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Help Evil Group... need suggestions

Rashak Mani

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Since we have some of the best min/maxers and some of the most creative gamers around in this board... I thought asking for some input here would be my best choice:

Last session two of our "companions" died... they will be replaced with an Archer and a Heavy duty combat type. 5th lvl.
(No Forgotten Realms or Psionics stuff allowed DM )

Background stuff first... the DM made two groups... one good and one evil... the Evil(tm) group was contracted to kill the Good(tm) group. We have in the Evil (tm) group: Ranger/Rogue, Cleric and my Wizard (can make scrolls for Archer).

First the Archer wants Arcane Archer... he will get 1 lvl of sorceror or wizard... which one of these do you recomend and why ? Wizard or Specialist or Sorceror ? Which 1st lvl spells should he get ? (Rest shall be fighter levels... 4 fighter+1 Arcane)

Any suggestions for Feats out of the normal archer stuff ? Or should he become a Order of the Bow.

Secondly the Fighter Type was thinking of reaching a prestige class ... he has very good stats (17 17 16 15 13 11 )

He first thought of a Black Guard... but since we will face the goodie group on 7th lvl probably its not a good choice. Templar and Fist of Hextor came to mind... anyone experience with them ? Worthwhile paying skills and so ?

Should I just go for a good range of Feats... which ? Combos ?

Please do give suggestions... remember that PC vs PC abilities are priority... I want these guys killing those Good guys very effectively.

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Although not really able to say much to help you with your quandry, I too, am running two campaigns (actually co-dming with two other dms). The first campaign starts off an evil group, and then, at level 4, a good group starts off to thwart them, not knowing of the first group (character-wise, the same players are playing both sides) and eventually encountering the bad guys as they become archvillians (at least this is the theory).
Maybe take a peek at Alderac's book 'Evil' for a few pointers. I grabbed the book, and although not incredibly innovative, there are a lot of neat ideas and themes.



Sage of the Scarred Lands
Sorcerer for your arcane archer. Quick and easy.

As for your fighter, well blackguard is out, but you could go monk and try for Green Steel Monk Pr-class. These guys are nasty and strive to become Devils. Thus they are LE. Another choice is Unfailing, from Hollowfaust. I don't have the book in front of me, but he gains undead like qualities AND acts like devoted defender in some respects.


First Post
For the Arcane Archer, I recommend the Wizard because he gets Scribe Scroll feat for free as well as Summon Familiar. Take the bat, he has blindsight and can help you out with that.


First Post
Arcane Archer I'd go with Wizard because you can get more spells known. Shiled is great to offer cover while you fire arrows, Obscurring mist also as protection, TRue strike forst that first deadly arrow, spider climb, jump, expedous retret to get to those hard to reach archer platforms.

The fighter is tough. There are a lot of great fighter prestige classes. It really depends on where you want the character to go. Fighters don't need a prestige class to become tough. If something doesn't seem to fit, stick with a fighter. THose bonus feats are worth a lot.


First Post
If you are an elf, you would need to go Wizard to be an Arcane Archer or suffer the -20% XP penalty. Half-elf can go either way. If you are going archer, you won't really care about spells. You just need the magic to get the PrC.

I would go sorcerer and get True Strike as one of my spells.


First Post
Another thing for the arcane archer is not just sorcerer verse wizard, but Int verse Cha. The extra skill points from a high Int are very nice, but you might want more out of your social skills.


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Well for the fighter, what kind of weapon style does he use??

If he uses a big weapon with a lot of damage die and high crit with a low crit threat range, go with weapon master. The ability to max out damage, and the Ki/critical range makes big weapon slingers awesome.

If he uses a sword and shield, that requries a bit more finesse. maybe ravager or fist of hextor(insert LE god instead of Hextor if desired).

If he uses a chain, definately master of chains, or if he uses a whip use Lasher.

Double weapons and duel weapons, take a level of Ranger for the free feats (not only do you get the TWF and ambi, but when your BaB reaches +8 you get imp TWF).

As for the arcane Archer, does he plan to develop the Spellcasting class any, if yes probably get wizard. If hes just going to let the class sit at level 1 go for sorcerer.

One good combo for fighters is to get sunder and improved sunder (and possibly Combat Ref). By attacking an opponents weapon you are lowering his HP. Once he is left with no weapon, he provokes more AoO and does much less damage. He is pretty much wasted after that. Try to get a better initiative in case the other party has the same idea. Monks are deadly in this case if they take eagle claw attack (allowing them to sunder when unarmed), especially when they have the amulets that enchant their unarmed attacks. Watch out for that as well.

The A-A should make sure to have high hide skill and put distance on his bow. The bow should be a +5 distance ghost touch(blinking will kill you other wise) and he should have an assortment of +1 burst (different elements) brilliant NRG or bane (humaniods/predominant race). Armor that has Heavy Fortification is a must. The Wizard in your group should suck up the experiance loss and make you some items. his loss will improve you guys more than it will hurt him. In fights try to keep guys off the wizard and let him do most of the killing so that he gets most of the exp.


First Post
Fighters are beautiful in combat, and probably better off without any prestige classes. The masses of feats gives them all they need to master any arena of physical warfare they choose.

Oh. Wait. Base all his feats around mounted combat, and give him a few classes of Cavalier. THAT can get ugly. Just make sure he has support VS. spellcasters. As long as he can charge, charge again - melee will NOT be a problem.

The "Black Knight" is a classic concept, neways.

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