[Homebrew] Disciple of Metal PrC (Sooth)


First Post
Originally posted by Sooth:

... And the music played on, each pluck of the string fostering harmonies that drove the warriors to frenzy. Few possessed the courage to stand up to them. Those who did died to a man; their blood seeped into the hillside and fed the soft, hungry earth.
… And the music played on, each chord the sanguine finality of Kings and infidels alike. Atop the mountain’s peak, penetrating the thundering nimbus of the heavens and towering over lesser mortals stood one man, an Axe cradled in his arms, his fingers shredding its surface with inhuman celerity. From his lips escaped but one word – one word, regarding the bloody debacle, the pillars of corpses that lay at his feet, the ruins of palaces and the seeds of brutality, at once and forever:


Points of Observation -----
Observation 1:
Metal, along with Classical music, tends to be highly theatrical; it is not uncommon for Metal bands to have songs about slaying dragons, drawn-out wars, or demon-induced apocalyptic events. Naturally it finds its way into the roleplayers' community for this quality. It even juxtaposes with the sometimes techno-ish, sometimes classical-sounding game tracks of Nobuo Uematsu. Thus, a prestige class devoted almost entirely to the genre of Metal is not so esoteric for the D&D community.
Observation 2: Bards are stigmatized as being lame pansies. True or not, this occasionally results in them being neglected by regulars and D&D novices alike in favor of more 'macho' classes like the Fighter and Barbarian. Something about a pretty boy (girl) traveling from tavern to tavern singing songs and flaunting his/her encyclopedia of worthless knowledge just doesn't appeal to certain audiences in the roleplaying community who would rather see blood via stabbing things in the face.
Observation 3:
Fey are totally not Metal, and their non-Metalness deserves a prestige class being made to fully illustrate this truth. (Revised 1/06/08: Friends and strangers alike continue to prove me wrong on this point, and I now renounce whatever faith I had in my ability/rights to say just what is or isn't 'Metal.' Well, I'm still not removing this).

Therefore, allow me to present:

The Disciple of Metal
Badass Bard, Battle Bard, Heavy Metal Bard, Iron Man (Maiden), Brother (Sister) of Metal
Alignment: Any nonlawful.
Skills: Perform (Heavy Metal) 8 ranks. (Example: Axe, which's slang for Guitar.)
Feats: Toughness, Weapon Focus in at least one melee weapon.
Inspire Courage class feature. This class is not typically available to those of the Fey subtype.
Hit Die: d8
Class Skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis), Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Points Per Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Level BaB Fort Ref Will Class Existing Spellcaster Progression<br />1 +0 +2 +0 +0 The Gods Made Heavy Metal, Disciple<br />2 +1 +3 +0 +0 Euphony +1 level<br />3 +2 +3 +1 +1 Cacophony, Instruments of Destruction<br />4 +3 +4 +1 +1 Combat Ability, Warheart +1 level<br />5 +3 +4 +1 +1 Euphony<br />6 +4 +5 +2 +2 Cacophony +1 level<br />7 +5 +5 +2 +2 The Enemies of Metal, We Can’t Forgive!<br />8 +6 +6 +2 +2 Combat Ability +1 level<br />9 +6 +6 +3 +3 Euphony<br />10 +7 +7 +3 +3 Cacophony +1 level
Armor & Weapon Proficiencies: The Disciple of Metal is proficient in all Simple and Martial melee weapons, as well as Light and Medium armor.
The Gods Made Heavy Metal (Su): The Disciple of Metal fervently believes in the gods’ role concerning the creation of Heavy Metal, and it is from such entities that he draws his Metal power. All of the Disciple of Metal’s bardic spells are considered to be Divine, and no longer Arcane. He receives a +2 sacred bonus to caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance.
Disciple (Ex): The Disciple of Metal actualizes unto an ultimate Metal existence. First, he becomes immune to deafness and receives Sonic Resistance equal to his character level. He may apply his Strength or Dexterity modifier (instead of his Charisma modifier) to Perform (Heavy Metal) checks. The Disciple of Metal continues to gain new spells, and spells per day. For the purposes of spell caster level, use the Disciple of Metal’s Bard levels plus one-half of his prestige class levels (rounded down). When the Disciple of Metal uses an instrument capable of performing Heavy Metal, he adds all of his prestige class levels to his Bard level for the purpose of determining what bardic music he can use and how many times he can use it daily. He uses his Bard caster level for all spell-like abilities found under Euphonies and Cacophonies. A Disciple of Metal can only play one song at a time; switching to another song (or an augmentation - see below) is a free action that can be done once per round. The Disciple of Metal's Bardic Knowledge ability does not improve.
Euphony (Su)
: The Disciple of Metal can invoke the gods’ music to create feelings of regenerating energy and stimulating ecstasy in others as the air sizzles with electric power. Some of these powers are augmentations to already existing applications of bardic music; unless otherwise noted, a Disciple of Metal cannot have more than one augmentation active at once. Many of these abilities require Perform checks (the DCs are listed in parentheses) and/or the expenditure of bardic magic; in the event of a failed Perform check, the daily uses are wasted. At levels 2, 5, and 9, the Disciple of Metal chooses one Euphony from the list below. The Disciple cannot change his selections of Euphonies at a later date. Any Euphony that mimicks a spell does so at the Disciple's Bardic caster level.
Children of the Grave (Sp; 2 uses; DC 30):
The power of Metal is grandiose enough to awaken the dead… literally. To gain this ability, the Disciple of Metal must have at least one other Euphony, and must sacrifice one of his 3rd-level Bard spell slots. He may expend two of his daily bardic music uses to activate animate dead provided that he makes a DC 30 Perform check. (Even if your DM rules that it is necessarily Evil to manipulate negative energy, consider this ability to be an exception. Just imagine that the undead were rocked so hard, they got up and fought of their own accord).
Defenders of the Faith (Augment, Su):
Allies under the effect of the Disciple of Metal’s Inspire Courage ability receive an additional +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls against the enemies of Metal (see The Enemies of Metal, We Can’t Forgive!).
Fight Until We Die (Augment, Su):
Allies under the effect of the Disciple of Metal’s Inspire Courage ability gain immunity to Fear and are considered to have the Diehard feat, even if they don’t meet its prerequisites. They also receive a +4 rage bonus to attack and damage rolls while below 1 HP, and do not suffer bleeding damage for taking actions while so.
Heaven Can Wait (Augment, Su): Allies under the effect of the Disciple's Inspire Courage ability may fight after death, not dying until they reach -X HP (where X is equal to 10 + their Hit Die). They are still considered disabled for being at less than 1 HP and may choose to go unconscious like characters with Diehard. Characters at -10 HP or less after the Inspire Courage wears off die normally.
Metal Magic (Augment, Su): Allies under the effect of the Disciple of Metal’s Inspire Courage, Inspire Greatness, or Inspire Heroics abilities receive a +1 bonus to their effective caster levels (if applicable), affecting the power of their spells but not their spell selections. Characters with levels in multiple casting classes only receive benefits for the class they have the most levels in, chosen if tied.
One Shot at Glory (Augment, Su):
To gain this ability, the Disciple of Metal must have at least one other Euphony. Allies under the effect of his Inspire Courage ability may be effected as though under a Haste spell using the Disciple of Metal’s caster level.
Operation Ground & Pound (Sp; 3 uses; DC 35): The Disciple of Metal rocks the room so hard, even the furniture rocks with him. To gain this ability, he must sacrifice one spell slot from the highest spell level he is capable of casting (possibly changing as the Disciple of Metal advances), and must have at least two other Euphonies. He may expend three of his daily bardic music uses to activate animate objects as the Bard spell.
The Ecstasy of Gold (Su): Whenever the Disciple of Metal stops playing after a successful use of bardic music (Inspire Courage, etc) he receives a +4 bonus to his effective caster level as a bard for 1d3+1 rounds. This bonus increases the potency of his spells, but does not modify his spell selection; his effective caster level cannot be raised higher than his total character level +1 this way.
Serenity (Sp; 0 uses; DC 20):
Through the softer tunes offered by the Metal spectrum, the Disciple of Metal can activate the spells calm emotions and/or remove fear at will with a DC 20 Perform check. Upon selecting this bonus, the Disciple of Metal receives a +2 sacred bonus to saves against mind-affecting abilities.
Strength Beyond Strength (Augment, Su): Allies under the effect of the Disciple of Metal’s Inspire Greatness and/or Inspire Heroics abilities receive a +4 rage bonus to their Strength score.

