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Homebrewed spells, monsters and PrCs [Updated 9 okt: Some new spells and one monster]

Land Outcast

[Sblock=Rashnak the Ravager]
Death of Rashnak: If Rashnak is slain on the Prime Material plane, his remains will continue to lose an unnatural ammount of blood. If the body is not utterly destroyed by any means the blood will continue to seep into the surroundings for two whole weeks.

After these two weeks, nature itself is violated as the unholy blood seeps into the ground, turns it into a faint crimson and a 360ft radius around his corpse is utterly defiled. Trees twist into unnatural and depraved forms of their original selves and every form of life is mutated by the vile blood that now runs through the land. Every living creature entering this area must succeed at a Will save DC 12 or feel a sudden craving for living flesh and will succumb to this craving in 1d4 rounds and attack the nearest living creature or go in search of one. This effect last for 1 hour.

Every drop of blood spilled onto the defiled ground empowers the return of the Ravager. After 666 points of damage has been dealt in the 360ft radius area, Rashnak the Ravager will rise again from the bloodstained ground to continue his bloody feast.

Utter Genious! but...

I feel poor Rashnak wants to be something more, all about him is screaming "more than CR 5 monster!!!" (note I'm not saying the creature is overpowered altough I wouldn't speak against calling it CR 6, I'm saying that the concept is begging to be incarnated in a more powerful creature)

Also: what if The Ravager isn't slain but dies because of his lack of "food"?[/sblock]

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Land Outcast

Yxbudur’zmutkimdu the Terror in the Walls:

Type0: Hit Dice: 6d8 + 72 (120hp)

I'm not a good judge of CRs 15+... watch out for Holy Word (you know, 16 HD...)

Zunevkram: why the [Demon] tag?

Type0: Challenge Rating: 14

To Land Outcast:

So, is it a Demon? I mean, in the Abyssal sense of the word

--No its not a demon in the Abyssal sense of the word :). They are all just malign spirits that haunt a shadow overcast world. In folklore I guess they would be considered demons.

Red Tide (Ex): All creatures in the area of this red tide which earned Divraskuhl its name are immediately knocked prone

Regardless of size?

--Guess I missed that one, I guess colossal or larger creatures should steer clear of this one yeah. I'll go change it in a bit :).

all creatures with the Fire subtype take 1d6 points of damage per caster level

And caster level is equal to... HD?

--Again correct and another oversight, gonna get it in there!

Undertow (Ex): Wisdom damage because of the strain on its sanity that the sensation of drowning in this tainted water produced.

Nice , but what's the purpose of Udertow once you have Engulf? the only real difference I see here is the ability to Undertow a Huge creature while it can't Engulf one...
Do you think the Undertow ability is needed as separate from Engulf?

--Engulf can be pretty easily avoided and its an AoE effect. Undertow lets Divrash grap opponents and draw them into him which lets it absborb up to Huge indeed and gives it a larger chance of succes against more powerful opponents. It just goes 1 at a time then :).

All creatures within 100 feet that have fewer Hit Dice or levels than it has must succeed at a Will save (DC 15) or become panicked for 4d6 rounds if it has 4 or fewer Hit Dice or shaken for 4d6 rounds if it has 5 or more Hit Dice. A successful save leaves that opponent immune to Divraskuhl’s frightful presence for 24 hours.

All creatures within 100 feet that have fewer Hit Dice or levels than it has must succeed at a Will save (DC 15) or:
HD-14: become panicked for 4d6 rounds
HD-13: become shaken for 4d6 rounds
A successful save leaves that opponent immune to Divraskuhl’s frightful presence for 24 hours.

Yeah thats some weird wording combined with a copy paste remnant there. I'll sort it. Thanks.

Because Divraskuhl is capable of understanding other languages, it is not immune to language-dependent effects.

Ain't all language-dependant effects mind-affecting?

It is and its reduntant but it's in there to be kinda complete about its whole effect and theres ways to get around mind affecting immunities I'm afraid. But yeah its kinda totally reduntant. :)

Death of Divraskuhl: If Divraskuhl is slain on land, his essence will seep harmlessly into the soil where his tainted waters will be purged by nature and turn the surrounding lands into a fertile have for plants and plant like creatures. Every plant that exists or will be planted in the future in a 18 mile radius around where Divraskuhl was destroyed will grow at twice its normal growth rate, grow twice as big, crops will produce twice as much harvest and live twice as long.

