Harqual: Year of the Return [749 N.C.]

Week Twenty-Five

22. Moonsday
Two of the Ilasi scouts, sent to warn the Queen and rest of the Monarchy, are captured and executed by the tabaxi. The third scout, Jonah Wilde, barely evades capture.
Lord Harian of Yuln visits the Kha of Tschaja and is given the clan name Dewanelii, or Tallfellow. Harian and Auwk-wa spend all day and night speaking in private – learning as much about each other’s culture as possible before Harian must return to Yuln in the morning.
Outside the City of Fear, Randolph Baer falls unconscious after ten solid days of praying, on his knees, without food or water. The city’s citizens bring the exhausted man into their city just as the sun sets over the horizon.

23. Earthday
Outside of Ilasi, the attacking army digs in and waits for reinforcements. The city is cut off by land but still has access to the sea.
In Javeldos, the Imperium Army arrives at the border near the Aphrel Woods. They enter the forest but are ambushed by the Aphranaen. Unfortunately, the elves are pushed back by the shear number of Imperium troops. By days end the elves have been forced out of the western side of the forest and over the Kun River. The Aphranaen take refugee in Tutras Keep or in the eastern side of the forest.
In Tschaja, Lord Harian appoints Oswald permanently to Tschaja and informs Auwk-wa that he would be honored if the Kha would visit Yuln at some later point. Auwk-wa agrees to visit this human city as soon as his people are settled.
In the Far South, the merchant ship Gem of the South arrives back in Xcellian. The merchants and soldiers inform Lord Carrin of his vizier’s strange behavior. The merchants, true to their threat, put forth a motion to have Randolph Baer removed from his position as vizier, demanding that his home and trading house be seized as punishment for interfering with the tenets of the Commerce Doctorate. Lord Carrin agrees that such action will be taken if word doesn’t come from his vizier within a month. Until then no other trading action will be taken towards the City of Fear.

24. Fireday
In Javeldos, the Imperials attack on two fronts -– Tutras Keep and across the river into the eastern Aphrel Woods. The keep falls quickly and the survivors head for Zirik. The Imperials meet strong resistance in the eastern woods, however, due to the garrisons from Zirik and Calaerik fighting alongside the elves of Javeldos. The Imperium General, Kaarl Underbakke, makes the mistake of thinking that the elves of Silverleaf have come to the newcomers’ aid. He sends a rider back to Yösydän to inform the Emperor of the elven involvement in the campaign against the newcomers. The day ends with Imperium soldiers controlling the western half of the Aphrel Woods and Tutras Keep.

25. Seaday
Jonah Wilde arrives at Avion. His horse falls dead from exhaustion. He is immediately taken to see Lady Felicia. He warns her of the approaching army and it’s obvious intent to lay siege to the city of Avion. The Queen prepares her city for war, sending out more rangers and scouts to patrol the Monarchy and protect its populace from the approaching horde.
In Javeldos, the garrisons from Calaerik, Zirik, and Ridere Castle retake Tutras Keep and the bridge that crosses the Kun River. General Underbakke waits for word from his Emperor before counterstriking.

26. Windday
The first Javeldian envoy reaches the city of Quara where they are told to go on to Capital City of Stein and petition the Baroness. The riders immediately move on to Stein.

27. Starday
The Anthmoor legion sent to Hutmallia is attacked by a large patrol of tabaxi warriors. Losses are minimum.
The Javeldian envoys reach Stein and receive a chilly reception from Baroness Catalina Maddalena. "I don’t know you people and will not break my treaty with the Empire of Swords unless they threaten the Jovian Alliance.”

The Javeldians are told to leave and not come back. Enraged, the envoy heads for home. "Is this land full of nothing but tyrants and dictators!”

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Week Twenty-Six

28. Moonsday
Outside of Ilasi, the attacking army is bolstered by additional reinforcements. Several members of Cronn’s Pride are killed while defending the city. Siegfried Allowood is now the de facto ruler of the city and everyone looks to him for leadership.

29. Earthday
Event: Temperatures sore across all of Harqual. Temperatures rise as high as 30° Celsius (86° Fahrenheit) during the day and as high as 22° Celsius (77° Fahrenheit) during the night, anywhere south of the Greystone Mountains and north of the Great Expanse. The Great Expanse is usually 5 to 10° warmer during the day and 10 to 15° colder during the night. Temperatures in the Far South are anywhere from 3 to 5° higher in the day and 4 to 7° higher during the night.

These temperature ranges last until near the end of the Month of Hela. After that, temperatures decrease to more comfortable levels.
The Anthmoor legion arrives at Hutmallia and is greeted with both relief and uneasiness. Once the city’s rulers learn of the deal struck by their riders, they wonder if it would have been better to be conquered by the tabaxi again.