Players and DM's alike are permitted (and even encouraged) to create their own Euphonies and Cacophonies (see below) either to use or merely gawk it. After all, there are literally hundreds of Metal bands out there, and I, a petty forum user whose Metal qualities are bound by mortal form, am not even going to try and make abilities for every disputably Metal song in existence.

Cacophony (Su):
While Euphonies are generally pleasant to listen to, Cacophonies embody all that front man Nathan Explosion of DethKlok would call “brutal.” Only a true adherent to Metal ways can appreciate the artistic endowment of Metal cacophonies. Either way, such musical power is easily destructive to one’s environment, making the Disciple of Metal more fearsome than ever. As with Euphonies, a failed Perform check does not refund expended uses of bardic music. Spell effects use the Disciple's Bard caster level. At levels 3, 6, and 10, the Disciple of Metal chooses one Cacophony from the list below; he cannot change them at a later date. A Disciple of Metal can only play one song at a time.
From the Cradle to Enslave (Sp; 2 uses; DC 20):
The Disciple of Metal makes music so profound that it is terrifying to behold, creating chimerical hallucinations of tyrants, daemons and destruction in the listeners’ minds. By expending two of his daily bardic magic uses, the Disciple of Metal can activate Fear as the Bard spell, heightened to the highest spell level he's capable of casting.
Laid to Rest (Su): The Disciple of Metal begins playing a tune to drive out unnatural, unwanted powers. For each round the Disciple of Metal plays Laid to Rest, all Charisma checks made to turn undead within 60’ of him receive a +3 sacred bonus; undead cannot be created within or summoned within 60’ from him. As a free action once per round during his playing, the Disciple of Metal can expend four daily bardic magic uses and make a DC 35 Perform check to activate undeath to death as the Sorc/Wiz spell (it still uses his Bard caster level).
Louder than Hell (Su):
If there’s one thing the Disciple of Metal’s good at, it’s playing Louder than Hell. Up to a number of times per day equal to his class level, he can make his music be heard from greater distances, possibly extending the effective range of certain bardic music. The distance given below is the distance for hearing the music without any necessary Listen check.
Class Level Maximum Music Range <br />1-3 300’ <br />4-6 800’<br />7-9 2000’<br />10 1 mile
Most living creatures do not have ears built to withstand such awesome Metal power. If the Disciple of Metal chooses to use this ability to make his music audible at greater distances, those who hear the music within half of the given distance (based on how far he makes his music go; 800’ means a “danger threshold” of 400’) must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + the Disciple’s Charisma modifier.) Failure results in a -10 penalty to Listen checks for 1d4 hours; failure by 4 or more results in deafness for the same duration. Allies and enemies are equally affected by this, but all Disciples of Metal are magically immune.
Master of Puppets (Su; 1 use/round; DC 25):
The Disciple of Metal may twist the minds and smash the dreams of those he captures with his Metal powers, figuratively speaking. When a creature fails to save against his Suggestion (as the Bard class ability) by 4 or more, the Disciple of Metal can have it affected by the Dominate Monster spell instead of Suggestion. In order to keep his victim dominated, however, he must continuously play Master of Puppets by making a DC 25 Perform check and expending one of use of bardic music each round, up to a maximum duration of 1 round per character level.
Some Kind of Monster (Sp; 2 uses + 1/round; DC 30):
The sheer brutality of the Disciple of Metal’s playing becomes… well, monstrous. So much, in fact, that he may attract the attention of extraplanar entities bent on total destruction. To gain this ability, the Disciple of Metal must sacrifice one spell slot from the highest level he can cast (possibly changing as the Disciple gains levels). By expending two uses of his daily bardic magic and making a DC 30 Perform check, the Disciple of Metal may use Summon Monster of the highest level that a Sorcerer of his character level could cast. (Example: If he has 16 total class levels, he casts Summon Monster IIX). The song is different than the actual spell in many ways, however: for one, the range is 30’. The duration of the summoning becomes that of concentration; the Disciple of Metal must continuously play round-by-round, or the monster will quickly become bored and disappear. (Caster level is moot). Playing to appease summoned monsters is taxing for even the most Metal of Disciples; each round the Disciple of Metal plays after the first, he expends another use of his bardic magic, effectively limiting the duration. Furthermore, the Disciple of Metal can only summon a “monster” of non-good alignment; once summoned, this “monster” proceeds to attack anything in sight that’s close or in some cases threatening. It will not attack Disciples of Metal, but he cannot control it and it will probably attack his allies at some point.
Sonic Firestorm (Sp; 2 uses; DC 25): To gain this ability, the Disciple of Metal must sacrifice one third level spell slot. At the expense of two daily bardic magic uses and with a DC 25 Perform check, the Disciple of Metal can create a torrent of sonorous carnage, shattering earth and setting lesser mortals aflame. He deals 1d6 damage + another 1d6 per two character levels (max 15d6) in an 80’ cone emanating from the instrument he plays (Reflex save, DC 15 + Cha modifier for half). Exactly one half of this damage dealt is fire; the other half is sonic. Creatures caught in the effect must also make Fortitude save (DC 13 + Cha modifier) or suffer consequences as though struck by a gust of wind.
Sea of Madness (Sp; 3 uses; DC 25): To gain this ability, the Disciple of Metal must have at least one other Cacophony and sacrifice one 3rd level spell slot. By expending three uses of bardic magic and making a Perform check, he can activate confusion. The spell's area of effect is increased by 15'.
Superbeast (Sp; 5 uses; DC 30):
