Patreon Halo Zix Presents: Splicer Gears: Shards of Chimerix

Art Waring
Greetings! My name is Art Waring, lead artist and creative director at Halo Zix, with 24 years experience as a street artist, typographer, and a graphics designer. Together with the Nomadz Crew UK and Halo Zix we are working to create innovative independent projects including ttrpgs, street art, streetwear, vinyl art, & custom clothing.

Our current ttrpg project "Splicer Gears: Shards of Chimerix" has been in development for years, and it is nearing completion as we work with other artists to develop the look of the project further before we are ready to publish.

Join us on our journey as we create new adventures into the posthuman experience from an art-punk perspective. We have set up a Patreon page for early access to the concept art, character sheets, game mechanics, and a behind-the-scenes look into the production of a modern but crunchy artpunk/ biopunk ttrpg with old school roots in game design.

-What Is Splicer Gears: Shards of Chimerix?: Players take on the role of Shard Seekers, grim explorers who delve deep into abandoned dungeons and forsaken regions of the sprawling city in search of coveted Chimerix Shards.

Shard Seekers are individuals who have signed away their humanity to the Mundus Guild for a taste of true power. Seekers fight using powers awakened within by the shards, implanted to unlock each individuals hidden potential.

Seekers form crews, fighting to survive the mean streets of the city while trying to earn enough scratch to pay off their debt to the guild before their time runs out. Crews take scores, trying to stash away enough loot to retire or ascend into cathood. It is never enough, not until you have made it into Mundus High Society or out of the city itself, away from the bioware hell that steadily crawls its way up from the depths.

You have been allotted thirteen days until your debt is called in as stated in your guild contract. Welcome to Onys Mundus.

-What Is the Games Design Approach?: The game is designed for survival-punk or survival-horror games, with characters facing a limited time frame, an oppressive guild system of control, an increasingly dangerous power system, and the hazards of the city itself. The players may succeed in small acts of rebellion against the guild at a local level, but the power of the guild is truly greater than any force the players could hope to grasp.

What stories will emerge? What did your character do to survive their thirteen days? We can't wait to hear from you how your game went!

We designed the game to tell gritty and evocative tales of survival in a "living dungeon" in an urban environment, while including improved social mechanics tied to a characters personality. Emergent storytelling, mutant powers, advanced implants and bioware, new monsters and a unique setting to use in your games!

The Splicer Gears Engine is a heavily modified D20-Fork designed and re-designed to accommodate a variety of play-states, including standard games (guild debt clocks), hardcore mode (start with barebones & harder gameplay), Solo Games (Oracles & Random Tables), Classless games for gritty "The Boys" like campaigns, & of course an entire game dedicated to awakened powers (ranging from mutations & mutant powers to psionics).
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Art Waring
I updated my free blog here, including the entire Awakened Powers preview list for my upcoming ttrpg Splicer Gears. This should give you a good idea of the amount of work I have done on creating an exhaustive list of tiered superpowers (featuring 40 power categories and over 400 individual powers).

While I am currently busy making additional art & doing the layout, I post all my art updates directly to patreon for my supporters, and I will try to update my free blog as I am able to.

Voidrunner's Codex

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