30. Fireday
In the city of Avion, the soldiers manning the walls can now clearly see the approaching army coming up the coast. Smoke billows, over the treetops, on the horizon as the horde lays waste to the surrounding countryside and its populace. Lady Felicia sends a stand of troops to guard the Way of Eilendar, so that the tabaxi can’t use it to attack the lands to the north.

Month of Hansa
Week Twenty-Six (cont.)

1. Seaday
General Kaarl Underbakke’s messenger arrives in Yösydän and informs the Emperor of the elven involvement. Emperor Liedenpohja declares war on the Kingdom of the Silver Leaves and then also decides to attack the Kingdom of MaShir, to the northeast of the Imperium, as well. He then informs the General to take this new land at all cost.
In Quave, the Lords of the Horde finally come to a decision after a full month of debate and divination. The new city wasn’t responsible for the destruction of Adabrilia but isn’t a candidate to be an ally at the moment. The Lords decide to take a wait and see attitude towards the newcomers. If they are militant then Republic of the Thorn will likely aligned against them. If and when that happens then the Domain of the Horde will offer an alliance to the newcomers. (The Lords weren’t able to divine the city’s name but do believe it is protected by powerful magic.)

2. Windday
Outside of Avion, The tabaxi army, which arrived in the night, begins its assault on the capital city of the Monarchy. The fighting is brutal and hundreds die, on both sides, in a single day. By the end of the night, the tabaxi are entrenched around the city. No one is able to leave the city by land, although the sea is still controlled by the Monarchy. The Queen fears that, without help, the Monarchy may fall.
In Javeldos, General Underbakke charges his men over the Aphrel Bridge and lays siege to Tutras Keep for hours before eventually retaking it. Then he swiftly moves down the coast to Zirik and Calaerik, conquering them as well. He is stopped short of Ridere Castle.

Meanwhile in Yösydän, Emperor Liedenpohja sends three war galleys full of troops and members of the Black Cult of Hiisi to help occupy the lands of the interlopers. He also sends out four stands of troops to attack the silver elves of Great Forest.

3. Starday
Powerful (variant) sending spells are sent to treaty members from both Onaway and the Imperium at the same time. The sending from Onaway described the actions of the Imperium towards his fellow Javeldians and requests the desire for aid or diplomatic advice. The other sending from Yösydän declares that the silver elves of the Great Forest have broken the treaty with the Imperium and that Yösydän is declaring war on the elven kingdom and anyone else who helps the newcomers.

This causes mass confusion in every major city-state and country from the Onan Territories to the Kingdom of MaShir. The Javeldian envoy has no idea what this mad Emperor is talking about. He wasn’t even aware of any kingdom of elves.

The High One of the Kingdom of the Silver Leaves learns of the situation from an allied sorcerer in MaShir and is shocked to learn that he is supposedly supporting a country he didn’t even know existed. “These Imperial humans have obviously lost their collective minds from delusion and paranoia. My people aren’t even members of this supposed treaty and yet the Imperium insists we have violated it. I will never understand the behavior of some humans!”

Week Twenty-Seven

4. Moonsday
Powerful wizards, working together, from Onaway, Avion, and Silverleaf divine that these supposed silver elves are, in fact, also newcomers to Harqual. All agree that Emperor Liedenpohja has made a critical error in judgment and magically inform the rest of the treaty members, including the Empire of Swords.

The Emperor responds to the message with these words. “A likely story, but I think you just can’t admit the truth! Very well, I am forced to respond by ending the Empire of Swords involvement in all current treaties. I shall crush you all for this insolence!”

While the magical connection was established between Onaway and Avion, Lady Felicia Gerrard III sent a message through the connecting portal regarding the current situation in Avion. Her message is given to Lord LaMarche and he wonders how he will help the Monarchy with his resources so strained.

5. Earthday
The High One of Silverleaf agrees to send a large force of elves to the new lands in the north to assist in repelling the Imperial invaders. “If this crazy Emperor wants a fight, by Corellon’s Heart, we’ll give him one! Those elvenfolk might be newcomers but they’re a part of our elven community now and we will not stand by and let this fool threaten them!”
The reinforcements sent out from the Fortress of Thenin come upon a horrible scene as they approach the ruins. Dozens of Thenin soldiers have been gutted and eaten and worse yet, many of there former Warriors have been transformed into vile undead zombies or worse. The soldiers retreat back too Thenin, against an undead onslaught that includes their former commanders, now powerful undead warriors unaffected by attempts to rebuke or control them by the clerics of Erythnul, sent with the reinforcements.

6. Fireday
In Onaway, The Javeldian envoy magically sends word to King Khalen that a group of southern city-states and a kingdom of elves to the east have agreed to help. The King quickly spreads the good news to the citizens and the chaos of the last few months begins to ebb. The news increases morale on the front line and Zirik and Calaerik are retaken from the Imperium forces.

7. Seaday
In Onaway, Lord LaMarche sends half of his war galleys up the coast towards Javeldos and sends nearly 300 hundred men to help defend the northern lands of the Monarchy from the tabaxi. His remaining forces must stay close to home, just in case the tabaxi manage to attack Onaway and Onaco through the Ways of Stone.