If Divraskuhl is slain however while in a sea or ocean, it will erupt in a titanic red wave. This wave, 180 miles wide and 60 feet high will race towards the nearest coast as a red tidal wave of unimaginable proportions. Once it reaches the coast the destruction it will unleash shall be on a scale unprecedented for the western Erethor. Everyone caught in this tidal wave much make a Fortitude save DC 21or suffer 2d6 points of temporary constitution loss then and make a secondary Fortitude save a day later or suffer another 2d6 points of temporary constitution loss. Creature immune to poison are also immune to this effect.


--Thanks for the comments, now to sort the corrections ;).

Land Outcast said:
[Sblock=Rashnak the Ravager]

Utter Genious! but...

I feel poor Rashnak wants to be something more, all about him is screaming "more than CR 5 monster!!!" (note I'm not saying the creature is overpowered altough I wouldn't speak against calling it CR 6, I'm saying that the concept is begging to be incarnated in a more powerful creature)

Also: what if The Ravager isn't slain but dies because of his lack of "food"?[/sblock]

Yeah this critter was a little handgesture at one of my players who once played a character named Rashnak hehe. It has quite some backstory but it was a good laugh and scare at the same time when my players ran into it hehe.

CR was fine but 6 could do as well, guess it depends mostly on the enviroment and situation where he is introduced because of his invis and ghoul touch at will he can be quite the pain.

And who knows what happens if Rashnak continues to feed and feed and grow eh? ;) Maybe he will turn into something kinda larger and more nasty :] :] . I like that idea since he didn't get permanently killed har har.... Now to wait till the local wildlife carnages eachother enough to have him rise again :].

And yeah him dying from lack of food is the only way to permanently kill it :). Well "kill" it... if they somehow capture it and starve it, then upon death it will return to its former form. That former form would be that of a small statured elf much discussed in some legend and local folklore and who disappeared on some quest and was presumed to have met a various collection of ends. This offcourse opens up a whole other can of worms and can lead to a bunch of interesting new quests and information imparted upon the party.... :uhoh: :eek:

Land Outcast said:
Yxbudur’zmutkimdu the Terror in the Walls:

Type0: Hit Dice: 6d8 + 72 (120hp)

I'm not a good judge of CRs 15+... watch out for Holy Word (you know, 16 HD...)

Zunevkram: why the [Demon] tag?

Type0: Challenge Rating: 14

Checked the SR on Yxbudur’zmutkimdu? :cool: I already took that into consideration :] .

And the demon tag is a BAD! I'll get it out of there right now. And the CR seems to be good, its incorporeal afterall and its got some nasties to influence the party with and their enemies. Plus that its got a load of HP... just a far from impressive AC and its saves aren't too shabby either. Don't forget how bad incorporeal and flyby attack can get in certain enviroments btw, especially with Zunevs flying speed. A grapple, pin and forced con damage isn't to nice either.

If more people comment on that CR (Which is kinda quesswork for both of these) I'll go and change them np.


I've pretty much given up on the whole Sonic is better than Acid is better than Electric is better than Cold is better than Fire argument these days, too much of a headache to deal with (why is Protection from Sonic the same level as Protection from Fire, then?). The only issue I had with Charge is the choice at casting of subdual or not. Get rid of that and I'm very happy with it.

Synaptic Shock - The thing with being stunned is that you drop anything you're holding. This makes it a pretty potent effect to happen over and over (you save once and all you can do is pick back up your sword and swing once, then hope you don't get stunned again). For a 4th level spell dazed may be a bit more balanced. 5th stunned would be fine.

Untiring Nourishment - Grab the template of Attune Form and improve the benefits. It's a fine spell, but you either need to make it largely DM's judgment what it affects or spell it out a little better, depending on your DMing style.

Powerful Discharge - Yeah. High level energy spells are just gimped in some regards, just the way the system works... Mabye 1d6 electrical damage / level + 10d6 damage from raw ionization that isn't subject to energy immunity or resistance? Sort of a Wizard's flame strike.

Violent Repulsion - Actually, dimension door does a fine job of this at the same level. I just think it's a neat spell. Freedom of Motion preventing grappling is just absurd, one of the most rules-lawyering changes in 3.5 IMHO (I think I have it house ruled to a +10 bonus to escape artist checks).

