How do YOU deal with passive players?

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Evilhalfling said:
I enjoy having an occasional passive player, my group is 6-8 people and if everyone is involved and self motivated then I have to deal with more chaos.

I hear you. The same thing used to happen to em before I split the 7 person group into 2. Thank god some were passive enough or it would ahve been chaos.

Anyhow, I have a really passive PC, who really likes playing the game. He's very uninvolved in the story, but very involved in the tactical gaming part. So as long as I have combat he's happy. I stopped trying to tie in plot hooks to his character, since the other players were happy enough to pull the story along without any help. If it ain't broken don't fix it I say...

Wraith Form

WOW. You guys really pulled this one outta the archives......

I'm not even involved with the people any more, let alone the game....but the advice is still valid. I'm glad to see my question sparked conversation even 2 years later!! :p

Wraith Form

Emirikol said:
Now, if you want to waste lots of time because you don't want this wimp to feel bad, go ahead and pass them notes occasionally..but that's about as far as I'd bother. do you really feel?

Popeye's Chicken

First Post
Try hiding a goblin inside a giant brain and using magic fairy dust that makes you grow pink glitter nails as a treasure.

Remember to never underestimate the motivational power of a talking cat with wings.

Oh, and if this is for gamers over age 12 - add a monster or treasure they have never encountered

Voidrunner's Codex

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