Holy Crap, That's a Lot of Magic Items

the Jester

I've previously posted a bunch of magic items that I have converted. This is all of them, along with all th erest that I have converted, organized with charts and tables for both magic items by rarity (in the standard 5e method) and magic items by type, more akin to the 1e method, with treasure tables and the like.

Here's hoping someone enjoys and gets some use out of these. The rarities might be a little wonky here and there, and there are probably things that need to be rewritten for clarity or where I missed important bits, but overall, this is pretty solid.


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the Jester

I'm glad you guys are enjoying it. Eventually I will have a spells document that is quite large, too- although I doubt it will ever be that comprehensive. There are simply too many spells out there spread through the editions and various sources to convert them all.

the Jester

Small error I noticed: on page 73, an amulet is described as a ring in the description:

Amulet of Sleeplessness
Ring, rare (requires attunement)
While you wear this ring, you don't need to
sleep, although you still need to rest to gain the
benefits of a long rest.

Thanks! There are probably dozens of little copy-and-paste errors like that.


First Post
Great work seriously. I have been testing this for the past two sessions now and my players are loving the more "befitting" treasure generation. The power curve seems to be just about right as well.

Now if someone could take this great piece of work and give it the "sane magic item prices" treatment :p

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