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how do you make one of your PCs dont go back stab on every one

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What? Me Worry?
Don't let him play in your group. It's that simple. If he wants to ruin everyone's good time just to get his jollies, he doesn't need to be playing.


welcome to the world of the double cross....time for some NPC to back stab the backstabber...remember what is good for the players is good for you..


Tell him no. It would be fun for him, but annoy the other players. If he argues tell him to not show up for the game until he agrees with you. That leaves it up to him to play maturely if he wants to play at all.

You may gather that I've dealt with players who do things like this for 'fun'; I was not amused as a player nor as a DM.


Hand of Evil

One don't ket him play if he does not stop.

Two, the law! Use it in your game. Have a price put on his head.

Three, use charisma. Backstabbers are looked down on and are not trusted. Once it gets out a person is a backstabber, very few will deal with him, he can't buy drinks in a bar, people will not talk to him.
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First Post
We had a slightly homicidal CE among a mostly N/G party once upon a time. (We thought he just had a temper, not that he was completely CE!) Anyway, he waited 'til the party was occupied in a battle and then tried to take out the two people who had most recently "crossed" him. The result was pretty close to a TPK. The CE players actions were not appreciated by any of the three people who got killed that day; or the DM whos adventure setup got mangled.

I'm pointing this out because, in my situation, the disruptive player was a least playing his alignment and his goal wasnt a TPK, it was just to get back at characters who had thwarted his plans previously. But surviving in D&D is a team effort and throwing a monkey wrench like that into the works is a good way of bringing a campaign to an abrupt (and unsatisfying) end.

Anyway, if you dont want to ban this player (although s/he sounds like a source of future problems) you could have the other PCs stumble onto his/her nefarious plans. Thats going to be difficult to arrange, perhaps a Sense Motive check could tip people off that the evil PC is up to something sinister. (Allowing a Sense Motive check is almost declaring the evil PC to be an NPC, but oh well. I doubt your player is familiar enough with the rules to complain.) At least if the party knows something is up, they wont all get CGD'd in their sleep.

Mahiro Satsu

First Post
Throw something that backstab wont work on at the PC and when he attacks it, it gets mad and tears him to shreds. Anything, no matter how implausable will do. Just teach him a lesson. And i liked the law idea. put a price on his head.


First Post
Just say no.

Allow him to play the evil character, but have it against to rules to attack other characters.

If he complains, just torment him by calling him a whiner.

Voidrunner's Codex

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