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help with king of smack build


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King of smack build help:

I wanted to make this character and would like some feedback on it since i'm kind of stuck. i have two ideas on how to do this and both seem lacking.

first one is the basic psiwarrior/warshaper/illithid slayer build but I hate that I won't get improved rapidstrike until level 18 and by then the campaign might be over.

house rules: fractional BAB, 2 flaws allowed, web variants allowed, and retraining/psychic reformation everytime you level. Might beg DM to give psiwarrior full BAB progression but I think that might take all the fun out of this adventure.

Race: Synad (counts as aberration, gains +2 on rolls, one round of double actions, no level adjustments)
Flaws: murky eyed, shaky

1 Psw1 combat relaxes, synad multitask, track, improved natural attack (reformation)
2 Psw2 mantle: natural world
3 Psw3 linked power
4 Psw4
5 Psw5 overchannel
6 Psw6 create psionic univeral item
7 Psw7
8 Psw8 Metamorphic Transfer
9 IS1* EK: schism (after reformation)
10 IS2
11 IS3
12 IS4 Rapidstrike (claw)
13 IS5
14 IS6
15 IS7 Roblier's gambit
16 IS8
17 IS9
18 IS10 Improved Rapidstrike (claw)
19 Wsh1** Morphic Immunities, Morphic Weapons
20 Wsh2 Morphic Body

not sure what to use for the two reformed feats, was thinking either talented, metapower, extend power, WF or WS. I won't need talented once I get metamorphosis since I heal one i transform. Extend power is nice but i will be making psychoactive skins (claw and proteus) with overchannel to make skins with higher ML than my PC.

Basically I use multitask to manifest schism then link power another buff (most likely expansion) with claws of the vampire. Next round schism kicks in and I can buff again while attacking with vampire claws. Powers used by my schism will always be using overchannel since I will heal it with vampire claws. The natural world mantle gives me metamorphosis at the earliest possible time without waiting for a feat.

The other build idea I had was to take the Vow of Poverty (from BoED) at level one. The main benefits to this are the addition to attack and damage rolls which can really add up once i get improved rapid strike. The exalted feats are not that great but maybe you can reform them later on? According to the power description it should be possible since all you have to do qualify for the feat and have that slot open. Anyone know any differently? If so VoP king of smack would really be the way to go since it is so self-sufficient already. Main thing is that you will be spending XP to reform but by most accounts it is worth it.

King of holy smack down build (same as above but take VoP and scared vow at level one and no more use of psychoactive skins)

1st AC bonus +4
2nd Bonus exalted feat (might change mantle to good just for the flavor)
3rd AC bonus +5, endure elements
4th Exalted strike +1 (magic), bonus exalted feat
5th Sustenance
6th AC bonus +6, deflection +1, bonus exalted feat
7th Resistance +1, ability score enhancement +2
8th Natural armor +1, mind shielding, bonus exalted feat
9th AC bonus +7
10th Exalted strike +2 (good), damage reduction 5/magic,
bonus exalted feat
11th Ability score enhancement +4/+2
12th AC bonus +8, deflection +2, greater sustenance,
bonus exalted feat
13th Resistance +2, energy resistance 5
14th Exalted strike +3, freedom of movement, bonus
exalted feat
15th AC bonus +9, ability score enhancement +6/+4/+2,
damage reduction 5/evil
16th Natural armor +2, bonus exalted feat
17th Exalted strike +4, resistance +3, regeneration
18th AC bonus +10, deflection +3, true seeing, bonus
exalted feat
19th Ability score enhancement +8/+6/+4/+2, damage
reduction 10/evil
20th Exalted strike +5, energy resistance 15, bonus exalted

Exalted feats to convert into improved metapsionics, practiced manifester, extend power, WF, WS, metapower (CPsi), EK: metamorphosis.

Exalted feats worth considering: sanctify natural attack, nimbus of light, holy radiance. I still think getting more EK would be better though.

Whooping ten more feats, this looks like the better build, but only if you can reform exalted feats into any other (which you qualify for). Does anyone have a ruling on this? Thanks in advance.

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