D&D General Have we ever done a god making thread?


Sparkly Dude
Related question: The Dungeons Master's Guide outlines the difference between greater deities and lesser deities, but are deities in 5th edition described anywhere using these terms?

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The “short” versions of these gods (the old versions - again, working on redoing some of these, like Gosend and Logres).

Aspus (minor god, Neutral): The snake god, son of Vermnia and Belli, Aspus is considered a primitive god, mostly worships by the Aspii, Aztec and some Aharati tribes.

Aztec (minor god, Neutral): Aztec is worshipped by the Aztec humans of Lost Vale, though it is in truth, a supercomputer from the Technological Age. Aztech's primary goal is the preservation and continued existence of the Aztec way of life.

Belli (moderate god, Neutral): Also known as Father Nature, Belli is the personification of the lands of Amberos itself. He is kindly towards humanity, and on good terms with elves and Halflings. Belli's relation with dwarves is strained because of their mining and excavation work, and the dwarves generally revile him. Belli is generally considered a primitive god, and does not have a large clergy. All of his priests are druids, not clerics. Belli is allied with Vermnia (wife), Silamus (son), Visha (daughter), Triton (son) and Lorius (Son).

Competius (minor god, Chaotic Good): Son of Morian, this wayward god is the husband of Discoff and often travels Amberos in mortal guise, aiding those who prove to have a glimmer of heroism in them. Competius's priests are generally wanderers and rarely full-time priests. Competius is allied with Discoff (wife) and opposes Morian (father).

Deor (minor god, Lawful Neutral): The dwarves of Amberos predate even the first gods of Amberos, and the deep dwarves are reluctant to worship Fir on these grounds. Older clans of mountain dwarves and deep gnomes on Amberos worship a powerful dwarf known as Deor, the miner. According to myth, Deor dwells in the depths of Tsre Vestu, and rarely visits his own kind.

Dhorian (head god, Neutral Good): Known as the Overlord of Amberos, Dhorian is considered to be the kings of the Amberos gods. He took the title from Phromus, and there is much enmity between the two. He is worshipped by many humans and is one of the three founders of the Knights of the South. Dhorian's symbol is a longsword, blade pointed down, symbolizing the sharp edge of justice. Dhorian is allied with Shame (wife), Opheus (son), Urdeus (son), Luna (daughter), Discoff (daughter), Magius (daughter-in-law), Shurdeua (daughter-in-law), and Gosend (ally). Dhorian opposes Ziga and the Dark One directly.

Discoff (minor goddess, Chaotic Good): A goddess of mischief, and daughter of Dhorian and Shame, Discoff is the definition of rogue on Amberos. Many Halflings, whom she freed from the grasp of Gwieze, also worship her. Her symbol is a black mask surrounded by wisps of red hair. Discoff is allied with Dhorian (father). She is related to several other gods, but cannot count on their support.

Fir (major god, Neutral Good): Described alternately as a dwarf or gnome, Fir is also known as the Master Smith. He created the first weapons, armor and other tools, and is always looking to improve them. Hill dwarves and gnomes of Amberos worship him, and blacksmiths of all non-evil races often offer prayers for his guidance. His symbol is a forge with a hammer resting on it. Fir is allied with Dhorian (ally), Shame (ally), Urdeus (ally), Opheus (ally) and Gosend (ally).

Gosend (major god, Lawful Good): Known as the Battler of Evil, Gosend constantly wages war against the evil denizens of Amberos and fiendish outsiders who come to Amberos. He is the master of unarmed combat, and even attempted to wrestle the first of dragons, Guaradrell, though he lost. He is often considered a faithful companion to Dhorian. He is the patron of monks and martial artists. Gosend is allied with Dhorian (ally), Shame (ally), Opheus (ally), Menos (son), and Shurdeua (ally). Gosend directly opposes Titanicus, Ziga, Gwieze and the Dark One.

Gwieze (moderate god, Neutral Evil): Known as the lord of shadows, Gwieze is an evil god with a secretive nature. Gwieze appeared during the Elvin Golden Age, ruling an empire of shadow that was brought down by Discoff. For those who align themselves with Gwieze, the god offers powers and secret knowledge in return for tasks they do in the god's name. Gwieze directly opposes all other gods.

Hamma (minor god, Chaotic Good): As the elves believe themselves to be the dreams of the gods themselves, they do not worship a god per se. Hamma is best described as a patron of the elves, granting aid and protection when requested. He is known by the title Yminthra, which translate to King of Kings, and is considered the King of the Elves. Elves who invoke his name are actually drawing their power from the essence of Aurora to power their magic.