To gain this ability, the Disciple of Metal must sacrifice one spell slot from the highest spell level he is capable of casting and must have at least one other Cacophony. At the expense of four daily bardic magic uses and with a DC 30 Perform check, the Disciple of Metal becomes a lean, mean killing machine, changing as per the Tenser's Transformation spell. While the Disciple of Metal can continue to play, he loses his ability to create magical effects with Metal just as he loses his ability to cast spells while under the transformation. Regardless of how much bardic magic remains, he can only do this once per day.
Symphony of Destruction (Su; 1 use/round):
Given a period of time in which to play, the Disciple of Metal can lay waste to his environs. Each round he plays Symphony of Destruction, he deals 1d8 sonic damage per 2 class levels to everyone and everything within a 100’ emanation from himself (excluding only his own person) and consumes one of use of bardic magic. This damage ignores the hardness in objects. The DM may rule the gradual obliteration of natural and man-made terrain as a result of this ability.
Instruments of Destruction (Ex):
Starting at 3rd level, the Disciple of Metal learns to fight like a real warrior: with his instrument. By making a DC 20 Craft (weaponsmithing) check, he can modify an instrument so that it also functions as a single chosen masterwork melee weapon (longsword, greataxe, etc.) Feats and abilities that apply to the specific type of weapon (Weapon Focus, etc) also apply to the weapon in "instrument" form. The weapon aspect of the instrument can be enchanted like any other weapon. He can have somebody else modify his instrument to a weapon, but only a Disciple of Metal possesses the sheer Metal caliber to proficiently use a weapon crafted from an instrument. The Disciple of Metal ignores up to two points of check penalty for wearing leather or metal armor, and the Max DEX Bonus for such equipment is considered to be one point higher.
Combat Ability (Ex): Real metal-heads fight in the front lines. At levels 4 and 8, the Disciple of Metal chooses one of the combat abilities below. He may substitute a Fighter bonus feat (if he really wants to).
Battery (Ex): Once every 1d4+1 rounds, the Disciple of Metal may make an extra attack in a round using his full attack bonus; every attack made until the beginning of his next round receives a -2 attack penalty (as Flurry of Blows). He may only use Battery for melee attacks, and must use a full attack action to do so.
Death from Above (Ex):
The Disciple of Metal deals +6 damage to an enemy he attacks when making a vertical descent of at least 10’. (Jumping counts, as well as falling, but not flying or moving down sloped terrain). For every additional 5’ beyond the requisite 10 he descends, he deals an additional +2 damage.
Caught in a Mosh (Ex): The Gods of Metal favor those who relish the sting of battle. By expending a single use of bardic magic, the Disciple may use Whirlwind Attack even if he doesn't have the feat.
Hail and Kill! (Ex): The Disciple of Metal receives a +4 bonus to attack rolls in a battle made in the first round of combat.
Power of the Dragonflame (Su):
Once per day, the Disciple of Metal may channel Flame Strike against an enemy who he hits in melee combat. For this ability, his caster level is considered to be 1 + his class level in Disciple of Metal.
Triple Corpse Hammerblow (Ex):
The Disciple of Metal is considered to have the Great Cleave feat only usable with weapons that deal bludgeoning damage, even if he doesn’t meet the prerequisites.
Unforgiving Blade (Ex): When using weapons that deal slashing or piercing damage, the Disciple of Metal receives a +4 bonus to attack rolls made to confirm a critical hit.
Reign in Blood (Su): Whenever the Disciple of Metal slays an enemy, he receives a +2 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls until the end of his next round. The enemy must have blood.
Warheart (Ex): The Disciple of Metal's warrior caliber continues to increase with the less-than-arbitrary introduction of an ability conveniently containing the word 'war.' He kicks major ass, and may count his Disciple of Metal levels + 1/2 of his Bard levels as Fighter levels for the purpose of qualifying for feats. (Example: As soon as he attains this ability, he qualifies for Weapon Specialization. With 5 levels in Bard and 10 in Disciple of Metal, he qualifies for Greater Weapon Specialization).
The Enemies of Metal, We Can't Forgive! (Ex): The Disciple of Metal receives a +4 bonus to Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, and damage rolls against the enemies of Metal (as Ranger's Favored Enemy.) While some things are obviously not Metal, sometimes identifying an enemy of Metal can be a tricky process. Refer to the criterion below:
--- Cute animals are enemies of Metal, especially furry, lovable ones with no viable means of ripping people apart.
--- Government officials of Lawful alignment are, on a subjective basis, enemies of Metal if they are also enemies of the Disciple. Metal-heads pride themselves on being free spirits, true or not, and therefore The Establishment itself is non-metal. (Exception: Tyrants who’re sufficiently badass can be Metal.)
--- Henchmen who willingly subject themselves to the servitude of another are usually enemies of Metal for the same reasons as above. (Exception: Darth Vader is Metal.)
--- Other bards are enemies of Metal unless they play, worship, or otherwise endorse the Metal power.
--- Senile individuals older than middle-aged are enemies of Metal unless they have otherwise redeeming qualities, such as being incredibly brutal or performers/worshipers of Metal. Mick Jagger is not an enemy of Metal.
--- Fey are enemies of Metal. There’re few things less Metal than prancing faeries.
--- Evil outsiders, on the other hand, are almost never enemies of Metal.
--- Always remember that while one can be an enemy of Metal by being exceptionally non-Metal, simply not being Metal is not the same thing as being an enemy of Metal.
Consider these to be easy-to-use guidelines rather than restrictions. Exceptions may still exist in the most extreme of circumstances. Ultimately, only the DM’s call on a case-by-case basis can establish what is or isn’t an enemy of Metal.
Additionally, the Disciple of Metal receives a +4 bonus to saves against the spell-like abilities of Fey (as Druid’s Resist Nature’s Lure). Damn faeries.

