Yes, our current stock is the 2nd printing with errata applied.
Is the DTRPG version getting updated errata?
The current version on DriveThruRPG shows last updated in December 2021, which is apparently also when it was added to the catalogue- the dates are kind of funky (updated Dec1st before it was added to the catalogue Dec12th?)
It still contains this confusing text (that has probably been errata'd) on p 450 of the Adventurers Guide that "5 levels of Fatigue" gives the doomed condition. It is 7 levels elsewhere in the book and on the character sheet.
I'm new to LU, but that's something that has been caught in the latest printings, right?
Having checled myself? The currently files on DT are still the old files without errata. I hope that gets fixed soon.My Kickstarter PDFs were fulfilled through DriveThru. I last downloaded them on Jan 21, 2025. The files are all designated "v 2." However, there isn't a clear indication which printing they are within the text.
It still contains this confusing text (that has probably been errata'd) on p 450 of the Adventurers Guide that "5 levels of Fatigue" gives the doomed condition. It is 7 levels elsewhere in the book and on the character sheet.
I'm new to LU, but that's something that has been caught in the latest printings, right?