Harp (moderate god, Neutral Good): The Immortal One, Harp is often described as the Keeper of the Ancient Ones. He alone provides immortality to the gods, and to mortals who please him as well. According to legend, it is the songs of Harp that keep the Ancient Ones sleeping. Harp is generally worshipped by Afarians and is the patron of bards and performers.

Jhalah (major god, Neutral Evil): The god of the dead, Jhalah was once the giant of a man, Jlihi, until he became the first person to be killed, by the dragon Guaradrell. Ever since then, Jhalah has been driven by a hunger to devour the souls of the dead. He is generally placated instead of worshipped, but he has a handful of priests he has chosen through divine portents – rarely do priests join the “church” willingly. Jhalah now guards the realm of
the dead, and undead are his mortal enemy, for he is denied the taste of their souls. Jhalah is allied with Titanicus (ally) and occasionally Ziga (ally) or Dhorian (ally), but these alliances are shaky due to his ever-ravening appetite. Jhalah directly opposes Teeth.

Kerundinius (minor god, Neutral Evil): The Black Mage, Kerundinius was an Ubunti human who was enticed by The Dark One during the Dark Age. He helped to enslave many of his kinsfolk and rose in power in the Dark One's hierarchy until he came to realize what his final fate would be – enslavement in Hell for his crimes. Kerundinius broke from the Dark One and fled from the evil one's presence, but managed to retain followers and worshippers among the Ubunti. He is now a native, minor god of foul magic. Kerundinius opposes Magius.

Ko Kassa (minor god, Neutral): The Thunder Mountain King, Ko Kassa has become the lord of the race of giants on Amberos. He is the son of Belli and Vermnia, and has long been doted on by his mother. Aharati and Ubunti human tribes generally placate him, and his true priests are exclusively giants. Ko Kassa directly opposes Deor.

Lepornunse (minor god, Chaotic Neutral): The god of disease and son of a frightful mating of Ziga and Jhalah, this god is a walking disaster. Priests of Lepornunse are often those the god has “hand-picked” for his service, and most intelligent Amberosians merely fear and placate the god of disease.

Logres (moderate god, Lawful Good): Son of Harp, Logres is a caring god who only recently arose during the Dark Age. His caring ways and preaching of peace have attracted many followers.

Lorius (minor god, Neutral): Lorius is often called “The Wind That Walks” by the Aharati and Ubunti who worship him. He is the son of Vermnia and Belli. He is a gentle, if somewhat aloof god who favors his father. He can often be found in human form and is fond of competing with individuals from Aharati or Ubunti human tribes, for the sheer sport of competition.

Luna (minor goddess, Chaotic Good): Created by Dhorian and Fir as a wife for Urdeus, Luna travels the night sky as the moon, providing light for her husband's forays against evil.

M'kree Malka (minor god, Lawful Evil): The Shark God, M'kree Malka is the foul offspring of the twin cruel acts of Silamus and Triton aboard the Nightboat. M'kree is a fearsome god of the sea who constantly hungers for flesh and power. He despises not having power on land and often “inducts” land dwellers into his clergy in an attempt to spread the faith. His followers are Shaakasti, Sahuagin and other land-bound races he has forced or scared into worshipping him. M'kree Malka directly opposes Triton (father) and Silamus (father).

Magius (minor god, Neutral Good): Daughter of Phromus, Magius was created from the absconded magic of men. For a while, Magius became a mortal and lived among men, teaching them wizardry. She has again ascended back into godhood, and with her ascendancy Sorcerers have begun to appear on Amberos. Magius is allied with Dhorian (ally), and Phromus (father). She directly opposes Kerundinius.

Menos (minor god, Neutral): Son of Gosend, Menos is the epitome of mind over matter. It was Menos who devised the psionic web and taught mortals how to harness their mind into psionic abilities. Menos left Amberos at the end of the Dark Age to pursue and destroy the Dark One, causing psionics to fall into disuse during his absence. With his return, psionics is on the rise. Menos does not have priests, instead his followers are devout psions.

Nazgaduum (minor god, Chaotic Neutral [Evil]): Once a powerful titan who was beholden to the Old Ones, Nazgaduum fled into Tsre Vestu when his masters were imprisoned. However, during the cataclysm that rose Tsre Vestu from the sea, he managed to escape and tricked the amphibious race of the Ister-Suul to open a rift to the Realm of Madness. Nazgaduum was sucked into the realm and became a mad god, who still rules the Ister-Suul. Nazgaduum opposes all the other gods.