In Avion, Lady Felicia sends a message through a sending spell to Lord LaMarche that she is sending 50 archers and 10 paladins to help the Javeldians, from the town of Wilon, north of Avion. It’s all she can spare, as the rest of her forces must help defend the Monarchy from the tabaxi.

8. Windday
The Jovian Alliance remains neutral regarding the conflict in Javeldos. High King Winternight of Navirosov agrees to send 50 of his best Skyriders to help defend the Javeldians against the evils of the Sword Imperium.
Outside of the city of Ilasi, the tabaxi are finding it impossible to breach the walls. Siegfried Allowood leads the soldiers, paladins, and militia on the wall, carrying the banner of the Monarchy into battle with one hand and his longsword in the other. The remaining members of Cronn’s Pride protect his back at all times. The citizens of Ilasi have renewed hope for the first time since the tabaxi fist assaulted the city.

9. Starday
In the Kingdom of the Silver Leaves, The High One notices that there isn’t any response from the forest elves of the Knotwood. This concerns him because they would never ignore such important events, even though they've isolated themselves. He sends a small patrol to check on his southern cousins.

Week Twenty-Eight

10. Moonsday
In Javeldos, the silver elves sent to help their new elven brethren arrive on the eastern border near Ralolen Castle. A select group of the Order of Light, being lead by a woman named Ishka, greets them. She explains the current situation in the west and introduces them to a war band of local elves, called the Aphranaen, who will lead them through the woods along the Erita Road while the Order will ride the road ahead to Krotras and Eberal to announce their arrival.
In the Monarchy, the Queen is desperate for help. For while the city is holding on, the troops sent from Onaway divert only a few hundred of the tabaxi forces away from Avion City.

11. Earthday
The three Imperium war galleys anchor near Calaerik helping retake the town. They leave a large force of men there to help the forces there and then continue down the coast to attack the Javeldian capital city, Eberal.

12. Fireday
In Javeldos, the silver elves arrive at Krotras and have become close to the Aphranaen along the way. The humans move on towards Eberal while the silver elves make camp just inside the forest with the Aphranaen.

In Ilasi, Siegfried Allowood leads his followers and the city’s militia through the city’s sewer system, coming out both behind and in the middle of the attacking horde. Allowood kills several key tabaxi priests and warriors. The horde of humanoids scatters, dissipating into the Storm Jungle and surrounding wilderness.

Siegfried sends 100 men to help defend Avion but knows that the remainder of his forces must stay in Ilasi just in case the tabaxi attack again.

13. Seaday
In Javeldos, the three Imperium war galleys arrive near Gialey and Sarahn and quickly overrun the populaces. The elves at Krotras move up the road to Eberal and the silver elves are convinced that these Javeldians have potential. They are quickly falling in love with the forested kingdom.

14. Windday
Day one of the siege of Eberal. Two of the Imperial warships sail up the Hael River and lay siege to Eberal in the early morning. The other lands near Itol and captures the tiny village then crosses the Bay of Itol and takes Voha and Zale by nightfall.
In the city of Eversink, several high-ranking officials are found dead, their throats slashed and the victim’s scalps taken. The local authorities are sure if tabaxi assassins are to blame or if it is simply home spun assassinations.

15. Starday
Day two of the siege of Eberal. Eberal is a city under siege and if it weren’t for the silver elves it would have fallen during the night. Word comes from outside the city that Tutras Keep, Zirik, Vanirit Keep, Ridere Castle, Calaerik, Gialey, Sarahn, Itol, Voha, and Zale have all fallen to the Imperium.
In the city of Avion, Lady Felicia rejoices at hearing the news that Ilasi has pushed back the tabaxi and that more soldiers are on their way to Avion. The news increases morale amongst the city’s defenders and they give as good as they get on this day.

Week Twenty-Nine

16. Moonsday
Day three of the siege of Eberal. Khalen’s son-in-law, Prince Consort Dann Khilman is killed when The Song of Javeldos is sunk in the Bay of Itol by the Imperial war galley, Overlord. The Princess Ahdina falls into deep despair over the death of her husband.

17. Earthday
Day four of the siege of Eberal. The Imperial army, coming from the west, reaches Eberal. The City of Eberal is now besieged by the Imperium by both land and by sea. The Imperium army captures Krotras.

18. Fireday
Day five of the siege of Eberal. The Onan war galleys arrive at Ralolen Castle just in time to intercept the Overlord. The Onan galleys sink her without mercy then move on to try and break the siege at Eberal.

19. Seaday
Day six of the siege of Eberal. Baron Loghan Halonnan of Javeldos throws himself off the walls of the city of Halonnan in a fit of sorrow but survives.

