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Help explain a civil war

Random Axe

Am running a Star Wars campaign. At some point soon, the party will be traveling off to retrieve a starship that had been hidden secretly away on some mid-region world. While they are there, I'd like to have them find themselves embroiled in a local war. They might choose to get involved in one side or the other, or they might not, but they will be forced to get around unscathed in the midst of heavy (ground-based, small-arms, not stellar-scale) battles.

So my question, in case they do wonder how this sprang up:

What would be the reasons for a local or regional civil war to erupt suddenly on this one planet? What would be some issues that would cause local countries or clans to embattle and kick the snot out of each other?

This is the Rise of the Empire time, one year after the declaration of the Emperor, and the world is light on local law enforcement (multiple criminal havens, smuggling activity perhaps), so the galactic civil war hasn't visited here yet (nor did the Clone Wars, incidentally), so what would it be to cause the locals to pick up guns and bombs and conduct their own personal version? (Real-Life examples welcome).

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Since it is Rise of the Empire era, one fun solution might be that they are trying to hide some Jedi. Maybe three or four younger Jedi (not old or experienced enough that they can handle themselves) made their way to this planet seeking asylum. In the past, the Jedi have been good to this world - maybe even saved them from some kind of calamity.

But, now that the Jedi are wanted, the planet has a hard decision to make. Hide the Jedi, and risk the wrath of the Emperor? Or give up the Jedi (who are innocent, especially considering their age) and earn major points with the nearest Imperial governor?

Maybe when the Jedi saved them before, it was opposed, and a remnant of that old faction is now leading the group that wants to turn in the Jedi? That would give them a leader and a motivation for doing so. And, it would either give the PCs an ally/enemy depending on which side of the struggle they find themselves on.


First Post
Well, the most obvious one is that one part of the nation/world wishes to secede from the other and that leads to a war. US Civil War or the War of Independence.

World War I was caused by a rather "light" set of circumstances, and ignited one of the largest armed conflicts the world has seen. So, perhaps there are districts, or regions, or nations in this world that have had tensions rising and it takes one small spark to set-off the powder keg (like say the assassination of the 2nd in line to the throne in one of the countries).

Another was the Russian Civil War (of around the same era) - February Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia & October Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - the people leading the revolution against the monarchy.

Lots of fun real life examples :)


sudden outbreak of violence on such a scale suggests long-term underlying discontent. Three main avenues leap to mind.

War of ideology -- think Chinese Civil War.

Death of the ruler and competing claims for succession -- think War of the Roses.

Popular uprising as the desperate common folk throw off the yokes of tyranny -- think French Revolution.


I can think of mainly three main reasons that the people rise up and swing their pitchforks:

1. Oppressing ruler/system

Folks don't like their government anymore either because it has a bloody hand towards them or it is too greedy and wealth is shared between the ruling class (French revolution)

2. Ethnic/religious clashes

Religion 1 rules and religion 2 doesn't think that's funny at all, especially if religion 1 tries to smoke out religion 2 to wipe out the competition. Relgion can often be replace with ethnics (sp?)

3. Economic super crash

Some really bad economic crisis can bring out the people on the street very fast. When people die from hunger all things are possible and the ones responsible are allways those that currently have the ruling power.


What would be the reasons for a local or regional civil war to erupt suddenly on this one planet?

Just look at what happened in Tunisia, Libya and Syria.
Other than that, the death of a ruler (and accusations of assasinations) can also lead to a rather quick eruption of war.


Mod Squad
Staff member
This is the Rise of the Empire time, one year after the declaration of the Emperor, and the world is light on local law enforcement (multiple criminal havens, smuggling activity perhaps), so the galactic civil war hasn't visited here yet (nor did the Clone Wars, incidentally), so what would it be to cause the locals to pick up guns and bombs and conduct their own personal version? (Real-Life examples welcome).

In a region with little local enforcement or central government, you're probably talking crime turf wars and/or contention for major resources (like, who controls the water supplies). Hutt Space borders on a section of the Mid-Rim - it might be a proxy fight between two Hutt clans.