Opheus (moderate god, Lawful Good): The twin of light, Opheus is the son of Dhorian and Shame. His brother is Urdeus, the twin of night and his wife is Shurdeua, the sun. Opheus wages a constant battle against the creatures of evil, and has an undying hatred of undead. Opheus is allied with Dhorian (father), Shame (mother), Urdeus (brother), Shurdeua (wife) and Xygleon (son). Urdeus directly opposes Gwieze, The Dark One, Teeth and Ziga.

Phromus (minor god, Chaotic Neutral): The former Overlord of Amberos and god who lit the world, Phromus is a distant deity with few followers. He has a friendship with dragons, and has been known to use them to plague humanity. He has few humanoid worshipers outside of the Ubunti. Dragons do not worship Phromus directly, but is favored by them. Those dragons that gain his favor can sometimes draw on his magical power for spells, as if they were clerics.

Shame (moderate goddess, Chaotic Good): Wife of Dhorian, Shame's good name was brought low by infidelity to her husband Dhorian. Once the goddess of love, she is now the mistress of secret knowledge and marriage. Her nature has become two-sided, and those seeking revenge against a wrong often pray to her for vengeance, as do those whom bear her corrupted name – Charlatans. Shame's symbol is a bride's veil. Shame is allied with Dhorian (husband), Urdeus (son), Opheus (son), Gosend (ally), and Fir (ally). She has a shaky relationship with Discoff (daughter). Shame directly opposes Morian, The Dark One, Ziga and Gwieze.

Shurdeua (minor goddess, Neutral Good): Made from a part of Phromus himself, Shurdeua walks the sky as the sun, shining her golden light on the world. Shurdeua is the wife of Opheus, the twin of light. She is generally only worshipped by primitive folk such as the Ubunti and Aharati. Shurdeua is allied with Opheus (husband), Phromus (father) and Dhorian (father-in-law).

Silamus (minor god, Lawful Neutral): Boatman of the dead, Silamus is the youngest son of Vermnia and Belli. Silamus achieved his position simply because there was nothing else for him to do. Silamus guides the vast Nightboat, an otherworldly ship used to ferry the dead nightly to the realm of Hades, where they may be judged. Silamus is allied with Belli (father), Vermnia (mother), Jhalah (ally), and Triton (brother). He is neutral towards all other gods. He directly opposes Teeth.

Ssrell (minor god, Lawful Neutral): The god of Knowledge, the gender of Ssrell is in dispute, though it is known to be the offspring of Zurdoise. Often referred to as the Lord of Levels, Ssrell seeks to unlock and codify the secrets of the universe in complex mathematical statements. He has few followers who can understand his arcane formulas, and he does not grant spells to priest so much as teach them formulas to call on to empower their magic. Ssrell is allied with Zurdoise (father) and Menos (ally).

Tageus (minor god, Lawful Neutral): The offspring of Discoff, Tageus was a mortal demi-god until following the recent economic upheaval on Amberos, after which he was placed in charge of the wealth of the world, to prevent a similar occurrence. He is now the patrons of merchants and thieves wishing to make a fortune. Tageus is allied with Dhorian (ally), Discoff (mother).

Teeth (minor dead god, Chaotic Evil): The aborted child of Shame's treacherous affair with Morian, Teeth was raised in the underworld by Jhalah, where he eventually broke free of the realm and brought the secret of unlife and undead to Amberos. He was imprisoned in a torporous state in a netherworld following the Dark Age, but there are those who still attempt to revere or free him. He opposes all the other gods, though he did at one time have an alliance with Tuma and Ziga.

Titanicus (major god, Chaotic Neutral): A cruel god of war and slaughter, Titanicus is the patron god of the Ghan and fuels their drive to battle. Evil barbarians, unscrupulous fighters and many mercenaries often worship him. While Titanicus is not overtly evil, he is much feared and often reviled by non-worshippers. Titanicus does not have a standing hatred or alliance with any god.

Triton (moderate god, Neutral): Lord of the seas, Triton is the son of Belli and Vermnia. He has much of his mother's temper and disdain for land-bound folk. Land-bound races more often placate Triton than worshipped. His primary worshippers are mermen. Triton is allied with Silamus (brother), Belli (father) and Vermnia (mother). He directly opposes M'kree Malka (son).

Tuma's Waybreath (minor cult, Chaotic Evil): While the demigod Tuma, the Destroyer, may be dead, his followers still perform acts in his name across the continent. Tuma was once a servant of Zzadasa, but rebelled near the end of the Elvin Golden Age. Tuma's Waybreath oppose all other gods.