The Onan war galleys liberate Zale and Voha.
In Avion, the hundred soldiers sent from Ilasi attack the tabaxi army from behind. Several hundred of the Monarchy’s best soldiers pour out of Avion City to help the reinforcements. The tabaxi lose a large amount of their forces but still have the city surrounded by day’s end. The remaining Monarchy troops, outside the city’s walls, either retreat back into the city or hide in the forests surrounding the capital.
Meanwhile, in the Kingdom of MaShir, Imperium forces quickly surround Chestyr, the Capital City of the Kingdom of MaShir, laying siege to the city. King Calvyn is not surprised having summoned help from the barbarian tribes of the Northlands. They take the Imperium forces from behind and make them scatter like frightened elk. By day’s end, there isn’t a single Imperial soldier left standing.

King Calvyn sends a magical warning to the Emperor, through his adepts. “If you try that again you’ll have to deal with an army of MaShir troops and a horde of wild barbarians knocking on your doorstep.”

Emperor Liedenpohja turned pale as a ghost when he heard this. He instantly rejected the idea of sending more troops.

20. Windday
Day seven of the siege of Eberal.
The last few surviving member of the silver elf patrol, sent to check on the status of the forest elves of Woodknot, return to the City of Silverleaf battered and bruised. They couldn’t find any other elves but what they did find chilled their bones. The Knotwood has become deformed and twisted. The local denizens have become a mockery of nature; flesh eating bears, poisonous lions, undead treants, and worst of all, demons. The High One falls into a state of shock. His advisors order the blockade of the Knotwood until it can be decided what to do. The First Protector, the High Ones oldest son, magically warns Silverleaf’s human allies.
In Onaway, the barbarian-priest Taith-El gathers his flock and tells them of a dream that he had the night before. “I saw the capital city of the newcomers under siege. They are losing hope my friends. We must pray to the North Gods for their protection and deliverance from the evil of the Empire of Swords. I see a great future for them on Harqual if they survive. Come pray with me, my friends.”

Taith-El falls to his knees in the center of the new Temple of Cronn and begins to pray. His loyal followers do the same. They pray all day and all night, not resting until the sun comes up over the Sword Gulf.

21. Starday
Day eight of the siege of Eberal. Just as the city of Eberal is about to crack wide open the Onan war galleys arrive and sink both of the remaining Imperial warships, trapping the survivors on the shores of the Bay of Itol. The 10 paladins from Avion help retake Itol, Krotras, Ridere Castle and Vanirit Keep – all in a single day. King Khalen grants them all an honorary knighthood in the Order of Light.

General Underbakke and two hundred Imperial troops break away from the battle and head up the High Road raiding farms along the way. They meet heavy resistance at the border of the Barony of Halonnan and turn up the Winter Road. They proceed to sack Vanol and then continue on to Rulad. Meanwhile, in the west, the Ten Saints of Avion, as the locals are calling them have helped pushed back the Imperium forces to Tutras Keep.

Week Thirty

22. Moonsday
In Javeldos, Baron Loghan is brought to Eberal, to be attended to, where he admits to being bitter about the Princess’ marriage to the, now deceased, Prince Consort. When he heard of her condition he felt horrible about his selfish nature and decided to end his own life in a fit of rage and sorrow. Both the King and the Princess forgive him on the spot.
In Avion, Lady Felicia and her people cheer, as four gold dragons fly overhead, breathing dragon fire on the horde of humanoids attacking the city. The dragons are mounted and just as Lady Felicia begins to worry that another group of invaders might be vying for the Monarchy, a huge army pours out from the surrounding forest; an army of men, being led by the knight, Ridley Freeborn, and Marina of Pretensa, the Royal Wizard of Sumdall.

The hordes try to retreat along the coast and are trapped against the sea by the attacking Izmer army. Lady Felicia sends out the remainder of her forces and has them hit the tabaxi and their allies from the north. Soon the conflict is over the Monarchy had prevailed, with the help of the warriors of Izmer.

Hundreds of tabaxi soldiers and their allies are taken prisoner. The prisoners are kept in a camp until both the Monarchy and the people of the Onan Territories can legally judge them in Avion City’s Hall of Justice. Word is sent to Onaway to tell of the Monarchy’s victory.

23. Earthday
The Skyriders from Navirosov arrive over the forests of the lands of the Javeldians in the early morning and are greeted by cheers as they dive down into the Imperium forces hiding out in the woods and standing atop Tutras Keep. By days end the Keep is retaken and the Imperium forces are on the run.
In the city of Avion, Queen Savina de Braose meets with Lady Felicia and a new alliance is struck between the two kingdoms. They will defend the western half of the Southern Heartlands from the tabaxi, together.
In the Far South, Lord Anders Carrin has yet to hear from his vizier regarding the situation in the City of Fear. He has his, now, former vizier’s home and trading house seized in order to appease the irate merchants that were forced to return to Xcellian in disgrace. He leaves the day-to-day control of the city in the hands of the Mercantile Collegiate, sailing the Gem of the South towards the City of Fear, himself.
Outside of the Fortress of Thenin, the soldiers sent to the ruins arrive outside the city’s gates. Less than a quarter of their numbers survived the journey back. They tell the Senate of the undead they faced including former Warriors of Thenin, who followed them for days. They don’t know if the undead plan to attack the Fortress but believe there are more than enough of them to pose a threat. The Consul confers with her High Priest of Erythnul hoping for guidance from The Many. The High Priest of Thenin falls dead during the initial stages of her commune spell, turning to dust in front of the eyes of the Consul and the Senate.

