Level Up (A5E) Has anyone tried using A5e's Synergy Feats?

Multiclassing in D&D has it's shares of pros and cons, the most notable being that you as the player sacrifice advancement in one or more classes for some versatility. The A5e Synergy Feats (Bladechanter, Eldritch Archer, Mystic Arcanist, Nightstalker, Proclaimer, Shadowdancer, Untamed and Vigilante) seem like they are an attempt to encourage players into multiclassing by offering up some perks.

So has anyone tried using them for their characters? curious And which class archetypes from either O5e or A5e have you used along with these synergy feats? I have taken a liking to both the Bladechanter and Eldritch Archer synergy feats, but I am uncertain which Fighter and which Wizard archetypes would work well with them.

And lastly, has anyone homebrewed any new synergy feats?

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A5E Designer and third-party publisher
Multiclassing in D&D has it's shares of pros and cons, the most notable being that you as the player sacrifice advancement in one or more classes for some versatility. The A5e Synergy Feats (Bladechanter, Eldritch Archer, Mystic Arcanist, Nightstalker, Proclaimer, Shadowdancer, Untamed and Vigilante) seem like they are an attempt to encourage players into multiclassing by offering up some perks.

So has anyone tried using them for their characters? curious And which class archetypes from either O5e or A5e have you used along with these synergy feats? I have taken a liking to both the Bladechanter and Eldritch Archer synergy feats, but I am uncertain which Fighter and which Wizard archetypes would work well with them.

And lastly, has anyone homebrewed any new synergy feats?
I released a herald/sorcerer synergy feat chain and a pair of thematic subclasses on DTRPG earlier this month: Thematic Toolkit: Arcane Avenger (A5E) - Purple Martin Games | DriveThruRPG.com

I am planning more products in that line, too.
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