Homebrew Homebrew question: Exertion for a full caster class

I have a homebrew warrior-mage that is basically comparable to a bladesinger but less wizard and more warrior. I'd like to make and A5e version of it, but I'm trying to figure out what to do with regards to maneuvers. Now, this class definitely should have them as part of it's identity. But with full spellcasting it can't have very many of course. I figure it should learn them on the slowest progression (like rogue), and I can figure out a few combat traditions they could pick two from.

But what I'm not sure what to do with is exertion.

It seems like giving the full Proficiency Bonus x 2 would be too much.

On the other hand, if I'm reading the rules right, a 19th level wizard could take a single level of fighter and get that full 12 point exertion pool immediately, so maybe it is just intended to be the standard for anyone with maneuvers.

But on the third hand, if you take the Martial Scholar feat without an exertion pool you gain a pool of 3, rather than one derived from your proficiency bonus.

My gut instinct is to give an exertion pool equal to proficiency bonus (not x2), but I don't know.

Herald does it's own thing, but I'm not sure if something like that would be appropriate for this class.

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The best place to begin with a lot of homebrew is to look at what's been done and ask if it'll work for your creation, then go from there. (This is not advocation that homebrew should never do anything new or revolutionary—much of the best, best homebrew does radically different things than official, published material. This is just pointing out that official material tends to make a very strong starting point to branch off from.)
I would point out that the Herald is only a 2/3s caster and doesn't get any inherent Exertion—it only gets exertion by converting spell slots. If you are creating a martial full caster, I think granting it any exertion runs the risk of overshadowing entirely martial classes and blended classes (like the Herald). Perhaps playtest it with converting spell slots to exertion and then go from there.

This makes for a cool spellcaster class that uses exertion to cast spells, like a "rage mage"
The third feat in the Nightstalker feat chain allows for that. Spend 2 exertion per spell level to cast any spell from a variety of categories.

I was experimenting with the feat chain for a rogue build I was considering. The third feat didn't really fit the character, but it was an interesting option. It might be interesting to incorporate that into a base class that is otherwise full martial. I don't think it would make mathematical sense to use it for anything with any caster aspect (eg: spell points) already.

... At least for casting. It might make sense for a sorcerer's metamagic, though. Well, they used the existing sorcerer points instead, so nothing to do there, but it would have been an interesting alternative, since it really does fit the concept of the sorcerer's "body" being the core of her magic.


Technically, everybody gets exertion. It's just that only some classes have ways to spend it.
I'm considering giving all "full-casters" one school proficiency

1st degree at 3rd level
2nd degree at 9th level
3rd degree at 17th level

1 maneuver known at 3rd level
2 at 5th
3 at 9th
4 at 13th
5 at 17th

Did you try anything similar in closed testing?


A5e 3rd Party Publisher!
This makes for a cool spellcaster class that uses exertion to cast spells, like a "rage mage"


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I think I'm gonna make a Swordmage of my own, probably using the Warlock Chassis. Trade out invocations and blasts for Combat Maneuvers. Leave the pacts in place. Make it an intelligence caster/fighter...

And then have Rage Mages channel exertion into spell points and spell points into exertion.

In hindsight: Maybe let them use the blasts, as well... I'll figure it all out.



loads up Homebrewery

I think I'm gonna make a Swordmage of my own, probably using the Warlock Chassis. Trade out invocations and blasts for Combat Maneuvers. Leave the pacts in place. Make it an intelligence caster/fighter...

And then have Rage Mages channel exertion into spell points and spell points into exertion.

In hindsight: Maybe let them use the blasts, as well... I'll figure it all out.

Yeah, warlock would be a lot easier to work with than my standard long rest spell slot caster. I'm doing it this way because it's the best solution I've found for a classic fighter/mage that has that AD&D multiclassing feel to it.

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