Epic Disciple of Metal

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points Per Level:
4 + Int modifier.
Disciple: The Disciple of Metal continues to apply one-half of his prestige class levels to bardic knowledge checks, and all of his prestige class levels to bardic music, as before. At every even-numbered level (12, 14, etc), he adds +1 to his existing caster level as a Bard.
Level Ability<br />11 Far Beyond Driven<br />12 Epic Euphony<br />13 Epic Cacophony<br />14 Bonus Feat<br />15 Epic Euphony<br />16 Epic Cacophony<br />17 Ram it Down<br />18 Bonus Feat<br />19 Epic Euphony<br />20 Epic Cacophony
Far Beyond Driven (Ex): Ever empowered by his fanaticism for pure, unfiltered Metal, the Disciple of Metal receives a +4 bonus to Will saves against mind-affecting spells and abilities.
Epic Euphony (Su):
At levels 12, 15, and 19, the Disciple of Metal chooses an Epic Euphony from the list below. He may choose Euphonies from the non-epic list instead. These Euphonies follow the same rules as non-epic ones except when noted otherwise.
Deify (Su; 5 uses; DC 60):The Power of Metal is a gift from the Gods. The greatest of their gifts is the power of Godhood, if only for a time. By expending 5 uses of Bardic music and making a DC 60 Perform check, the Disciple of Metal may make himself and his allies unto Godlings for up to one round for each character level the Disciple has. He and his allies gain Damage Reduction 5/Epic, and may penetrate DR as if their natural or handheld weapons were Epic. They become Outsiders for the duration of the effect, eliminating their need to eat, sleep, or breathe. Finally, they become immune to Poison and Disease for the effect's duration.
Something Wicked & Wild (Sp; 5 uses; DC 50): Sooner or later, all have the capacity to give in to their primal instincts that urge them to Rock, Mosh and Thrash. To gain this ability, the Disciple of Metal must sacrifice one spell slot from the highest spell level he is capable of casting. By making a DC 50 Perform check and expending five uses of daily bardic magic, the Disciple of Metal may use irresistible dance as the Bard spell. Enemies of Metal, however, are immune to this ability; they must be dealt with in another fashion…
Ten Thousand Fists (Su, Augment): Once again, Metal becomes a unifying force. When using Inspire Greatness or Inspire Heroics, the Disciple of Metal can target an additional number of people equal to his character level multiplied by his Charisma modifier, up to a maximum of ten-thousand (or five-thousand dual wielders). All extra targets must have less than one-half of the Disciple’s hit die.
Through the Fire and Flames (Su, Augment):
Allies under the influence of the Disciple of Metal’s Inspire Courage ability receive energy resistance equal to the Disciple’s class level + his Charisma modifier. Despite the name, the Disciple can choose between the energy types of fire, cold, lightning, or acid for his allies to gain resistance to. He chooses when he starts to play, and can change to a different energy type as a free action once per round while playing (as though swapping Augments). If desired, substitute another name to suit the energy type. Possibilities include but are not restricted to: Under the Ice (Cold), Ride the Lightning (Electricity), Acid Drinkers (Acid), Stormrider (Sonic), etc....
Sacrament of Wilderness (Sp; 2 uses; DC 40): By making a DC 40 Perform check and expending two uses of daily bardic magic, the Disciple of Metal can play a tune to evoke any one of the following spells (chosen at the time of casting): Animate Plants, Control Plants, Dominate Animal. Upon selecting this ability, the Disciple gains the ability to rebuke plants and animals as an evil Cleric rebukes undead using his Bard levels + his Disciple of Metal levels.
We're Not Gonna Take It! (Sp; 4 uses; DC 50): With the use of a DC 50 perform Check, and the expenditure of 4 uses of Bardic music, the Disciple can grant the effect of Spell Turning on all those he is currently Inspiring Greatness.
Epic Cacophony (Su):
At levels 13, 16, and 20 the Disciple of Metal chooses an Epic Cacophony from the list below. He may choose Cacophonies from the non-epic list instead. These Cacophonies follow the same rules as non-epic ones except when noted otherwise.
1000 Eyes (Sp; 4 uses; DC 45): The Disciple lives in the pupil of one thousand eyes, and now possesses the means to direct said eyes outwards. By making a DC 45 Perform check and expending four daily uses of bardic magic, the Disciple of Metal receives a +20 sacred bonus to Spot checks and true seeing on himself for 1 round per Bardic caster level.
Angels’ Holocaust (Sp; 1 use/round; DC 50): By making a DC 50 Perform check, the Disciple of Metal activates Storm of Vengeance as the Cleric spell. He only needs to make the Perform check on a round he starts playing, but must expend one daily use of bardic magic for each round he plays (he must play to maintain spell concentration). While playing Angels’ Holocaust, the Disciple’s music disrupts divine activity not pertaining to Metal. In order to cast a Divine spell, casters in the storm's radius (aside from Disciples of Metal) must succeed on a Will save with DC 13 + spell level + the Disciple’s Charisma modifier or the spell is wasted. Such interference with deific affairs does not shine well for the Disciple, however, who himself depends on the gods for his Metal power. The Disciple of Metal gains two negative levels for the purposes of spell casting only (not affecting attack bonus, etc) for each spell he successfully disrupts with this ability. These negative levels recover the next time the Disciple rests for the day, and cannot be removed through magical means. The Disciple must be wary, for repeated abuse of Angels’ Holocaust over a short period of time may invoke the wrath of entities who’re more powerful (not to mention more Metal) than he is.
Cosmic Retribution (Su; 4 uses; DC 50): Hell hath no fury like Metal scorned. By making a DC 50 Perform check and expending four daily uses of bardic magic, the Disciple of Metal may inflict 10 points of damage per Bardic caster level to a single target (Will save for half, DC 19 + Disciple’s Cha modifier) within 60’. The damage is of either negative or positive energy, based on which is harmful to the target (if used to restore HP to a target, this ability immediately fails. Cheapass). The Disciple can not inflict more damage this way than the difference of his maximum and current HP. (Example: A Disciple with 120/200 HP could inflict up to 80 points of damage with Cosmic Retribution.)
Kings of the Carnival Creation (Sp; 4 uses; DC 45): - For four uses of Bardic Music, the Disciple of Metal may Blanket himself in dark energy to unleash death and destruction in a radius of 40 feet. This functions as a Slay Living effect with a DC of 20 + the Disciple's Charisma modifier. All foes slain in this manner are animated in the next round as skeletons or zombies (Disciple's choice). To do this requires a DC 45 Perform check. To choose this, the Disciple must already have at least 1 Epic Cacophony.
Metalocalypse (Sp; 4 uses; DC 50): The Disciple of Metal invokes divine retribution upon the nonbelievers. To gain this ability, the Disciple of Metal must sacrifice one spell slot from the highest spell level he is capable of casting (possibly changing as he advances.) At the time he receives this ability, he chooses one of the following spells: blasphemy, holy word, word of chaos. An evil-aligned Disciple of Metal cannot choose holy word, and so forth. By expending four of his daily bardic magic uses and making a DC 50 Perform check, the Disciple of Metal can activate the above as a spell-like ability. Enemies of Metal (see The Enemies of Metal, We Can’t Forgive! Below) receive a -2 to their Will saves and are considered one level lower than they actually are for the purposes of resisting this ability; other Disciples of Metal are immune.
Bonus Feat: At levels 14 and 18, the Disciple of Metal receives a bonus combat feat (selected from the list of Fighter bonus feats).
Ram It Down (Su): The Disciple of Metal receives the feat Music of the Gods, even if he doesn’t meet the prerequisites. He receives a +6 sacred bonus to spell caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance (replacing the bonus from The Gods Made Heavy Metal.)