Spellcell - The balancing factor on AM field is that it makes a high level wizard useless and leaves them defenseless. AM field at range is a really powerful ability (I had a wizard put it into a spell storing Ioun Stone for the party's fighter once... I still remember the look on their faces when he activated it and the ioun stone fell to the ground....).

If thought shield were personal I wouldn't worry about the max bonus. I'm more worried about a high level wizard giving all his Fighter pals +15 deflection bonuses to AC for 20 hours.

For refrence here's what I came up with for a spell very similar to your Eye (repeated prismatic effect with a 6th level spell on a touch attack) a long time ago:
Conjuration / Evocation
Level: Sor/Wiz 6
Components: V, S
Casting Time: One Action
Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet / 2 levels)
Effect: 1 missile of light / 2 caster levels (maximum of 7 missiles)
Duration: 1 round + 1 round / 2 levels
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell creates a series of shimmering missiles which the caster can use in sequence, for the duration of the spell the caster can fire one missile as a standard action each round. Casting this spell includes an attack with the red missile during the 1st round.
Each missile is a touch attack (energy missile) that can be used against at any target within range. When a missile hits it explodes in a flare of colored light, affecting the target as indicated below (while reflex saves for the first three attacks may seem odd in addition to touch rolls, the actual impact of the missiles does no damage, it simply triggers a flare of energy). Additionally any creature struck with 4 HD or less are blinded automatically (see Blindness/Defenses) for 1d4 minutes. The caster uses the missiles in the following order : red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and finally violet.
In addition to the standard counter-spelling mechanics for this spell one can counter the individual missiles. This works like counterspelling, however rather than use the same spell or a dispel you must use the proper 'negated by' spell depending on the color of the missile. You need make no spell craft check for this once you've initially identified this spell. So during the first round if you had readied yourself to counter spell and properly identified this spell you could either counterspell it with prismatic missiles or a dispel (fully countering the spell, if successful) or with Cone of Cold (countering just the initial red missile). You need only properly identify the spell with a spellcraft check once, if you have already identified the spell you can counter a missile without a second roll.
Order 	Color 		Effect 										Dispeled By
1	Red		20 points fire damage 	(Reflex half) 						Cone of Cold
2	Orange		40 points acid damage (Reflex half)						Gust of Wind
3	Yellow		80 points electricity damage (Reflex half) 					Disintegrate
4	Green		Poison 6d6 temporary Con damage (Fortitude partial: 1d6 temporary Con)	Passwall
5	Blue		Turned to stone (Fortitude negates)						Magic Missile
6	Indigo		Insane, as insanity spell (Will negates)					Daylight
7	Violet		Sent to another plane (Will negates)						Dispel Magic
Last edited:

Land Outcast

And the CR seems to be good, its incorporeal afterall and its got some nasties to influence the party with and their enemies. Plus that its got a load of HP... just a far from impressive AC and its saves aren't too shabby either. Don't forget how bad incorporeal and flyby attack can get in certain enviroments btw, especially with Zunevs flying speed. A grapple, pin and forced con damage isn't to nice either.

RightRightRightRightRightRight :eek:

I was actually thinking the CR should be higher, but that's because when looking at the attacks I only looked at the attack bonus and not at the damage... :eek:

To Destil:~

I've pretty much given up on the whole Sonic is better than Acid is better than Electric is better than Cold is better than Fire argument these days, too much of a headache to deal with (why is Protection from Sonic the same level as Protection from Fire, then?). The only issue I had with Charge is the choice at casting of subdual or not. Get rid of that and I'm very happy with it.

--Im personally more inclined to choose at time of preparing of the spell about subdual or not. But the spell has seen use ingame and hasn't proven to have any difficulties so I'm prolly gonna leave it as it is. Imho there already is a severe lack of subdual damaging things and ways to knock people out so that's what kinda brought this is. The Sub on the other spell is more as a torture spell :].

Synaptic Shock - The thing with being stunned is that you drop anything you're holding. This makes it a pretty potent effect to happen over and over (you save once and all you can do is pick back up your sword and swing once, then hope you don't get stunned again). For a 4th level spell dazed may be a bit more balanced. 5th stunned would be fine.

