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High Level Plot Help -- Demon Haunted Earth


Penguin Herder
Are you a player in my world?
Does the name "Valdemar" make you angry?


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The PCs in my game are currently:

Sparrowhawk (yeah, zero points for originality): A Wizard 7 / Loremaster 7 of uncertain parentage. He came from an area to the North of Luxoria. He is frequently mocked for making pacts with a fiend or two, though to be fair, he didn't have much choice at the time.

Col. Cornelius: A Rgr 1 / Wiz 6 / Eldrich Knight 7, recently promoted quite high as a result of a successful adventure, and as a result of the higher brass having vanished. He has suffered many wounds as a result of recklessly charging foes, and he's about to start a school for army wizards called "Her Majesty's Special Branch".

Donatello: Monk 4 / Paladin 4 / Follower of the Golden Path 6. He runs a monestary / school in a southern colony of Luxoria -- half way to Valaria, but on the other coast.

I'd like some help with plots and historical events. Here's what I've worked out so far and what effect it will have on the PCs.

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Arachne's Lament: Barsoom is an old, dry world. The albino elf natives ("Thurn") live underground in caves where there is water, and enslave the (red/black) humans to do farm labor above ground. Shockingly, the evil underground slaver elves have a thing for spiders.

They revere Lolth, but they do not worship her as a deity. In fact, they are athiests, as are all elves.

Who is Lolth? Her other name is Arachne, and if you know that story, you can probably figure out why the Thurn have been studying up on deicide for the last couple millennia. She lives in the Abyss so that she can make her plans far from the view of deities. (Arachne's curse happened about 2,800 years ago.)

I need help with: Clues. The Thurn had tolerated the Free Men of the North until the PCs dropped off a Cleric. The Cleric naturally started spreading religion amongst the Free Men, and... well... the Thurn are kinda down on that. So there's now a full-scale war of extermination underway. I need clues to lead the PCs to uncover the mystery of Arachne and therefore the meaning behind this war.

Stuff for the Thurn to yell at religious humans. "Die, kneeler!" is about all I've got.

Vore of the Clones: There are six gods known to mankind. This is a story of the seventh.

Mankind's gods are about 3,000 years old. They were created as a sort of sentient Van Allen belt to protect humanity from the ancient alien evils that inhabit the outer darkness. The creation process involved the sacrifice of one "template" soul and a thousand or so followers each.

The six "template" exemplars were paragons of leadership, wisdom, life, artifice, art and strength. The seventh was a hitchhiker -- he was a paragon of bloody-minded selfishness. His name is Vecna.

The six became aware of Vecna's ascendence after he had created sentient undead able to sustain him as worshippers, and able to drain souls (= bestow negative levels), which were fed to him directly.

In a meta-physical battle which lasted a hundred years, the Six were able to bind Vecna such that he could no longer feed of drained souls. In fact, the only soul he could feed off of was his own. The Six effectively split his divinity from his mind -- the latter becoming the first Lich.

Anyway. Vecna needs souls to fuel his second ascendence, but he can only eat his own soul. So, every 20 years or so he seeds five clones of himself in various human nations. These clones invariably become Wizards of great ability, at which point he eats their souls.

Sparrowhawk (a PC) is a Vecna clone.

Clues so far:
- Sparrowhawk recently cast his first magnificent mansion spell. He got a mansion that had seen some horrific use. (Ghosts, chained archons, torture implements, and demonic summoning diagrams, some full.) There was an ancient statue in his likeness in the torture room. When he freed a chained archon, it gave him a look, and teleported out wordlessly.
- Alberto Rossi, aka "The Albatross", is another Clone who SH has met. Alberto's first question to Sparrowhawk was, "What are you, some kind of stupid evil twin?!" Alberto lives in Valaria, far to the south of Luxoria.
- Sparrowhawk recently took Leadership. He got a Warforged Occult Slayer ("Cypher") who "has always served the Master". Cypher has a permenent discern location attuned to Sparrowhawk's soul, which is sadly not unique. Cypher will not fight other clones, nor will he fight the Fisher King himself (Vecna), but the PCs do not know this yet.

Where I Need Help: More cryptic clues, and three more wizards, who should have some kind of bird names. I'd like to have the PCs journey to find the other three. The first two are unhelpful, and the third is already dead -- claimed by Vecna, dessicacted and soul-shorn -- but I need some clues to get them moving.