INTRODUCING: Disciple of Metal exclusive Feats.

Beneath a Metal Sky
Prerequisites: Disciple of Metal - 4th level.
You have broadened your range of Metal experiences without selling out. Choose a bonus Euphony, Cacophony, or Combat Ability from the Disciple of Metal list that you qualify for. You gain this ability (you must still pay all associated costs for it, such as the loss of spell slots).
This feat may be taken multiple times. Each time, it applies to a new ability.

Power to the Metal!
Prerequisites: Disciple of Metal - 4th level.
You have perfected the arts and powers that are Metal. Choose one Euphony, one Cacophony, and one Combat Ability. Each one improves, as listed below:
Combat Abilities:
Battery: Battery lives in you. Reduce the attack penalty for using Battery to -1.
Caught in a Mosh: You know how to hold your own in the pit. If you use this ability to perform a Whirlwind Attack, enemies do not enjoy bonuses (+2 attack, sneak attack, etc) for flanking you until the beginning of your next round.
Death from Above: You descend with unspeakable brutality. If you descend at least 30', add +4 to your attack roll. You ignore the first 4d6 points of falling damage.
Power of the Dragonflame: The power of the dragonflame - whatever that is - runs true in your veins! You may use this ability once per encounter, instead of once per day.
Reign in Blood: You revel in the blood of your enemies. Increase the morale bonus provided by this ability to +4.
Triple Corpse Hammerblow: You are considered to have the Quick Cleave feat for bludgeoning weapons (+2 cumulative bonus to attack rolls on cleaves).
Unforgiving Blade: You receive an additional +4 bonus to attack rolls made to confirm a critical hit with slashing or piercing weapons.
Children of the Grave: You bring the dead to life with unseemly vigor and Metal-inspired enthusiasm. Undead you create using this ability receive a +4 bonus to their Strength and Dexterity scores.
Fight Until We Die: You inspire not only fearlessness, but a refusal to give in to any impediments. Allies under the influence of your Inspire Courage receive a +4 morale bonus to saves against any and all mind-affecting spells or abilities.
Heaven Can Wait: The tenacity of Metal outlives even the cheap tricks of all-powerful magi. Allies under the influence of your Inspire Courage receive a +4 morale bonus to saves against Death effects.
Operation Ground & Pound: Your sheer instrumental skill terrifies and baffles opponents and spectators alike. Once per encounter, you may have those who witness you play this song make a Will save (DC = Perform check result) or become shaken for 1d4+1rounds. This is a mind-affecting ability.
Sea of Madness: The area of effect for this ability increases by an additional 30' (likely totalling to 60').
Sonic Firestorm: Your flames burn with the essence of Metal. Not just Metal, but Metal with italics. Add 3d6 to the damage of this ability.
Louder than Hell: You are well versed in the ways of loud music, and now nothing of that sort can phase you. This ability doesn't get any stronger, but your Sonic Resistance becomes an immunity to Sonic damage.
This feat may be taken multiple times. Each time, it applies to another Euphony, Cacophony, and Combat Ability you possess.
Note: Disciples are encouraged to use this feat to improve abilities that thematically correlate with one another. For example, choosing abilities that're all Power or Death Metal songs.

