Hope Never Dies - Part 1 : On the threshold of dawn

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With an agile feint you distract the thin lizardman at your left and cut his throat while he's down. As he gurgles in his yellow blood, you retreat in the mists.
You try to avoid the incoming patrols, but soon you realize that running would make you too easy a target for their javelins, and there are too many of them to simply sneak past them.
Time isn't on your side either, because the morning is slowly getting rid of the curtain of fog.
Suddenly an hiss at your right tells you you've been discovered. You try to run, but a circle of spears closes quickly around you. You notice that there is more than a tribe of lizardfolk, an uncommon event, and that some of them wear the scars and the badges of honor of the most experienced warriors.
There are about fifty of them and they're all smiling at you. Unfortunately, you know that lizardmen show their teeth when they're angry... or hungry. Either way, you recognize this circling motion they're doing around you as the ritual dance by which they honor a prey worthy of their respect before killing it.
Call them." You hear again, this time more faintly.


Kur grins back a toothed smile in return.

He then starts shouting out the names of his companions in staccato loud barks.

"Saxon!" "Geoge!" "Grin!"

Again and again, almost a chant. A type of War Chant, a call to arms that carries.

"Saxon!" "George!" "Grin!"

Kur maneuvers until he has a tree at his back, knife ready for the onrushing swarm of them.

"Saxon!" "George!" "Grin!"

Blood flowing down his arm from the earlier scratches Kur readies himself.

"Saxon!" "George!" "Grin!"


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Big George isn't fast enough to dodge the bolt, that catches him on his chest leaving an evident scorched mark that probably gives him back a large part of the pain he put you through.
As he catches breath again he hisses: "There is no bear around to save you this time."
You see his muscles growing even more, his bloodshot eyes staring at you, as he grabs the trunk of a small dead tree nearby, and cracks it as it was a toothpick.
"Let's play again, little George."
Then he lashes at you using what remains of the tree as a huge staff. You throw yourself to the side hoping to avoid it, but it catches on your leg, nearly spraining your ankle (-14 hp) and laughs as he prepares to smash you again.
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Both you and the knight take stance. The clack sword is the first to strike catching you again on the injured arm, that now starts to really hurt and bleed (-12 hp). Then Laerad strikes true on the knight's face.
The mask that covered his face is torn away from the helm, only to show that there's nothing behind, only a black void and two blood red orbs.
Then the arrows start to fall. Black giant arrows fall everywhere, on the buildings, on the streets, on the combatants, but no black knight is injured by them.
You see the alsin priest and the first peasant that stepped forward to help you fall dead. Your other allies retreat and regroup, looking for something to protect themselves. Only the elven girl stays still, paralyzed in fear behind you. No arrow seems to be falling around you either.
This village is mine, I say, and soon it will be no more."


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You can already see sparks forming around the dragon's mouth when you revert to the human shape he stops and you think he sniffs in your direction. Its glowing green eyes look at you up and down, then he slowly turns around, looking for a different prey.
You would breath in relief, but suddenly you realize you're in the dark, you don't know how much but about 300' underwater, and the pressure is squeezing your eyes, and the little air you still retained out of your lungs (-9 hp).
Already your blood is being poisoned by the lack of air. You must find a solution, and soon!
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Peregrine stares into the flaming spheres behind his opponent's mask and shudders deep in his soul. He still reacts quickly though, spinning around and tucking Laerad against his body and scooping up the little girl under his other arm, covering her with his body as he speeds down the street, away from the knights and their arrows. As he runs, he whispers half to the girl, half to himself.

"He cannot win. A village is more than just buildings. People can rebuild what is lost, and they will. Especially if I have anything to say about it."

[ooc - movement 40'. . . presumably move action to grab the girl, then move as far as possible this round, then run next round. . . 160']
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Saxon gags under the water pressure.

Being eaten would've been a less painful way to die, he thinks to himself as he hurriedly ascends, Going up too fast will kill me, but it's not like staying here is an option either.
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A nagging thought gnaws at Kur, Where did that voice come from? But he shakes it off to focus on this fight, what may be his last stand.

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