The Shadow of Carceri: The PCs were on Carceri for a bit. They slew an adult blue dragon and took three eggs in addition to his hoard. The eggs hatched, and three adorable little blue wyrmlings came into the world -- half-fiend, shadow creature blue dragon wyrmlings. Two of the PCs took these wyrmlings on as pets / cohorts, the third wyrmling has been left in the care of Col. Corneilus' mentor.

The half-fiend stuff has been kept pretty subtle -- my players know that I dig Shadow stuff, and I've re-named many of the half-fiend abilities with shadowy names and rules text -- so the PCs are still unaware that they've got half-fiends for pets.

Anyway. It's well known that the creation of dragon eggs requires TWO dragons, one of which should be female. She's none too pleased that, upon her return, she found her mate slain and butchered for parts, and her eggs missing. She is a very old half-fiend shadow creature blue dragon, and she is pissed.

In order to get out of Carceri, she has been selling her services to Bel, whom she occasionally serves as a steed. Now that there is a war going on in Hell, she is in great demand. This gives her some freedom to investigate the location of her children, but it also means she's been too busy to make much of this freedom.

Here she is: http://enworld.org/showpost.php?p=1557680&postcount=12

As usual, I need clues -- especially since she's obviously not someone they're going to face, but rather someone they're going to avoid, for quite a while to come.

The Golden Age of Chitin: There is a young, new race on the scene. The Arrakin are insectile psionic dudes who have recently discovered planar travel, and bave been exploring. Some have discovered Earth, but they are becoming more common across all the planes. They have no living gods, but neither do they have any particular hatered for gods.

They're my "racial ingenue". They have been approaced by the Thurn (who like the whole chitin thing) and are currently allied with them against the Free Men of Barsoom. Since the Arrakin aren't actually evil, and the Thurn are horrificly ruthless, there should be lots of opportunities for the PCs to break that particular alliance.

However, they have a problem of their own: teen pregnancy. Specifcally, pre-sentient psionic larvae which are able to form psionic swarms of staggering potency (like cranium rats). This was a manageable problem until somehow the larvae became able reproduce on their own (without becoming adults). Now, half of their world is dominated by wild children with the power of demigods. Lolth has promised to help them solve this problem... but it was probably some arch-fiend who engineered the sudden evolutionary leap in the first place. Who? And why? Perhaps some other arch-fiend seeks to make them into its worshippers, or seeks to engineer evil swarms with similar psionic potency?

The PCs have met one Arrakin NPC ("Karthik"), but he wasn't particularly talkative -- that's the problem with psionic ninja, you know? Not so talky.

What I Need: potentially benign random encounters with this alien species. What would psionic alien explorers do?

There are other plots in motion, but those are the ones I need help with.

Any thoughts?

Thanks, -- N
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Land Outcast

warning: I'm uninspired

Arachne's Lament: Religious "leaders" (at leasst very pious people) start dying little by little, or at lest getting weaker.
They make a festival in honor of the gods to be protected.
More damage to society. Poison, spider poison.
Caravands don't come into the city anymore... except some fruit carts (this is how they were brought).
Deaths increase.

Vore of the Clones: Cypher makes weird comments about "that" not being the usual way of working.
Give him a +1 CL with Necromancy spells (actually describe the effect as being greater than expected).
The other clones:
One is secluded in his study and will speak with noone... because he himself cut his tongue so as to avoid noise... he HATES noise.
The other is actually under tutelage, maybe he himself is powerful, but is bound by a contract of mystical nature (either under a wizard or under a fiend, or what-know-you).
Reaching him could be part of any quest you had in mind, his carcass is besides their goal, and has some interesting suff with him.

The Shadow of Carceri:
Important position? that equals sending subordinates eventually.
After scrying; make sure to describe how the light in the room becomes weaker whenever they are scryed upon, or are obtained information of through Divination, or similar.
After some investigation from afar subordinates will arrive; they modus operandi depends on how you envision her... but after the first subordinates are brought down, send some tough ones, but first make sure that the PCs know they are TOUGH.

hope it helps.


Penguin Herder
Land Outcast said:
Arachne's Lament: Religious "leaders" (at leasst very pious people) start dying little by little, or at lest getting weaker.