**more coming soon**

Acid Drinkers [Acid Drinkers]
Anthrax [Caught in a Mosh, Death from Above]
Arch-Enemy [Cosmic Retribution]
Black Sabbath [Children of the Grave]
Blind Guardian [Under the Ice]
Children of Bodom [Triple Corpse Hammerblow, Warheart]
Cradle of Filth [From the Cradle to Enslave]
Death [1000 Eyes]
DethKlok [Metalocalypse]
Dimmu Borgir [Kings of the Carnival Creation]
Disturbed [Deify, 10000 Fists]
Dragonforce [Operation Ground & Pound, Sonic Firestorm, Through the Fire & Flames]
Godsmack [Serenity]
Hammerfell [Unforgiving Blade]
Iced Earth [Angels’ Holocaust, Stormrider]
Iron Maiden [Heaven Can Wait, Sea of Madness]
Judas Priest [Defenders of the Faith, One Shot at Glory, Ram It Down]
King Diamond [The Spiders’ Lullabye] --- COMING... EVENTUALLY
Lamb of God [Laid to Rest]
Manowar [Fight Until We Die, Hail and Kill, Louder than Hell, The Enemies of Metal, We Can’t Forgive!, The Gods Made Heavy Metal]
Megadeth [Symphony of Destruction]
Metallica [Battery, Master of Puppets, Some Kind Of Monster, The Ecstasy of Gold]
Nightwish [Sacrament of Wilderness]
Nuclear Assault [Something Wild]
NRG [Instruments of Destruction]
Pantera [Far Beyond Driven, Metal Magic, Strength Beyond Strength]
Rhapsody [Power of the Dragonflame]
Rob Zombie [Superbeast]
Slayer [Disciple, Reign in Blood]
Twisted Sister (We're Not Gonna Take It!)

--- Added ability: The Spiders' Lullabye. Changed some names around.
--- Epic progression added.
--- Made Metalocalypse into an Epic Cacophony.
--- Fixed some underlining and italics issues, and other mistakes.
--- Pre-class text updated. Added bibliography.
[5/28/07]--- Clarified spell caster level for spell-like abilities; clarified changing songs under 'Disciple.' Slight changes to 'Children of the Grave' ability (DC 30, not 25, need another Euphony to get it.)
Most looking for: Comments concerning the balance of the overall class and specific abilities.
[5/29/07] --- Changed 'Metal Militia' slightly, now grants a higher max DEX Bonus instead of a reduction of an arcane spell failure that... no longer exists for this class. Clarified the Weapon Focus issue. Fixed other small things.
[7/26/07] -- Fixed inconsistency in the reference section concerning a currently non-existent ability.
Added a more permissive exposition for Enemies of Metal due to much controversy around the subject.
Added a section under Euphonies endorsing the creation of new abilities.
Fixed Metal Militia inconsistency; the ability comes at level 3.
Expanded '
New Cacophony: Kings of the Carnival Creation, as suggested.
Updated Through the Fire and Flames with a few more naming ideas.
[1/6/08] - - Lots of small changes. Disciple of Metal can now be attained at 6th level. Made DCs and the cost of abilities included in the underlined titles, made a few sentences more concise and put in a cheap joke here and there. Introduced the Warheart ability. Rebalanced several abilities. Metal Militia has been renamed to Instruments of Destruction.
[1/7/08] --- Dude, literally, it went through midnight as I was working on this. Anyway, added some new epic euphonies: Deify and We're Not Gonna' Take It, courtesy of AllWillFall2Me. New combat ability, courtesy of BigJohn42. Working on class specific feats (see above).
[1/7/08] --- More fixes, again. The Disciple may now substitute Str or Dex for his Cha mod on Perform (Heavy Metal) checks, and has immunity to deafness and sonic resistance. Bardic knowledge no longer improves with Disciple levels.
[1/9/08] --- Tweaked the list to have at least two Iron Maiden entries, and to add Hammerfell to the list of represented Metal. May use Bards with leadership caption on front page.

Originally posted by mattarias:


Most. Hardcore PrC. EVER.

I'd so take it if my DM allowed homebrew.

Originally posted by flay_crimsonwind:

I. Love. You.

Saving it in my comp now, heheheheheh, battle bard! I love the enemies of metal ability. A combat/rp ability that adds so much to it! Making a charrie now....... Lemmy. That's a pretty metal name. :D

But you need feats that'll net you an extra caucophony or euphony. Not That going epic won't allow for more greatness. Good job on titles too.

And under superbeast, I think you mean tenser's transformation, not just transformation. Might wanna clarify that. And reign in blood isn't underlined like the rest of the abilities.

Here's your table:
Level BaB Fort Ref Will Class Existing Spellcaster Progression<br />1 +0 +2 +0 +0 The Gods Made Heavy Metal, Disciple<br />2 +1 +3 +0 +0 Euphony +1 level<br />3 +2 +3 +1 +1 Cacophony, Metal Militia<br />4 +3 +4 +1 +1 Combat Ability +1 level<br />5 +3 +4 +1 +1 Euphony<br />6 +4 +5 +2 +2 Cacophony +1 level<br />7 +5 +5 +2 +2 The Enemies of Metal, We Can’t Forgive!<br />8 +6 +6 +2 +2 Combat Ability +1 level<br />9 +6 +6 +3 +3 Euphony<br />10 +7 +7 +3 +3 Cacophony +1 level

Originally posted by captianhowdy:

This PrC is jesus.

This class is not available for those of the Fey subtype.
haha i can imagin Nathan now
"Can i be in the band??" - Peter Pan

Originally posted by Sooth:

Thanks guys. Like the table, too - edited post to include a little more of a prologue behind the class and the table.

Originally posted by flay_crimsonwind:

Shameless ****ing Bump!

Once again, great class dude!

Originally posted by zombiegleemax:

Dude... yes.

This class OWNS! The power of Metal shall unify the land! And not just any Metal. Metal that's real! Great use of song names, but... I would suggest making Children of the Grave a tad bit more hard to get than the others.

