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Help Me Populate My World!


Hi, everyone!

I've just started a campaign with my regular group. I've got a continent essentially mapped out geographically, and I've got three large cities for one nation. The world is Earth-Like, with mountain ranges, wide oceans, deserts, tundra, wetlands, and forests.

The main civilized inhabitants are, of course, humans, and all of the standard races are represented except drow and orcs. Frankly I've had my fill of drow and orcs to last a lifetime, so there aren't any on this continent. The main "savage" races are the goblinoids and gnolls aboveground, and duergar, grimlocks, and chitines in the Underworld. Also, there are pockets of civilized hobgoblins scattered throught the continent, who have broken off from the aggressively militaristic main populations and have made an attempt to either assimilate withing human lands, or congregate together in remote monasteries.

What I'd like from as many people as possible is for you to come up with a broad overview of a city, town, or village. Anything will do, from a name, to its primary inhabitants, its main industry, any holidays, basically anything I can start with. Once I see some submissions, I'll have a good idea as to where to place them, but I'm starting to rund dry inm terms of original, unique communities.


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First Post

Think of it as the Greyhawk City/Lankhmar/Waterdeep/Sharn/etc. of the setting. A metropolis consisting of anything & anyone because that's where the money is. Gilport is the mutation of the city's name from the original version, "Gilded Port." The city grew to great prominence not only due to its strategic location as a trade route, but the sheer luck of it being next to one of the most lucrative veins of gold in the world. The major trade, as well as the gold being pulled out of the adjacent mountains, made Gilport the place to be.

Gilport could serve as a capital city as well as a metropolis, but then again, Gilport also could work as an independent city-state rather than as part of a larger nation (the wealth & trade could give it the power to do so). And, because of this power & wealth, it's the target of countless schemes of conquest.

Dark Seraph

First Post

It is a mining town founded among the foothills of a vast northern mountain range. Its founding fathers were the original pioneering folks who discovered the first mines in these parts, harvesting thick veins of silver. Since then the settlement of a dozen wooden shacks has grown to a walled township. This is one of those places where a community of break-away hobgoblins have successfuly integrated with the local humans and dwarves over the last 5 decades. The current governor of Rhiathon, Jurat Walter Krakithikk, is the adopted human son of a hobgoblin pair who were unable to conceive their own.

The nearby expanding kingdom of Ulthan has tried both peaceful and not-so peaceful means to bring Rhiathon into its fold and jurisdiction so as to gain direct access to much needed revenue from the town's rich mining resource. The town's hobgoblin population, a large section of which serve in the town's militia, have been useful in resisting Ulthan's aggressive efforts to date. It certainly simplifies Jurat Walter's options or the lack thereof when it is well known that the kingdom of Ulthan celebrates laws that openly persecute non-humans found within its borders, partcularly those they categorize as savage beastmen, a term they use in referring to hobgoblins.

Adventurers bearing the arms of Ulthann have been seen close to and within the territorial borders of Rhiathon. The Jurat is concerned that this may have something to do with an old subterrannean temple complex that was discovered by accident by the miners of The Greyworm Mining Company last autumn. The site has been made off-limits, but word of it no doubt has spread via the traders that ply the main routes from and to Rhiathon.

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Nice stuff. I can use Gilport in the nation directly south of the area my campaign starts in. Thanks!

Dark Seraph:

I know just where to plunk this town as well. I change "Ulthan" to "Mabrissia" and it's a perfect mining border town. The hobgoblins are a nice touch too.

Dark Seraph

First Post
Presto2112 said:

Nice stuff. I can use Gilport in the nation directly south of the area my campaign starts in. Thanks!

Dark Seraph:

I know just where to plunk this town as well. I change "Ulthan" to "Mabrissia" and it's a perfect mining border town. The hobgoblins are a nice touch too.

no worries, mate! I was glad to be part of a creative exercise. Just wish more had come to play. It has the potential to be a real good release for creative juices. :)



First Post
Shepherd's Lake

Shepherd's Lake is a mid-sized village built around a lake form which it takes its name. The population is predominantly human with dwarves and halflings also represented. The village is well-known for its fruits (peaches, pears, and apricots) as well as its wool, and most human and halfling villagers make a living as farmers or shepherds.

