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Help on the merchant????


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I've been wanting to play a Merchant for awhile, and I've taken some things off the site and added a few things of my own...... can some of you help me by telling me if this is too over-powered?


The merchants are the backbone of every town, city, and country. The move goods from place to place and spread local news and rumors as they go.

Alignment: Any
Hit Dice: d6
Class Skills:

Strength: NONE
Dexterity: Ride, and Use Rope.
Constitution: NONE
Intelligence: Appraise, Craft, Decipher Script, Forgery and Knowledge(any).
Wisdom: Innuendo, Intuit Direction, Listen, Profession, Sense Motive and Survival Charisma: Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Handle Animal and Intimidate.

Skill Points at 1st Level: (6 + Int modifier) x4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + Int Modifier

Weapons and Armor: Merchants are proficient in all simple weapons and all light armors.

Lvl BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Are you trying to ruin me?, Pure Profit, Haggle
2 +1 +0 +0 +3 Ruthless, Merchant Ability
3 +2 +1 +1 +3 Merchant Lore
4 +3 +1 +1 +4 Merchant Ability
5 +3 +1 +1 +4 Resource Access
6 +4 +2 +2 +5 Merchant Contacts,Merchant Ability
7 +5 +2 +2 +5
8 +6 +2 +2 +6 Merchant Ability
9 +6 +3 +3 +6
10 +7 +3 +3 +7 Merchant Ability
11 +8 +3 +3 +7
12 +9 +4 +4 +8 Merchant Ability
13 +9 +4 +4 +8
14 +10 +4 +4 +9 Merchant Ability
15 +11 +5 +5 +9
16 +12 +5 +5 +10 Merchant Ability
17 +12 +5 +5 +10
18 +13 +6 +6 +11 Merchant Ability
19 +14 +6 +6 +11
20 +15 +6 +6 +12 Merchant Ability


You tend to deal with more currency than other professions. You can earn your profession(merchant) skill check in gold pieces per day. This doesn’t have any effect on your inventory, this represents the buying and reselling of goods to make a profit.

Are you trying to ruin me? (ex):

Haggling is the merchant's pride. Merchants can use the skill Bluff to sell or buy merchandise for a price much higher or lower than the original cost. Others can call their bluff by rolling an opposed Sense Motive, but if they fail, they believe the price offered is fair. The amount depends on how much the merchant's Bluff check exceeds the other part's Sense Motive, as seen below. Note that other merchants are likely to use an appraise check in stead of Sense Motive, to decide the item's exact value.

1-5 10% more/10% less than base cost
6-9 25% more/20% less than base cost
10-14 50% more/30% less than base cost
15-19 75% more/40% less than base cost
20-30 100% more/60% less than base cost
30+ 200% more/70% less than base cost

Merchant Knowledge (Ex):
As bardic knowledge, but instead applies to merchandise. A merchant may exactly pinpoint the whereabouts and availability of a common ware (DC 12) or an exotic ware (DC 15). He may also have bits of information on magical items (DC 20).

Pure Profit (Ex): For every successful sale to a customer where the merchant bests the
customer in an opposed Diplomacy (Barter/Haggle) check, the merchant gains XP as if he
had defeated the customer in combat, or a creature of the merchant’s class level,
whichever is lower. The merchant must role-play the transaction to gain XP. This ability allows the experience points to be put into a “pool,” only to gain levels in the merchant class (ex: a multi-classed fighter/merchant couldn’t haggle his way to gain a level of fighter)

Ruthless (Ex):
At 2nd level, the merchant becomes well-versed in various cutthroat business practices that he can use to gain an advantage in his dealings. The merchant may 1/day "show" a potential buyer how much he really needs his life, I mean the item. You may add your intimidate check to your diplomacy to hard-sell/buy an item or to outright make the person give you whatever he can afford. This is risky as it tends to anger people and the merchant tends to make enemies quickly.