Originally posted by egarb:

Just wanted you to know, most awesome PrC ever. I'm going to see if I cant get this class approved for my new character. Screw Sublime Chord.

Edit: Also, what is your caster level for the Children of the Grave ability? Important for determining how many HD you can control

Originally posted by imthedm:

\m/ \m/ Into the niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigggghhhhhht! Ronnie James Dio would be proud!

Great creation my friend!

Originally posted by blood_of_the_ancient:

I say, this class is ****ing amazing!

My friend says, "Sooth is like the Ozzy of D&D."

Originally posted by zombiegleemax:



Originally posted by Sooth:

Made some minor changes. Thanks for the input and praise, guys. More coming!
Bump in the name of Metal....

Originally posted by Krusk:

the ability Metal Militia grants reduction in ASF. Thing is, this class is a divine spellcaster thanks to The Gods Made Heavy Metal. My only thing about the class.

other than that, way to go. I am a fan, and may add it as an option for sheer cool factor.

Originally posted by egarb:

Got it OK'd by my DM, gonna make a Bard 7/Seeker of the Song 2/Disciple of Metal 6

Ill post a report after the first session (week and a half)

Originally posted by Sooth:

'Metal Militia' has been fixed.

Got it OK'd by my DM, gonna make a Bard 7/Seeker of the Song 2/Disciple of Metal 6

Ill post a report after the first session (week and a half)
Awesome. I'm interested in seeing how this class functions out of the display case and in the hot zone.

Originally posted by slanderpanic:

Hahahaha, freaking awesome! Never before have I so wished to play a bard.

Originally posted by Krusk:

This is a massive ammount of sheer text when i go to look at it. I keep trying to read the entire thing, and my eyes just glaze over, is there some way you can condense it using Sblocks or break it up a little?

oh and metal militia again...

the class requires weapon focus, but they also gain the ability to use a custom weapon. Should there possibly be some way to transfer the weapon focus they already have onto their new weapon/instrument?

Originally posted by sajek:

First off:

\\m// ('0')

Rock on. Metal forever.

*The name of Through the Fire and Flames should be named according to what energy type it is protecting. Fire: Through the Fire and Flames. Electricity: Ride the Lightning (Metallica). Cold: Trapped Under Ice (Metallica). Sonic: ...Stormrider? (Iced Earth). Acid: ???

*What kind of weapons can he make instruments into with metal militia? Does he choose what weapon it will be, or are certain instruments always certain weapons? Can he make any instrument any weapon?

*Once chosen, can Cacophonies or Euphonies be changed, or is he stuck with them?

*Could you make a Disciple of Metal with ranks in things other than guitar? Why not drums, or base, or vocals?

\\m// ('0')

Originally posted by the_great_unwashed:

Best. Class. Ever.

Originally posted by Sooth:

This is a massive ammount of sheer text when i go to look at it. I keep trying to read the entire thing, and my eyes just glaze over, is there some way you can condense it using Sblocks or break it up a little?

oh and metal militia again...

the class requires weapon focus, but they also gain the ability to use a custom weapon. Should there possibly be some way to transfer the weapon focus they already have onto their new weapon/instrument?
Fixed. As for the text... well, it helps to get through the class if you skip most of the underlined items until later. Those're just big lists of all the possible Euphonies, Cacophonies and Combat Abilities one can choose from, and they constitute the bulk of the class' text. I'll see what I can do though.

Would it be more convenient for the list of Euphonies, Cacophonies, and Combat Abilities to appear at the bottom rather than right after the ability?

Originally posted by Sooth:

First off:

\\m// ('0')

Rock on. Metal forever.
Rock on!
*The name of Through the Fire and Flames should be named according to what energy type it is protecting. Fire: Through the Fire and Flames. Electricity: Ride the Lightning (Metallica). Cold: Trapped Under Ice (Metallica). Sonic: ...Stormrider? (Iced Earth). Acid: ???
Fixing that now.
*What kind of weapons can he make instruments into with metal militia? Does he choose what weapon it will be, or are certain instruments always certain weapons? Can he make any instrument any weapon?
He can make any instrument any one melee weapon (assuming double-weapons count as one, if that's their thing.) As much as it makes more sense for drums to be warhammers, etc, I'd rather that call be made to the creativity of the players and DM's. The Metal Militia ability now uses the word 'chosen', and mentions no restriction on said choice.

*Once chosen, can Cacophonies or Euphonies be changed, or is he stuck with them?
Stuck with them. Fixed.

*Could you make a Disciple of Metal with ranks in things other than guitar? Why not drums, or base, or vocals?
I'm not sure if all of those would theoretically work for the class (vocals and Metal Militia?), but in the interest of more people being able to have fun with it, sure. Clarified under prerequisites.

Originally posted by Krusk:

Would it be more convenient for the list of Euphonies, Cacophonies, and Combat Abilities to appear at the bottom rather than right after the ability?
I think so, but it would be impossible to tell until one.

Basicially I just sort of took it and read through the entire thing. As far as I can tell each of the abilities looks very well done and im out of things to nitpick on. Thumbs up.

Originally posted by blood_of_the_ancient:

The table gives you Metal Militia at level 3. The text says it's at level 5.

Originally posted by sajek:

I would also like to see some kind of ability that can duplicate the effects of remove deafness by losing a use of bardic music. Nothing can stop The Metal, not even a lack of aural abilities.

Originally posted by zombiegleemax:

Just saw that one. Respect for a great prc

Gotta make some comments though(sorry man).

Observation 3: Fey are totally not Metal, and their non-Metalness deserves a prestige class being made to fully illustrate this truth.
I'm afraid I disagree on this one. If you listen to symphonic metal you will see that your conclusion is meaningless( Tarja Turunen, Simone Simons rule).

I would also like to see some kind of ability that can duplicate the effects of remove deafness by losing a use of bardic music. Nothing can stop The Metal, not even a lack of aural abilities.
Metal lives on!!! I do not believe that remove deafness is the solution as because of the loud sounds they get usually involved with "metalheads" are (according to some surveys) hard on hearing. Maybe some kind of immunity to sound effects would be better.

