• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Holy Crap, That's a Lot of Magic Items

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the Jester

Yeah, sadly I can't contact him since I made an account just to find out if he would allow me, and I had to make 5 posts, so I went and made rando ones. Next thing you know, my Jonsboy account gets banned. Welp, time to try again!

Hi Scrumble Plays! I'm not on Enworld very much these days, but you (or anyone else) can contact me on Reddit, where I am jestakilla.

Scrumble Plays

First Post
Alright, ever since I made the last post, I’ve been doing some hard work. Tomorrow though is probably when I’ll start to resume what I’ve started, if that makes any sense. The last few days have been taxing for me, but I have a few projects that need to be completed.

A. I need to finish a tome of spells that I’m converting over to DNDBeyond
B. I need to contact Jester once more for approval

When I’m done with all of it, you can go to DNDBeyond, look up Jonsboy as an author, and find ALL of Jester’s magic items and more, as long as he says yes.

I already have two spells from the first project I’m talking about, so you can check those out.

I’ll update on this thread if there’s any good, bad, or important news to tell any of you.

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