Disembodied laughing can be heard echoing through the hall of the Senate. “I will eat your souls!”

24. Fireday
The four stands of Imperium troops, sent by General Underbakke, arrive at the border of the Great Forest, where they are met by 5,000 elven and dwarven troops. The dwarves of the Kingdom of the Greystones came to Silverleaf’s aid to curb Sword Imperium’s warlike behavior. The battle is short and swift as the routed Imperial troops are completely crushed by the combined fury of the silver elves and dwarves of the Greystones.
Meanwhile, in Javeldos, General Underbakke and his troops lay siege to Tanaerit. Of course, he didn’t he know that the hills were home to a community of gnomes and dwarves. The forces of the city of Bitran hit the Imperials from behind. The soldiers scatter and the General is captured.
In the Far South, the Fortress of Thenin is on high alert waiting for the onslaught of undead that the Consul is sure will come. The Warriors of Thenin and the Erythnul priests watch the surrounding countryside. By nightfall, everyone is so tense you could hear a metal thimble hit the stone floors of the Consul’s Inner Sanctum out on the walls of the Fortress.

25. Seaday
The Emperor hears that his army in the south has been annihilated by a combination of Onan war galleys, silver elves, Navirosov skyriders, and local Javeldians.

He is livid at the interference of the other nations and vows to lay waste to the lands of the newcomers. “If I can’t have it, then I’ll destroy it.”
In Onaway, Lord LaMarche receives news that, in the Monarchy of Avion, the tabaxi threat has been defeated for now. Lady Felicia requests that he come to Avion too help decide a fair judgment for the prisoners her forces captured. He doesn’t wish to go, worried that the Territories might come under attack without him there too help.

He tries to get Taith-El to go instead, to which the barbarian-priest responded. “I must not go south of Onaway, it is Cronn’s will. You must go and see these prisoners and you must see beyond the influence the tabaxi have wielded over their allies. Only then will you see the future.”

Lord LaMarche reluctantly agrees to heed the barbarian-priests words and begins to prepare for the journey south to Avion.
In the Far South, The Fortress of Thenin remains on high alert, yet nothing appears on the horizon that day or into the night. The Consul refuses to send out more troops, even during the day. The communities surrounding the Fortress close themselves off from anyone or anything that appears threatening.

26. Windday
In the city of Eberal, Baron Loghan has completely recovered, mostly due to the care given by a whole flock of priests and paladins helping to defend the city, and swears to avenge the Prince Consort’s death.

He leads a combined army of mixed elves, Bitran gnomes & dwarves, paladins, and local militia northwest into the lands of the Sword Imperium. “I’m going to gut this fat, little, toad of an Emperor for what he’s done to our people. Here we are, strangers in a new land, and all he wants to do is conquer us. I’m not going to have this little toad for a neighbor.”
In the Kingdom of Thallin, King Travathian Dragonguard becomes pale and passes out at a small gathering of nobles. He is immediately taken before local priests to see what is wrong. The priests are baffled by the King’s condition and order the monarch to rest.
In the Far south, a watchman on the walls of the Fortress of Thenin spots several creatures flying high above the fortress during the night. He tells the Consul they looked reptilian, in form, but nothing like he’d ever seen before.

27. Starday
In Onaway, Lord LaMarche sets out on his journey to the city of Avion. He takes 100 soldiers with him as an escort and honor guard. Several members of Cronn’s Pride who were still in Onaway, go with him. He reluctantly leaves Taith-El and rest of Cronn’s Pride in charge of the city.
On the 27th day of Hansa, the year 749 N.C., the combined forces of western Harqual meets the remaining, disorganized army of the Empire of Swords and proceeds to enforce battlefield justice on the wicked and the decadent. The Imperium had used up its best troops against the Javeldians and the elven/dwarven army. Their remaining forces didn’t stand a chance.
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Week Thirty-One

28. Moonsday
The Northern Army, as is now referred to, continues up the coast of the Sword Imperium lands. The Javeldian soldiers are shocked by what they see. Emperor Liedenpohja not only oppresses others but his own people as well.

“The citizens of the Imperium cheered as the army went by, they actually cheered. Now I know this horrid man must pay for his crimes of war.”

Baron Loghan was so moved by the reception by the Imperium populace that he ordered food and rations given out to them.
In Ilasi, Siegfried Allowood is named as the city’s official Governor by order of the Queen, through sending spell. It is a popular choice amongst the citizens of Ilasi. To many of them, it was the only choice.
In the Far South, the Gem of the South is blown off course by a powerful storm as it heads towards the City of Fear. Anders Carrin isn’t sure what to make of the storm, as it obviously isn’t natural.