The aforementioned said, I wholeheartedly congratulate you on this. Well done!
Personally, I am worrking on a bardlike base class without bardic music and metal songs instead of spells(follows an entirely new system).

Up the irons!

Originally posted by slanderpanic:

Just as an aside, I think the metal militia ability should, instead, be named after NRG's classic Instruments of Destruction. It is, in fact, so classic that the only people who remember it are people who own the Transformers: The Movie soundtrack. That's the 1985 animated movie, mind you, not the awesome-looking movie coming out next month.

Originally posted by egarb:

Well, the first session was today. My character was a Bard 7/Seeker of the Song 2/Disciple of Metal 6

We had a boss fight, an EL 15 party vs a CR 20 Obsidian Dragon. The battle went fairly well for my character. I started off with inspire greatness (which had a 10 round duration after singing due to a feat) and then switched over to Burning melody/inspire greatness (Sublime chord feature, combine songs) and gave me and the Tank the Inspire greatness boost (Strength beyond strength was pretty nifty, helped quite a bit) and let my harmonizing weapon take over (the guitar itself) so that I oculd run into battle, got one hit on it, but Power of Dragonflame was useless, turns out obsidian dragons have fire immunity.

After draining it of several levels, and me helping keep the tanks alive (and the wizards mass bears endurance) with Inspire Greatness and some spellcasting buffs on my friends weapons (Dolorous Blow) and reinforcements (late PCs) we managed to kill it as it was trying to teleport away (AoPs ftw).

We level drained it enough before it was over that it had few enough HD that I was able to use Children of the Grave on it.

All in all, my bard held its own, and would have even without the Seeker of the Song levels I think. The +2 vs SR was really helpful also by the way.

Overall, the class seemed a nice cross between interesting features and balance. Getting animate dead as an Sp ability was neat also, helped me pull of my necro-bard theme (which hasnt fully come into play yet) which is a hard theme to make. Enjoyed the class. Only thing our group changed was that the 'rage' bonus from strength beyond strength was turned into a morale bonus for consistancy.

Originally posted by jokermatt999:

This is officially my favorite homebrew PrC. Ever.

Originally posted by The_Thing_in_th...:

First off:

\\m// ('0')

*The name of Through the Fire and Flames should be named according to what energy type it is protecting. Fire: Through the Fire and Flames. Electricity: Ride the Lightning (Metallica). Cold: Trapped Under Ice (Metallica). Sonic: ...Stormrider? (Iced Earth). Acid: ???
Cold: Under the Ice (Blind Guardian)
Sonic: Sound and Fury

Originally posted by cryosilver:

Sonic: "Polyphony" -Strapping Young Lad
Acid: "Dissolved in Dust" -Defiled

Originally posted by ghauldin:

acid: "Acid Drinkers" -Acid Drinkers (polish metal

also I have an euphony idea; "The kingdom of my will" (lost horizon) would grant a +1 unnamed bonus to will saves of all allies who can hear, possibly with a cost of 2 or 3 daily uses of bardic magic.

Originally posted by zombiegleemax:

beautiful. \m/

If I may make a suggestion...

for our evil ones, may we possibly spice it up in epic a little with this option?

Kings of the Carnival Creation (credit to Dimmu Borgir) - For four uses of Bardic Music, The Disciple of Metal may Blanket himself in dark energy to unleash death and destruction in a radius of 40 feet. This functions as a Slay Living effect with a DC of 20 + Disciple's Cha mod, and all foes slain in this manner are animated in the next round as skeletons or zombies (Disciple's choice). To do this requires a DC 45 Perform check. This Cacaphony requires the Disciple of Metal to already have 1 epic cacaphoy before choosing it.

If you've never heard the song...
My myspace has the song, so you can listen to it.

oh, and clowns should definitely not, under any circumstances be labelled as enemies of Metal. They are:

Clowns are totally metal! They are statisticsally the most hatesed beings in the wurld!

Originally posted by bhu:

You know if there was a way to play a Warforged Half IRon Golem and still be effective at this class it'd be worth it to ere the other players groan as you entered every comabt singing "I am Iroon Maaaaan Bwawawawawawawawawawawawawa"

Originally posted by ghauldin:

If I may make a suggestion...

for our evil ones, may we possibly spice it up in epic a little with this option?
Good idea maybe an alternative could be made with black metal, grindcore and trash.

Then we can try making a punk bard.

Originally posted by zombiegleemax:

I just have to say that this class is made of complete, 100% win.

You have my interest, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

Originally posted by adrez_nesnsid:


Originally posted by stalkerentreri:

This is the greatest thing I've ever seen ever. I love Heavy Metal and pretty much any band you mentioned/borrowed song names from.

I think as a first level ability they get some sort of Theme music; just for theatrical feel

Originally posted by crimsondeath:

I'm not sure if Unseelie fey should automatically be "enemies of metal". Consider the Redcap, for example. Is power-attacking with a giant scythe not sufficiently brutal?

Originally posted by allwillfall2me:

In your Section where you address where you got the ability names, you reference Spider's Lullaby by King Diamond. Except, there's no ability named Spider's Lullaby. What is this mysterious lullaby?

Originally posted by zombiegleemax:

As it happens I was listening to Warriors of the World when I read this PrC. Not that that's unusual or that it was unlikely that I would be listening to Metal no matter where I was, when it was, or what I was doing...BUT THAT IS BESIDE THE POINT.

This is chock full of win. Lots of Win.

I'm trying to figure out how to incorporate some Cannibal Corpse, but most of their oeuvre is simply sadistic rather than martial. Sickening Metamorphosis could work as a brutal Polymorph, or Sentenced to Burn could have some nice pyro effects. I really love that the class is loaded with neat abilities that could easily be renamed or slightly tweaked to reflect particular styles or bands that inspire you.

I particularly enjoy the bit about the enemies of Metal. That is so awesome I don't even know what to do with myself.


Originally posted by sinistersamurai:

In your Section where you address where you got the ability names, you reference Spider's Lullaby by King Diamond. Except, there's no ability named Spider's Lullaby. What is this mysterious lullaby?
I didn't see it's reference either. I was wodnering if it was a euphony that had both magical poison and sleep effects.

All in all though, I like this class.

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