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Has a song ever reminded you of a character, class, magic item, etc. from an RPG


Would Cloak of Elvenkind be too obvious? ;)

Pink Floyd's Dogs of War makes me think of Yugoloths or other double-dealing fiends.

Dogs of war and men of hate
With no cause, we don't discriminate
Discovery is to be disowned
Our currency is flesh and bone
Hell opened up and put on sale
Gather 'round and haggle
For hard cash, we will lie and deceive
Even our masters don't know the web we weave

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Nightingale 7

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Well,Blind Guardian sure has a fair share of D&D-related songs.The Nightfall in Middle Earth is all about the stories from the Silmarillyon.
On the other hand,Nightwish has some songs that are D&D-based.Take Elvenpath for example.The name says all,but there's also this part:

"The way to the lands
Where as a hero I stand
The path where beauty met the beast
It's the honesty of these worlds
Ruled by magic and mighty swords
That make my soul long for the past

This part is especially touching,because it is something every D&D-player has thought about sometimes.To be able to really roam free as a hero in those imaginary lands where he plays his adventures.

Also,"Once upon a troubador" from the same band,ALWAYS makes me want to play a bard when I hear it. ;)
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Well, the song Let The Bodies Hit the Floor inspired me to write a module about a young, borderline insane elf child, orphaned in a drow attack, who developed immense psychic powers and started summoning up ectoplasmic drow.

The drow were all guided by his emotions, and represented the six stages of grief. They assaulted the city again and again, until the heroes figured out what was going on with them.

I also wrote an entire sourcebook (Stonebridge: City of Illusion) based off the song Blue by Yoko Kano, and the Aria di mezzo Carratterra.

So it happens fairly frequently for me.

Patrick Y.


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There's some local band that once wrote a song entitled "+1 Vorpal Sword". Oddly enough, the song had zero to do with D&D. It was all about this dude remembering how life used to be with his ex. I guess he played D&D when he first met her? Dunno.


First Post
Slightly off-topic, I created a god and prestige class based on the Tom Waits song Black Wings. Oddly, the class anticipated the Dragon Disciple in a lot of ways though it entailed transforming into a rather different sort of creature.

Tom Waits said:
Take an eye for an eye
Take a tooth for a tooth
Just like they say in the bible
Never leave a trace or forget a face
Of any man at the table
Any man at the table
When the moon is a cold chiseled dagger
Sharp enough to draw blood from a stone
He rides through your dreams on a coach
And horses and the fence posts
In the moonlight look like bones

Well they’ve stopped trying to hold him
With mortar, stone and chain
He broke out of every prison
When the boots mount the staircase
The door is flung back open
He’s not there for he has risen
He’s not there for he has risen

They say he once killed a man with a guitar string
He’s been seen at the table with kings
Well he once saved a baby from drowning
There are those who say beneath his coat there are wings
Some say they fear him
Others admire him
Because he steals his promise
One look in his eye
Everyone denies
Ever having met him
Ever having met him

He can turn himself into a stranger
Well they broke a lot of canes on his hide
He was born away in a cornfield
A fever beats in his head like a drum inside
Some say they fear him
Others admire him
Because he steals his promise
One look in his eye
Everyone denies
Ever having met him
Ever having met him
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First Post
francisca said:
No song in particular, but anything off of the first Asia album (1982), makes me think of D&D.

I'll cop to that one.

Add in Metallica's "Master of Puppets" album and Queensryche's "Operation Mindcrime" and you have my D&D trifecta for 2 decades.

"And from the wreckage, I will arise
Cast the ashes back in their eyes
See the fire, I will defend
Keep on burning, right to the end."

Asia-Sole Survivor.

Hard to not make paladins listening to that . . .


First Post
We played a one-shot Mutants and Masterminds game based on the song Thunderbird, from They Might Be Giants brand new album, Flood... err, I mean, Spine. It was excellent.

 I know, I know, I said that I would quit
All right, I promise, no more after this
You don't know how I've tried
To forget what it was like

I remember now
I remember now
Why they called it Thunderbird
Why they called it Thunderbird

Man, oh man, my throat is dry
Man, are you thinking what I
Am? Well what about it then?

Before you fall, you have to learn to crawl
You can't see heaven when you're standing tall
To get the whole sky
On the ground you have to lie

I remember now
I remember now
Why they called it Thunderbird
Why they called it Thunderbird

We like fun, me and my girl
We'll have fun fun fun until
T-bird takes her dad away

I know, I know, I said that I'd desist
All right, I promise, no more after this
Not to be what I was like
Not to soar across the sky
Spread my thunder wings and fly
Spread my thunder wings and fly

I remember now
I remember now
Why they called it Thunderbird
Why they called it Thunderbird


First Post
Well, there are two songs that greatly remind me of a character in a RPG-like story I'm currently conceptualizing.

Lamento Eroico - by Rhapsody

Palace of Fantasy - by Freedom Call

And in general, anything from either group fits in very well with D&D.

Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner by Warren Zevon reminds me of SOMETHING from D&D, I'm just not sure what.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Yes, most often in a specific sense. As in, "That song reminds me of the character that Joe played, Monak the Red." My gaming group has a habit of making up entire mix CDs of music that reminds us of the PCs and notable NPCs.


First Post
Very early on in my D&D "career", my cleric spent most of a game session petrified, after an encounter with a basilisk. The party eventually managed to drag him back to town, and get him restored, but it was a frustrating game for me.

As I went to drive home, I started up the car, and the song on the radio was "Turn to Stone", by Electric Light Orchestra. :D
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