The ship ends up wrecked on the jut of rocks near the city-state of Livaley on the continent’s southern shore. The dwarven Merchant Lord is annoyed, to say the least, as relations between Xcellian and Livaley are not the best. He and the few survivors quickly head east on foot, hoping to avoid the locals.

29. Earthday
High King of Navirosov, Sir Jacard Winternight, announces that his wife Lady Helena is with child. There will be a special celebration during the Autumn Solace, Seraph 27th, 749 N.C., Year of the Return, Year of the Golden Wind in Magdalene, etc, etc, etc.
On the Storm Peninsula, the people of Anthmoor and the other city-states notice a considerable drop in tabaxi activity.
In the Far South, the Fortress of Thenin is attacked not by the undead but by twisted, flying reptiles of unknown origin. Hundreds of them descend on the walls of the Fortress much to the delight of the Warriors of Thenin, who have been wound up like a steel trap ready to snap. The faithful of The Many, also, take their rage out on the creatures.

Several of the creatures break off and attack a nearby community. The Consul gives the order for her soldiers to ride out and protect the Republic’s holdings. The Warriors gladly mount up to face death and rage on the battlefield, riding out to kill all those that oppose the Republic. They are attacked in the community by not only the reptilian creatures but by hundreds of undead villagers and the former Warriors of Thenin killed near the ruins.

The battle lasts into the night and the undead keep coming.

30. Fireday
On the 30th day of Hansa, the Northern Army came to the walls of Yösydän offering a choice of peace. The terms give up Emperor Liedenpohja and his loyalists and the city will be spared. To Loghan’s surprise, the Northern Army is allowed into the city and he is told that the Emperor is hiding out in the palace with only a hundred loyal Blades. The Northern Army quickly set up siege equipment and waits for the Emperor to tip his hand.
In the Far South, the Fortress of Thenin is under siege by an army of undead. There seems to be no end in sight for the Warriors of Thenin, even with the help of the Erythnul priests. For every dozen undead monstrosities destroyed or rebuked, another dozen take their place from the fallen Warriors of the Republic.

For the first time in 50 years, the Consul prays to the Gods of the North for guidance and salvation.

31. Seaday
In the early morning of the 31st day of Hansa, Emperor Audun Liedenpohja and his loyalists try to escape the city by using vile magic to summon demons from the Outer Planes. The demons tear into the ranks of the Northern Army butchering thousands of soldiers and citizens alike.

This is too much for the Baron as he stares in shocked horror. “May the New Gods save us!”

His prayer is heard and an Avatar of Cronn appears on the battlefield with an army of celestials. This was not exactly what the Baron had meant, and he is in awe of the Avatar’s power and strength. Without even knowing how, Loghan Halonnan has became the first Javeldian to convert to the faith of what they would come to call the New Gods, in his homeland. The celestial army turns the tide of the battle and drives the demons from the field.

Baron Halonnan traps Emperor Liedenpohja in a small warehouse and proceeds to execute him by military field justice. In the end, the final remnant of the Empire of Swords is finally broken and the remaining citizens of Yösydän declare themselves a free city-state. And before all present, Loghan Halonnan kneeled before Cronn’s Avatar and was blessed by the god for his courage and convictions as the First Sentinel of Cronn.
In Tschaja, Auwk-wa prepares to leave the city to visit the human lands of Yuln and Liran.
In the far south, the Warriors of Thenin turn on the priests of Erythnul after discovering that the priests have been trying to form an alliance with whatever is trying to destroy the Fortress. Only two Erythnul priests manage to escape this cleansing of the Fortress by going over the wall to join the undead forces on the other side.

In the Consul’s Inner Sanctum, Yuinii Bazgal hears the divine voice of Jalivier in her mind.

“You have been betrayed by the Interloper Erythnul just as I warned you all those years ago. You did not listen to me then and your people are now suffering for it now. However, it is not too late to save the souls of the dead and the lives of the living.”

“Tell me what I must do, Defender, and I will do it.”

“You must ride with your men, fight alongside them as an equal. You must share their battlefield and their fate, whatever that may be for not even I can predict this outcome. But if you go with no malice in your heart or trickery in your mind then I will be there with you. Now go!”

“It will be as you say, Defender! I swear it!”

With that, Consul Yuinii Bazgal dons her full plate armor, a simple warrior’s sword and exits the Inner Sanctum. She gathers her remaining warriors to her and tells them of the Defender of the Light’s words.

They are skeptical but she persists. “Great Jalivier has sought to bring the Republic of the Thorn and its warriors back into the Light! I am going, alone if I must!”

A great white celestial steed appears out of the mist engulfing the Fortress's heart. It is clad in the symbols of Jalivier. The awed Warriors of Thenin bow down before the messenger of the Defender, as the Consul mounts the celestial horse riding towards the gate.