Merchant Abilities: Choose from the list below:

Discerning Eye (ex):By examining an item for one minute the merchant can make a special Appraise check, DC15, to determine whether it is magical(any non-magical common item can be appraised at exactly it’s value with the same check); DC20 will reveal whether it is cursed or intelligent; and DC30 will identify a magic or item (as the spell, except that it takes only one minute and requires no material component). This final use along with an identify spell, and a successful merchant knowledge check will reveal all attributes of a non-artifact magical item.

Of Course I Can! (Ex):Given 1d12 days, the merchant can track down any item for sale, though sometimes the price may be inflated. This requires a special gather information check(takes 1d12 days not 1d4 hours and spread out over several establishments or even towns), DC 20 plus or minus up to 6 (depending on circumstances, rareness of the item, etc.)

Hagglemaster (ex): Given in situations where a merchant is working his trade, he receives a +2 bonus on the following skills: Appraise, Decipher Script, Forgery, Knowledge(any), Profession (merchant), Sense Motive, Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate.

Merchant Cache (su): A merchant can create a single extra dimensional space that only they can access. The cache moves with the merchant as if it were a belt pouch. Adding and removing from the cache is a move-equivalent. Cannot choose this ability until level 4.

Packrat (ex): Any container or bin that the merchant packs can hold twice as much weight and effectively twice as much volume. Retrieving an item out of one of these bins take 2d10 rounds.

Theft Proof(su): Any item that the merchant owns is under the effects of a stone of alarm.

Mastering the Craft: Any time that a merchant would gain a bonus feat he may instead choose a merchant ability.

Sense Thoughts(su): By engaging in conversation, the merchant can act as if under the effect of a detect thoughts spell. This ability can only be used for a total of ten minutes a day.

Bind the contract(su): Any time the merchant should right out a contract, the signer is treated as having been under the effect of a geas spell with no save

Gather the crowd(ex): The merchant may draw a crowd to sort of auction off his items. Make a "are you ruin me" check for each item(dc=avg sm check), the crowd starts bidding on the items at -50%. Roll 4d4, that's the number of bets made, and for each one roll a d10 and that's the percent that's effectively added to the ruin me roll.(ex: you beat the crowd by 16, that gives you a bonus 75%. B/c it's an auction the bidding starts at 25%.
the 4d6 roll comes out to a crappy 6, and the d10 rolls come out 3,6,4,8,2,7 for a total of 55% more than the actual price)

Man of money (su): The merchant may loan out money and regardless of circumstances, in some miraculous way or another, gets his money back in full with interest in 1d12 days. The ROI must be set before the transaction or the money is just paid back w/o interest.

Tough Streets: You gain the ability to make sneak attacks. Each time this is taken you get +1d6 sneak attack damage to a total of +5d6.

Prospector: When exploring an area of wilderness a Merchant can make a search check which if successful allows the merchant to discver a valuable natural resource of some sort (eg Furs, Spices, Diamonds or Gold) value = level x cha check x 10 (ie half the Resource Access value).
Exploiting this resource further requires appropriate skills (Survival or Prof: Mining)

Resource Access (Ex):
Beginning at 5th level, a merchant has access to an array of resources from his various business ventures and investments. Once per game session, the merchant can make a Charisma check to use those resources during the adventure. The value of resources gained equals the merchant's class level multiplied by the result of the Charisma check multiplied by 20. Thus, a 3rd-level merchant who gets a result of 16 on her Charisma check would gain 960 gp worth of resources to use in the adventure (3 x 16 x 20 = 960).
These resources can take almost any form the merchant chooses (within reason) and are his to do with as he pleases. He can keep them, use them, give them away, or sell them as he sees fit. The resources gained arrive in the merchant's possession 1d8 hours after he makes the check. These resources must be reasonably available when and where he chooses to make the check. For instance, a merchant trekking through the wilderness won't have access to many resources.

