Kickstarter HârnWorld: Kingdom of Orbaal Hardback Launched

James Eisert


HârnWorld: Kingdom of Orbaal Hardback Launched


Orbaal, a fractious kingdom in Hârn’s wild north, is a land of mountains and fjords. A land where the rebellious Jarin, beaten but not broken, chafe under the rule of Ivinian viking warriors. Around 8,000 Ivinian conquerors hold almost all of the kingdom’s fortresses and rule over 65,000 Jarin. A major rebellion erupted less than 20 years ago and considerable tension still smolders between the two cultures, encouraged by an active but disorganized Jarin resistance.

130+ pages of detailed, full-color, medieval fantasy setting!

The Orbaal hardcover book also contains the highly detailed
Geldeheim Castle, Leriel Castle, Lorkin Castle and the ancient burial ground Gedan!

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