“Open the gate!”

The Warriors jump to their feet, grab their weapons and follow their leader into the darkness to battle the waiting horde of undead. As they go, it could be heard that clarion horns could be heard in the distance and that the Consul of the Republic shone with holy brilliance. Indeed, Jalivier was with them.

In unison they shouted the words of decades past. “For the Defender, for the Light, for the People!”

Month of Hela
Week Thirty-One (cont.)

1. Windday
In the Kingdom of Thallin, King Travathian Dragonguard takes to bed sick with a high fever.
In the Kingdom of the Greystones, after months of debate amongst the miner clanhomes of the dwarves, an official Mining Prelacy proclamation is made about the strange, new communities east of the Greystone Mountains. The clans wish to send an official representative from each clanhome to meet the inhabitants of these unknown communities and discover their history and intentions. If benign, the representatives would then forge a treaty with them allowing for trade between the Greystones and these new neighbors. The clans present their findings to the High Thane and are relieved when she agrees.

2. Starday
In Tschaja, Auwk-wa starts his journey toward Yuln. A dozen Kha warriors and Ambassador Oswald accompany him.

The sight of the Great Expanse in the distance awes him during the journey. “So much open space. It is breathtaking.”
More later...

Week Thirty-Two

3. Moonsday
An unusual Aurora appears in the night sky and the priests of Sanh proclaim the 3rd day in Hela as a holy day, as a result. The new holy day will be named next year on the same day.

4. Earthday
A magical sending spell finally contacts Lady Felicia Gerrard III in Avion City from the city of Nasundria. She was correct in her concern that the tabaxi were attacking the city. The citizens of Nasundria have been under siege since the 20th of Anon. The tabaxi came north up the River of the Roc from Valora soon after that city fell, laying waste to several small communities before reaching the small communities of Steran and Zontan. The citizens of Steran were dragged away in chains towards Valora and haven’t been seen since. The citizens of the hill town of Zontan managed to flee to Nasundria before the tabaxi came.

The wizard who sent the sending isn’t even one of the city’s leaders. It is a recent graduate from the Wizard School of Nasundria named Rathenar Dovecote. He and his former classmates came to the city’s defense after many of the city’s wizards died protecting its walls. They used whatever magical talent they could muster, as well as several powerful magical weapons and items stored at the Wizard School to battle the tabaxi.

“I just figured I should say hi, and that we could use some help please.”

Lady Felicia is surprised by the casual tone of the message and wonders if this Rathenar Dovecote is playing a prank on her. She decided the risk to Nasundria outweighs the risk to her dignity. She sends a Regiment of her best troops towards Nasundria lead by several members of Cronn’s Pride. She tries in vain to cast a sending spell to renew contact with this Dovecote fellow.

5. Fireday
The lands of the Javeldians [now being called Ahamudia (named after one of the Skyrider Knights who died bravely defending Eberal)] is the site of a new treaty between Kingdom of Ahamudia and the following cities – Avion, Magdalene, Onaway, and the newly freed Imperium city. Yösydän is renamed Vapaa, in honor of the last known peaceful Emperor who ruled over the Empire of Swords (for only 6 days). Vapaa will have garrisons from Ahamudia, Magdalene, and Onaway for at least five years.

Surprisingly, the Kingdom of the Silver Leaves denies to sign the treaty but agrees in principle to come to the aid of Ahamudia's elven population if they are threatened. The dwarves of the kingdom of the Greystones also refuse to sign a human treaty, which wasn't a shock to most involved in the negotiations.

Two former Imperium cities, Havenstade and Pietaristade, gladly agree to join the alliance in hopes of bringing stability back to the region (no other Imperium cities agree to sign the treaty). This brings the number of cities allied up to eight including Eberal and Halonnan and it is official referred to as the Eight Cities Alliance. The Sword Protectorate will be governed by a senate made up of members from all eight cities in the alliance, but eventually this senate will be only be made up of member from Vapaa, Havenstade, and Pietaristade, as well as the larger towns of the Protectorate.
Halfway between the City of the Kha and Yuln, the small caravan accompanying Auwk-wa is attacked by an orc raiding party from the Black Kingdom. The kha warriors are afraid at first, thinking the mountain orcs are demons, but once Ambassador Oswald scorches the attacking mountain orcs with a fireball they realize these creatures are mortal and beat them back.

Auwk-wa and his people are concerned about these creatures. “They are such horrid looking things. I’m surprised more effort hasn’t been made into wiping them out.”

“It isn’t that simple, Auwk-wa,” Oswald points to the Thunder Mountains. “The orcs of the Black Kingdom make their home in the mountains where it is difficult to weed them out. Many have tried this before but all have failed. These mountain orcs are too numerous and some of their kind can wield powerful necromantic magic, which can steal the life from a victim’s soul and raise the dead as walking abominations.”