Urdeus (moderate god, Chaotic Good): The twin of night, Urdeus is the son of Dhorian and Shame. He is the twin brother of Opheus, the twin of light. Urdeus stalks through the night, his way illuminated by his wife Luna as he seeks out and hunts down evil. He is the patron of Lycanthropes, who share his curse of transformation on the night of the full moon. Urdeus is allied with Dhorian (father), Shame (mother), Discoff (sister), Luna (wife), Gosend (ally), and Fir (ally). He directly opposes Ziga.

Tzuchamus (minor god, Lawful Evil): Another supercomputer “god” of Lost Vale, Tzuchamus is a former battle computer AI that seeks to overthrow Aztec and turn the Aztec humans into a warrior force bent on conquering the surrounding lands. Tzuchamus directly opposes Aztec.

Vermnia (moderate goddess, Neutral): Wife of Belli, Vermnia is queen of the air and has little love for the creatures of the Earth, often sending storms and foul weather to scatter “Belli's Playthings”. She is placated more than worshiped, but she does have priests among the Aharati. Vermnia is allied with Belli (husband), Visha (daughter), Triton (son), Silamus (son) and Lorius (son).

Visha (minor goddess, Lawful Good): The matron of battle, Visha is both a protector and a warrioress. She is the only daughter of Vermnia and Belli. Many female warriors and paladins of both sexes worship her. Vermnia is allied with Dhorian (ally), Belli (father), Vermnia (mother), Triton (brother), Silamus (brother) and Lorius (brother). She directly opposes Morian and Titanicus.

Xygleon (minor god, Lawful Good): The lord of civilization and its protector, Xygleon is one of the few gods that often takes mortal form to defend cities or other places of civilization from destruction. Unlike many of the other gods, he can be, and sometimes has been, bested or thwarted by mortals, though not permanently destroyed. Xygleon is allied with Opheus (father), Shurdeua (mother), and Dhorian (grandfather). He directly opposes Titanicus.

Zurdoise (minor god, Lawful Neutral): Known and despised as the god of technology, Zurdoise's power was greatly reduced after the implosion of the Age of Technology. He is worshipped by the dragon men known as Algalue, scientists and by sentient constructs. He does not grant spells to his priests, but instead gifts knowledge to create technological devices or constructs. Zurdoise is allied with Ssrell (son).

Zzadasa (minor god, Lawful Neutral): Known as the Judge, Zzadasa's job is to uphold the laws of the universe, as well as make sure the gods obey the laws. Zzadasa is popular among the Randese, many of whom feel that Dhorian is to partial to the people of the west. Zzadasa prefers to not forge any special alliances with or hatred of the other gods.

Ziga (major goddess, Chaotic Evil): Goddess of corruption and vice, Ziga is often blamed to be at the heart of any evil act on Amberos. Her disfiguration and corruption of the entire goblinoid races is well known on Amberos, and her main body of worshippers consists of the very humanoids she has corrupted. Ziga has at her command the twisted legions of the Abyss, though her control of such beings is questionable at best. Ziga opposes all the other gods, though she sometimes is willing to work with other deities (usually evil ones) for short periods of time. The Dark One (head god, Lawful Evil): The god of evil incarnate, The Dark One is the master of hell and is the despoiler of all good. Where Ziga transforms her evil minions to match their twisted souls, the Dark One labors to annul the forces of good and replace them with his own foul desires and willing servants. The Dark One opposes all the other gods.

Other Gods

The Ancient Ones: These gods have existed since before Amberos rose from the sea. Consisting of the various pantheons of the Greek, Egyptian, Chinese, Babylonian and other mythos. These gods made their presence known to Amberos during the Elvin Golden Age, but have been in sleep in the planes beyond Amberos since that time. The gods of Amberos constantly fear the awakening of these gods, and do not kindly suffer priests to worship these pantheons. The Old Ones: Sealed into sleep by the Ancient Ones, the Old Ones are gods of insanity and chaos that have been bound away against the mortal world. Though the old ones have never awakened from their ancient slumber, their minions sometimes pass into Amberos, and priests sometimes arise who seek to free the old ones of their sleep. The

Titans: Minions and servants to the Ancient Ones, they escaped the sleep of the gods and many ruled in the god's stead for some time. When the Ancient Ones awoke during the Elvin golden age, many took umbrage at the Titan's actions and a great war between titans and the Ancient Ones was spawned. The titans lost the war and were banished to Tarterus, but the fight weakened the Ancient Ones, making it easy for Gwieze to put them back to sleep.