... except that the Thurn left Earth long ago, and there were no religious leaders on Barsoom until the PCs dropped one off. That guy is being driven insane by direct contact with the ancient alien energies that fuel "Divine" magic.

Land Outcast said:
Vore of the Clones: Cypher makes weird comments about "that" not being the usual way of working.
Give him a +1 CL with Necromancy spells (actually describe the effect as being greater than expected).
The other clones:
One is secluded in his study and will speak with noone... because he himself cut his tongue so as to avoid noise... he HATES noise.
The other is actually under tutelage, maybe he himself is powerful, but is bound by a contract of mystical nature (either under a wizard or under a fiend, or what-know-you).
Reaching him could be part of any quest you had in mind, his carcass is besides their goal, and has some interesting suff with him.

I'm planning on all of them being powerful wizards, so the tongueless thing could be a problem, unless he also has a permanent silence emanation and Silent Spell. Hmm, actually that could be cool.

I just can't imagine Vecna leaving the loot after draining the soul and life fource out of his clone. It's not like he's in a hurry. ;)

Thanks! -- N


Okay, I'll give it a shot....

The humans are called 'slaves of the faith', 'followers of the unspeakable' etc.

Clues can be: when raiding the elves, the PC's find several treatises on deific energies and how to suppress them / defend against them, some philosophical debates in letters (a correspondence between two elven sages) on the nature of godhood and conditions under which a deity may be killable

As for Sparrowhawk, maybe the PC's find a prophecy with his name (cryptically or in cryptogram) referenced and how he is destined to fuel Vecna (or in more vague terms), this prophecy also names (again cryptically) others and gives hints where to find them on certain special (astrologically themed?) times and places.

When the PC's manage to find the first, he has _just_ been killed, all shrivelled up. Some Vecnan cultists just fled the scene as the PC's disturbed their ritual (these cultists used the same prophecy to 'catch' the other 'vessel') right after it was finished, and they left behind some clues (maybe again book, letters, symbols, other paraphernalia) which are mentioned in the prophecy or maybe there is some sage the PC's could go to who can shed some light on things...

On the female blue/shadow/fiend dragon thing, she is occupied, but will send spies to keep tabs. The PC's may figure out they are being trailed, observed etc. They manage to catch some, but they have little direct knowledge (hired through intermediaries), only that '_she_ is after the PC's'...

Hope that helps some...


Penguin Herder
Whisper72 said:
Clues can be: when raiding the elves, the PC's find several treatises on deific energies and how to suppress them / defend against them, some philosophical debates in letters (a correspondence between two elven sages) on the nature of godhood and conditions under which a deity may be killable

Elf library book titles:
- "Applied Necrotheology"
- "Divinity Dissected"
- "On the Nature of Worship"
- "Demiurge to Demigorgon: Taxonomia Theologica"
- "Sacrimental Illness"
- "Origins and Orders of Omnipotency"
- "Sacrificial Psychology and Practice"
- "Transcendence: A Theory"

Whisper72 said:
On the female blue/shadow/fiend dragon thing, she is occupied, but will send spies to keep tabs. The PC's may figure out they are being trailed, observed etc. They manage to catch some, but they have little direct knowledge (hired through intermediaries), only that '_she_ is after the PC's'...

Thing is, if she knew who it was who attacked, she'd scry/buff/shadow-walk over and lay waste to the general vicinity. She has no clue who it was.

So, what's her investigation going to be like? She lives in Carceri (so she can't often get out herself), but she has Diabolical connections.

-- N

PS: All dragons are angered by the half-fiend shadow wyrmlings -- they assume that a Wizard with a "tainted" wyrmling is responsible for the tainting. Some day the PCs will figure out that's why they have such poor reactions from dragons recently. :]

Gold Roger

First Post
Really, respect on the clone thing. That's a really great idea and one I might yoink one day.

What if one of the wizards has already figured out what he is? Evil to the core himself, he figured as Vecnas clone he should have the same ability as Vecna and seek to suck his "brothers'" souls and replace the old boneman. He'd propably be quite paranoid himself, sitting holed up in some dark dungeon, sending magical crows out to find his brothers. His name would be crow or the crowlord (I prefer crows over ravens on this one because crows feel more wretched and less noble).

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