--It's 5th so lets go with stun! :]

Untiring Nourishment - Grab the template of Attune Form and improve the benefits. It's a fine spell, but you either need to make it largely DM's judgment what it affects or spell it out a little better, depending on your DMing style.

--It's currently not in player use so it's been fine for my NPCs since I know what I want it to do. But yeah for players it might need a more proper wording... have to give it some thought I guess.

Powerful Discharge - Yeah. High level energy spells are just gimped in some regards, just the way the system works... Mabye 1d6 electrical damage / level + 10d6 damage from raw ionization that isn't subject to energy immunity or resistance? Sort of a Wizard's flame strike.

--You might be on to something there but I'll see what other people might have to say about it. Yours seems to be a proper alternative go at it.

Spellcell - The balancing factor on AM field is that it makes a high level wizard useless and leaves them defenseless. AM field at range is a really powerful ability (I had a wizard put it into a spell storing Ioun Stone for the party's fighter once... I still remember the look on their faces when he activated it and the ioun stone fell to the ground....).

--Well I was talking about Anti magic aura, which is a spell from magic of faerun so its prolly on the powerfull side of the spectrum :).

If thought shield were personal I wouldn't worry about the max bonus. I'm more worried about a high level wizard giving all his Fighter pals +15 deflection bonuses to AC for 20 hours.

--Its got range Self... lol what an awful wording omg. I'll change it to Target: Personal right now to clear it up :).

Conjuration / Evocation
Level: Sor/Wiz 6
Components: V, S
Casting Time: One Action
Range: Close (25 feet + 5 feet / 2 levels)
Effect: 1 missile of light / 2 caster levels (maximum of 7 missiles)
Duration: 1 round + 1 round / 2 levels
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell creates a series of shimmering missiles which the caster can use in sequence, for the duration of the spell the caster can fire one missile as a standard action each round. Casting this spell includes an attack with the red missile during the 1st round.
Each missile is a touch attack (energy missile) that can be used against at any target within range. When a missile hits it explodes in a flare of colored light, affecting the target as indicated below (while reflex saves for the first three attacks may seem odd in addition to touch rolls, the actual impact of the missiles does no damage, it simply triggers a flare of energy). Additionally any creature struck with 4 HD or less are blinded automatically (see Blindness/Defenses) for 1d4 minutes. The caster uses the missiles in the following order : red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and finally violet.
In addition to the standard counter-spelling mechanics for this spell one can counter the individual missiles. This works like counterspelling, however rather than use the same spell or a dispel you must use the proper 'negated by' spell depending on the color of the missile. You need make no spell craft check for this once you've initially identified this spell. So during the first round if you had readied yourself to counter spell and properly identified this spell you could either counterspell it with prismatic missiles or a dispel (fully countering the spell, if successful) or with Cone of Cold (countering just the initial red missile). You need only properly identify the spell with a spellcraft check once, if you have already identified the spell you can counter a missile without a second roll.

This spell has a good idea to it but seems underpowered to me. Firstly it takes a standard action each round which prevents the caster in 3.5 from doing anything else really while he could be tossing around other level 3-4-5-6 spells to his enemies.

Secondly the set order of the colors is really underpowered. Especially the first one I kinda consider the waste of an action at that level and it keeps you occupied for a number of rounds in which most finds end. This means you'll find your caster doing nothing but launching one missile per round for the whole duration of the encounter which seems kinda unsatisfactory to me, let alone underpowered.

The benefit offcourse is that the Eye can be pretty easily destroyed, and after giving it more thought it definately needs to go to 7th level, even though it takes a full round to conjure one. (The thougth of a wizard preparing himself after being warned by his minions and cohorts and casting about 6 of these to ambush the party with when they enter his room....

*SHRUG* the fear...

I'll leave it as it is for the mom but when I introduce this spell into actual serious combat into the game I'll turn it into 7th level with a standard action casting time instead of the full round casting time.

Thanks alot for the input! Much appreciated!

From you to Land Outcast! :D

Land Outcast said:
RightRightRightRightRightRight :eek:

I was actually thinking the CR should be higher, but that's because when looking at the attacks I only looked at the attack bonus and not at the damage... :eek:

:D Doesn't matter, it's alot to digest as your already warned me of. Still thanks thanks thanks for the imput and replies though :).

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