As an alternative: During the rise of the Empire, several Imperial academies were established in the Mid-Rim. Your war might arise as one local power agrees to help set up an academy - they start pushing people around to establish territory and resources for the academy, without being clear what the ultimate goal is. Other local folks may resist being pushed, and fight back. During the fight, it can finally come out why all this is going on, and the PCs can then have a reason to involve themselves - 'cause who doesn't want to fight the Empire?


Civil wars arise from all sorts of causes, and they usually arrise very suddenly:

1) Simmering ethnic differences: A multiethnic community which is thrust together because of external forces can very suddenly erupt into war if those external forces change or shift or if the balance of power changes sufficiently within them. Example: Lebanon, Yugoslavia, Sudan, Syria, Rhodesia, Rwanda.
2) Economic Collapse: A sudden economic collapse brought about by a war, failed currency, or excessive debt can cause a populist uprising as deparate persons attach themselves to extremist groups promising relief. Example: France, China, Russia, Weimar Germany
3) Divergent Ideology: A community can splinter into two ideologically separated camps with incompatible interpretations of the facts and views of how life should be lived. Eventually without ideological reconcialation, this will lead to civil war. Example: Holy Roman Empire, England, USA
4) Succession Crisis: The fundamental institution of government is the arrangement for the transfer of power from one individual to the next. If that institution fails to create a clearly legitimate candidate, government collapses and there is little recourse but war if one side doesn't concede. Example: Rome (repeatedly), Arab Caliphate, War of the Roses
5) Nationalism: A portion of a larger empire can decide it would more efficiently rule its own affairs. Example: Holland, American Revolution, Haiti

And of course those causes can be mixed and complicated by many factors.

In the case of a Star Wars campaign, with the larger political structure of the galaxy in flux, there are an almost infinite number of reasons why individual systems could errupt into civil war.

Some Star Wars specific examples:

1) A planet could be colonized by two different human genestock lines. Superficially similar, they may no longer have the capacity to interbreed. There relative similarity has served to keep them neighborly, but it also makes them direct competitors for living space and resources. Turmoil for external sources may create a situation where the two species differences are brought to a fore and whatever accomodation they had falls apart.
2) A planet could be colonized by two different species. As #1 , but they are more likely to enter conflict because one species suddently realizes tha the second species has control of something that it now wants. This could occur because the first species has recently increased its technological ability and for example, now wants to engage in borehole drilling, terraforming, climate control, or underwater mining/extraction.
3) Loss of external authority has recently placed greater strain on what was formerly a figure head government with little responcibility. This has produced a succession crisis. Personally, I've always wanted to do a civil war on Naboo, based on Lucas's superficially strange 'elected Queen' governance system, and its similarity to polytheistic figurehead Queens/Kings who are ritually sacrificed at the end of thier terms. Personally, I love baroque (or is that broke) poltiical systems. At the time of the prequels, the system seems to have stabilized into a fairly stable figurehead queen regularly transfering power with an actual ruling parlimentary system, but its easy to imagine all sorts of competing political views - Republicans that think the vestiges of the old sacrificial system is a sick joke and the Queen instituion should be abolished, Conservatives that want to maintain the existing system, Monarchists that want true power vested in the Queen, and religious cultists with primitive knowledge of the force that don't think ritually killing the old Queen after her term is up is quite good enough and would rather more blood was spilled to properly invoke the 'great wheel of life'. Suppose for example, the ruling governing party discovered that the next Queen strongly favored a rival parties platform, and decided that it was in the best interest to NOT end the term of office of the current Queen in a timely fashion so they ally with the small Monarchist party to rewrite the Constitution to make the Queen apointment lifetime.
4) Disruption of trade with the greater galaxy has lead to an economic collapse, resulting in the rise of some sort of extremist view point (radical nationalism, communism, religious fundamentalism) promising an easy to understand escape from the crisis.

One side drinks tea; the other coffee. Agricultural areas and farmers can produce one or the other, not both. Importation is impractical; each side wants to produce more to lower prices and make their preferred product more accessible. The respective sides are financed by competing trading guilds.

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