found a heavily guarded front entrance and an unguarded back entrance through a swamp. Not really looking forward to getting muck all over me, but maybe that’s the worst that will happen.


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Inside Naga’s Lair Day 1

Crossbow bolts used: 10 or so; Powers used: 1; Powers used on own party: 1 Must find more offensive spells but slightly scared too.

Ugh. Muck NOT worst of problems. Entrance appeared to be unguarded but in reality was guarded by an ENORMOUS crocodile. Found a few regular sized crocodiles at the beginning, which Ardel pretty much hacked into with no problem. Then Falon ran ahead and narrowly missed being breakfast for a crocodile that can’t possibly exist. I mean, what does it eat all the time? Ternell came running in next and he was grabbed up by the crocodile. I was firing my bolts as fast as I could along with everyone else trying to cut into it. Fiery bolts flew out of Ramni’s fingers and the croc finally died. I thought Ternell had died too, but Aaraon was able to stabilize the blood loss, and it looks like he’ll live.

After we caught our breath, and got Ternell situated to be carried, we went looking for a place to settle into. We found some old cells that looked like they hadn’t been used for awhile. Most of us thought it would be a good place to hide out, but Chani didn’t see it that way. She wanted to stay outside where who knows what would eat her and then come looking for us. Most of us thought it would be best to all remain together so that we could stay hidden.

“No!” Chani yelled. “I’m not staying down here. We could get trapped.”

“We could get eaten or discovered out there,” I said. “We need to stay together as a group. Even Korliss has been persuaded.”

“I’m leaving,” said Chani.

“Be reasonable,” I said. As I watched Chani leaving, I felt power and anger burning inside me. With little thought and mostly emotion, I watched Chani’s head glow purple and told her that she must stay here.

Chani whipped around, walked slowly toward me, and stood with her face almost touching mine. “Don’t ever try to charm me again.” She said. “I’m leaving.” She turned around again, but Ardel picked her up before she made it to the door. Chani pulled out a knife and swung at him, but missed. He threw her in one of the cells and said, “We’re staying together.”

Oh gods. Group falling apart because I lost control and tried to charm Chani. Maybe my village was right. Maybe I am evil.

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