Pathfinder 1E Hex-Crawl Map Examples

Griffon Lore Games

Publishing Content for 5E and Pathfinder1E
Here at Griffon Lore Games in our underground bunker in Sammamish, WA., we think a Hex-Crawl product with a set of GM and Player maps is a great way to give your players some exciting exploration encounters. We're running a crowd-funding campaign for such a hex-crawl-centric module in our current Adventure Path.

Here's a classic layout from our cartographer, Anna Meyer, of one of the hexes:


It's a rendered 3D file so that we can flip it around at any angle:


You can use the larger map and then drill down on the hexes as the PCs explore them. Click here to back Trials of Arcadia and get your GM and player island hex-crawl map!

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