Merchant Contacts (Ex):
This is similar to the Leadership feat, except instead of having a cohort and followers, the merchant has a business partner (of any class) and contacts (of NPC classes). These contacts can be in any city the Merchant has conducted business in and provide advice, hospitality, information and business opportunities.
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A suffusion of yellow
Okay because I hate post that don't get replies here goes

I don't like this as it is. I'm no expert but my gut feeling tells me its overpowered but then the concept is 'different' so its a bit hard to say without experience. In particular I see no reason why this class should have Sneak Attack or Spell casting ability (which is pretty much my biggest objection)

Furthermore while developing a merchant class may have some merit I see no reason why it couldn't be done using Aristocrat or Expert and some specifically created feats (which is essentially what you've done with e Mastery of the Craft ability!) (adding a few more feats to the Aristocrat/Expert wouldn't be remiss either)

Anyway other than the incongruous Sneak Attack what you present here is a few good ideas but no real logical strucutre. so if I may comment to specifics:

Class Skills: Dexterity: Tumble - Why on earth should a Merchant get tumble?
Skill Points at 1st Level: (8 + Int modifier) x4 - too many points. An Expert only gets a 6+Int and although Rogue gets 8+, being a rogue is an entirely different kettle of fish

Sneak Attack+1d6 - as I said WHY? why does running a business allow me to hit vital organs in combat? this doesn't fit

Haggle(ex): yeah this is okay

Are you trying to ruin me? (ex):
I'd actually make these haggling rules standard for all characters (ie I like the system in general) and maybe just give the Merchant a skill focus in it rather than a speciifc ability

Merchant Knowledge (Ex): Why not just use Knowedge:Local

Pure Profit (Ex): I like the idea but remember XP is awarded for overcoming challenges so why not award the fighter for a good haggle too? What you need to do instead is determine a system of applying CR to 'Social Encounters' (like haggling) and then award XP as per normal (ie as if it were combat for a fighter)

Ruthless (Ex): This is BAD. It isn't an ability per se and it gives the character nothing (because even now I could make an intimidation check and roleplay my barbarian going into a tavern and telling the nearest NPC "look bozo you buy this dagger I found for 10gp or I slaughter all your children okay" by applying a mechanic you give the merchant nothing and create a roleplaying crutch

Merchant Abilities: okay these generally I like, and think can stay (or make them feats). They remind me of Talents (per Modern) and/or the Marshalls Auras and thats good

Craft the Trade: - um this is more approapriate to an Artisan than a Merchant and the xp spend I'll need to think about.

Resource Access (Ex): this is nice

Merchant Contacts (Ex): this is nice too

Merchant Magic: besides sneak attack this is the part I like least. Not every class needs the ability to cast spells (although some of these could be turned into Merchant abilities:))

um I hope the above isn't taken too critically (even though it may sound harsh in parts) I am trying to be helpful
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I'd use the expert with these skills:

Handle Animal
Gather Info
Knowledge (any 2)
Sense Motive


First Post
Your ideas have been really helpful, I agree that tumble shouldn't be on there. I don't know why I didn't get rid of that earlier. The main reason I decided to add spellcasting is that it is a VERY restricted ability, even more restricted than the rangers ability (with exception to orison/cantrip) and the spells mostly apply to social settings. I'll take it into consideration though. The sneak attack represents living in the streets, perhaps in many different towns, where a merchant has to pick up some kind of knowledge to thwart would be assailants. I've always imagined merchants (the traveling kinds anyways) to be as ruthless in a streetfight as they are in selling. I'd also like to note the slowed sneak attack progression, maybe it slould be slowed another step? I'd appreciate some suggestions if you still think it doesn't pan out.


A suffusion of yellow
Its looking much better now:)

I can see how this could be fun to roleplay, although how it might work within the average party of adventurers boggles the mind!

Man of Money needs a bit added to make it clear what the ROI (either + 20% of principal) and how long it takes to get the money back (1d12 days perhaps)

Just to cater for the Merchant in the Wilderness can a suggest I new Merchant Ability

Prospector: When exploring an area of wilderness a Merchant can make a search check which if successful allows the merchant to discver a valuable natural resource of some sort (eg Furs, Spices, Diamonds or Gold) value = level x cha check x 10 (ie half the Resource Access value).
Exploiting this resource further requires appropriate skills (Survival or Prof: Mining)

Voidrunner's Codex

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