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
Do you mean making stats for gods or just writing up a description of a god with their portfolio, tenets, holy days, etc.
the latter.
One idea that I like, but haven't had a chance to use, is the multi-aspect deities. For example, the god of death might be "Orgoth the reaper" to the orcs, while the elves have "Elindara, the spirit guide." It's the same deity, but viewed and worshiped completely differently based on racial bias and different forms of worship. Those well versed in religion would know the differences between each aspect and how they're worshiped, but the average person would view them as completely different deities. This way a DM can have a single pantheon, but still grant a lot of variety to players.
I was kind of hopeing for such a thing honestly.


Dusty Dragon
At the risk of sounding like a broken record... I would really recommend looking into Yoon-Suin's method of god generation.

In Yoon-Suin, there is a great, great river, one that bears many names. One of these is the God River. Perhaps due to the magical properties of the water, the river is festooned with shrines to MANY gods. In the Yellow City alone there are hundreds of shrines, and hundreds of gods.

What's the "good thing" about having hundreds of gods? Doesn't that seem like a lot of work? Not really! It's actually quite liberating, because you can make custom gods/cults on the spot and no one will bat an eye. With so many cults/gods, no one can keep track of all of them, and overlap doesn't really matter anymore. There is no need to build a nice "coherent" pantheon. It's just piles of gods.

For example, the party is in conflict with the cult of Yato, Lord of Secrets (grants the knowledge domain). A player needs a new PC and wants a knowledge domain cleric. Well, it's not an issue that the party are foes to Yato. The new PC could worship the Memory Tree instead, or a host of other knowledge-focused cults.

The book does not detail Yato, or the Memory Tree, or any other gods. It is up to you to to generate them. Here are a few examples I made over the years:



I've set up a few gods for my homebrew setting, rather than giving them names I have given them titles that generally describe what they are about.

An example of one of my gods is Mother Earth. Some of the information is out of date as my setting has changed but this is how I initially set this up. Acolytes gained bonus abilities as they were considered to have delved deeper into the mysteries of the faith.


And an example pantheon. I've recently changed things up so that rather than being a cleric of a particular god, and having a hierarchy for each individual priesthood, the various races have pantheons who elevate specific gods to pre-eminence, such as the dwarven pantheon below. While other gods may be acknowledged they are not as important to the faith as the primary gods. This is also where I've moved the acolyte ability, from the individual god to the pantheon.


Dusty Dragon
I think I should explain the "Yoon-Suin god creation method".

The book has a number of random tables. You roll on them and generate a god!

The tables include color preferred by the followers, what the god demands as a sacrifice (it's always organic/life), 1-2 aspects (the monkey, the crane, the man-bull....) and 1-2 interest (secrets, death, the sun...)

Once you've generated half a dozen or so, you start getting the feel for it and you can just spin them out of thin air. like....

Ushkar, the serpent of death

Ushkar is a wolf-headed serpent, obsessed with death and trees. His followers wear a greyish-green color. They specialize in plant-based poisons, which they sell to would-be murderers. Ushkar appreciates the sacrifice of eggs of all sorts, and grants the domain of death or nature.

Is this a-grade material? Of course not. But it will do. And if you suddenly need a priest while DMing, it's a good method. And it can create real surprises and lead to wonderful stuff in play.


One idea that I like, but haven't had a chance to use, is the multi-aspect deities. For example, the god of death might be "Orgoth the reaper" to the orcs, while the elves have "Elindara, the spirit guide." It's the same deity, but viewed and worshiped completely differently based on racial bias and different forms of worship. Those well versed in religion would know the differences between each aspect and how they're worshiped, but the average person would view them as completely different deities. This way a DM can have a single pantheon, but still grant a lot of variety to players.
I'm doing the same thing in my current campaign. I designed one pantheon (based on the major PCs/NPCs of a previous campaign, as they were responsible for the creation of the universe in which this campaign takes place) and each of the various races worships them using aspects that look like their own race. So before battle, the dwarves and goblins might both be praying to Thunderwolf, God of War for victory over their enemies, but the Thunderwolf in the dwarven temple looks an awful lot like a dwarf and the Thunderwolf the goblins pray to looks like a very powerful goblin. I've also done away with the standard racial gods, so there's no Moradin or Moradin equivalent in this campaign; the closest the dwarves have to an ancestor god is Aerik, God of Stone and Protection. (And oddly enough, many other races depict Aerik with dwarven features; of all the gods, he's the one most often associated with a specific race.)

I made sure each god/goddess (or demigod/demigoddess) had four domains and that each of the standard domains was represented by more than one deity, so anybody looking for access to a specific domain would have some options.


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