“Horrors,” Auwk-wa looks back towards where his city sits against the coast and then to the mountains. “I worry for my people, Mindbrother. How can we hope to survive against such foes.”

“Do not worry too much, my friend. Both Yuln and Liran stand with you including several fortifications along the eastern edge of the mountains. The mountain orcs have tried numerous times to take them but have always failed. Titan’s Stone and Brand Hills Hold stand ready to defend Yuln and Tschaja.” Oswald pats Auwk-wa on the back to try and assure him.

All Auwk-wa can do is caw softly hoping Mindbrother’s words hold true.

6. Seaday
The day after the new Eight Cities Alliance is formed, King Khalen Javeldos announces that he and his immediate family must return to their home world of Maran and try to rebuild Javeldos. He has learned that Javeldos has been devastated due to The Transformation, which brought more than half his people to Kulan. (The citizens left behind on Maran have been fooled into believing that nothing has changed, as strange, unknowing simulacrums have been living as the people transported to Kulan.) Many locals agree to go with their King, while many others wish to stay and live in Ahamudia.

Khalen proclaims Loghan Halonnan, King of Ahamudia. To his surprise, Princess Ahdina refuses to go back to Maran, having fallen in love with Halonnan during their time together as the Northern Army had traveled towards Yösydän. Khalen wishes them well, as he steps through a magical portal created by the combined magic of the silver elves and the Skyriders of Navirosov. Hundreds of loyal citizens go with him.

7. Windday
In Avion City, Lady Felicia consults with the powerful Arcane League of the Monarchy to try and learn if Rathenar Dovecote is friend or foe. Several of them groan and shake their heads at the mention of the young man’s name. He is from a minor noble family of Nasundria known to consort with thieves and other rogues. He is a graduate of the Wizard School, but the thought of him and his friends having free range in Nasundria to do whatever they want sends half the gathered members of the League scrambling for the nearest portal. Lady Felicia is not sure what to make of the situation, as the members of the Arcane League are known for being overly melodramatic.

8. Starday
Event: Wood Run – Coming of age ceremony in the Knotwood.
Auwk-wa, Ambassador Oswald, and the kha warriors escorting them reach Yuln, The Sovereign City. The masses come out to greet the strange looking birdmen and their leader. Auwk-wa sings to the people in gratitude and the crowds cheer after he is done.

“Your people are quick to welcome us, Mindbrother. Are they always this friendly?”

“Not always,” Oswald smiles at Auwk-wa’s confusion. “They never cheer when mountain orcs come to visit.”

“Caw,” Auwk-wa ruffles his feathers. “I would hope not.”

Oswald leads Auwk-wa to the center of the city where Graven Hold, the baron’s personal residence stands high above the city. It is a massive stone citadel whose walls have been blacked by age and years of conflict with the Black Kingdom.

Auwk-wa is unsure of what to make of the foreboding structure.

Inside, he is introduced to the courtiers and lesser nobility of Yuln, as well as several ambassadors from several surrounding kingdoms and city-states of the Thunder Lands and the Eastern Shores: Liran, Cauldron, Anoria, Kul Moren, Minar, Wolffire and the Freeholds of Sanh’s Strand.

However, it is the Ambassador of the Ee’aar Clans of the Sunus Mountains, Falaniia Wingspread, who piques Auwk-wa’s interest. “I am glad to meet a fellow child of the air! Tell me Ambassador Wingspread, are their many of your people on this world?”

“Not as many as their once was, Lord Auwk-wa.” Falaniia holds her wings wide in response to Auwk-wa’s movements. “The bugbears of the Sunus Mountains have my people hard pressed, not to mention the orcs of the Black Kingdom.”

“Yes,” Auwk-wa bobs his head up and down folding his wings across his body. “I had the opportunity to ‘introduce’ myself to several mountain orcs as we traveled. Those few will trouble you no longer.”

“I am glad to hear this, Lord Auwk-wa.” The ambassador of the Ee’aar again duplicates the kha’s movements, with a smile. “My Lord, The High Peregrine, offers the hospitality of the Ee’aar to you and your people.”

“And I return your Lord’s blessing, Ambassador. May he come to Tschaja and be given a kha name, as honor demands.”

“The High Peregrine will come in Springdawn to Tschaja.”

“And I shall visit your people in the cycles following his visit. Caw!”

Slowly the conversation turns towards the other ambassadors and a long discussion with Lord Harian Mal regarding the signing of several trading agreements between Yuln, Tschaja, and Liran. Auwk-wa insists that the Ee’aar also be included, as they are fellow sky children. Lord Mal heartily agrees, as does the Ambassador from Liran. (They’ve been trying to strengthen ties with the Ee’aar for years.)

Ambassador Wingspread is unsure whether or not her lord will agree to have such close bonds with the humans asking for time to contact The High Peregrine. Auwk-wa agrees to wait, in Yuln, until the first day of Seraph, on the New Calendar, for the Ee’aar Lord’s response.

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