There are a few landmarks of import in the village. The first is the home of Angus Greenshields. Angus is an aging barbarian/fighter who, as a youth, found himself indentured to a dwarven master. He distinguished himself in combat in a major dwarf-hobgoblin conflict. The land on which Shepherd's Lake is built was granted to him (along with his freedom) as a reward for his faithful service. Angus' home is a sprawling manor house, constantly undergoing new construction. His wife, Molly, is an expert cook, and his children (all daughters) have a reputation for prodigious intelligence. Ansley and Aili, two of the daugters, are a scout and a wizard respectively.

The second landmark is Lake Outfitters- one part fortress, one part discount shopping center. The proprietor of Lake Outfitters is an eccentruc, orange flame-haired dwarf with a penchant for godl jewelry and tattoos. He buys all manner of captured goods (magical and mundane) from adventurers, then refurbishes and resells them.

The third point of interest is Saint Raphael on the Lake, a church/hospital/monastary. The clergy is divided evenly between clerics and healers. A few paladins (less than a handful) are also based out of Saint Raphael. The majority of the clergy is human, but the senior healer is a leacherous old halfling by the name of Hollis Merriweather III.

The village's only inn/tavern is a sleepy little place called the Painted Cow Inn, so named because of the brightly colored statuary just outside the front entrance. Two half-elven bardic sisters (Harmony and Melody) can often be found here and are always good for a grumor or two. The inn, of course, features a bulletin board offering an assortment of adventuring opportunities.

The village features two prominent halfling families. The Prettyfeet (singular Prettyfoot) and the Summertoes (singular Summertoes). The patriarchs of the families, once fast friends, are now bitter rivals. A budding romance between grandchildren of each of teh patriarchs may be an opportunity to restore this lost friendship.



exile said:
Shepherd's Lake

Shepherd's Lake is a mid-sized village built around a lake form which it takes its name. The population is predominantly human with dwarves and halflings also represented. The village is well-known for its fruits (peaches, pears, and apricots) as well as its wool, and most human and halfling villagers make a living as farmers or shepherds.

There are a few landmarks of import in the village. The first is the home of Angus Greenshields. Angus is an aging barbarian/fighter who, as a youth, found himself indentured to a dwarven master. He distinguished himself in combat in a major dwarf-hobgoblin conflict. The land on which Shepherd's Lake is built was granted to him (along with his freedom) as a reward for his faithful service. Angus' home is a sprawling manor house, constantly undergoing new construction. His wife, Molly, is an expert cook, and his children (all daughters) have a reputation for prodigious intelligence. Ansley and Aili, two of the daugters, are a scout and a wizard respectively.

The second landmark is Lake Outfitters- one part fortress, one part discount shopping center. The proprietor of Lake Outfitters is an eccentruc, orange flame-haired dwarf with a penchant for godl jewelry and tattoos. He buys all manner of captured goods (magical and mundane) from adventurers, then refurbishes and resells them.

The third point of interest is Saint Raphael on the Lake, a church/hospital/monastary. The clergy is divided evenly between clerics and healers. A few paladins (less than a handful) are also based out of Saint Raphael. The majority of the clergy is human, but the senior healer is a leacherous old halfling by the name of Hollis Merriweather III.

The village's only inn/tavern is a sleepy little place called the Painted Cow Inn, so named because of the brightly colored statuary just outside the front entrance. Two half-elven bardic sisters (Harmony and Melody) can often be found here and are always good for a grumor or two. The inn, of course, features a bulletin board offering an assortment of adventuring opportunities.

The village features two prominent halfling families. The Prettyfeet (singular Prettyfoot) and the Summertoes (singular Summertoes). The patriarchs of the families, once fast friends, are now bitter rivals. A budding romance between grandchildren of each of teh patriarchs may be an opportunity to restore this lost friendship.


Thanks a lot for this. Very fleshed out. I particularly appreciate the Painted Cow. it would make a perfect station for the Dengel Adventurer's League, especially with the bulletin board.

One of the first things the party had to do was to register with the League of Adventurers, a guild of sorts, operated by a division of the Dengelian government. There would be guildhouses and stations peppered throughout the kingdom where registered adventurers would be able to seek out things that needed to be done by folks with their talents, and the Painted Cow seems like a great spot for that.

The Edge

First Post
Maybe mark some secret goblin burrows, places where the little wretches have tried to settle hiden from those that would pester them. Semi under ground houses, with carrots and other veg grown on the 'roof'. Well hidden.

Could be an adventure oppertunity, where a lord wants to build a new manor/thing on a large area of land he bought, latter discoverd to house a gob burrow. Is it right to kick them out and force them into raiding?

Guild of adventurers huh? Sounds like my 'Guild for Hire'. Very helpful I found.

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