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How Would 3.75 Impact Your 4.0 Decision

How would 3.75 impact your 4E spending habits?

  • I'd get 4E and not 3.75. "It's not 'D&D'"

    Votes: 145 49.8%
  • I'd get 3.75 and not 4E. "4E is not my 'D&D'"

    Votes: 28 9.6%
  • I'd get both. I love having more games.

    Votes: 23 7.9%
  • I'll decide later, wait for the reviews, flip through the pages of both and decide then.

    Votes: 65 22.3%
  • "PLANE SHIFT!" "Lets earn some XP!"

    Votes: 30 10.3%

The Little Raven

First Post
dmccoy1693 said:
So time to say, if this scenario does happen (even temporarily) how will this influence your spending habits?

I'll probably support 4e, though if some kind of 3.75 is better, I'd probably look at it.

However, I will only support one, since I need the rest of my funds for the Tavern of Infinite One-Night Stands.

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Writer for CY_BORG, Forbidden Lands and Dragonbane
I'd buy both. But only if Paizo did the 3.75 version.

I wouldn't buy a Mongoose 3.75, or a Green Ronin 3.75, or even a Necromancer 3.75. It would have to be Paizo for me to be interested.



I'm not going to seriously look at a 3.75. I've got plenty of 3.X material already, and some of the changes to 4th Ed sound quite funky: hell, I was gonna get the core rules no matter what, why pretend? :)

If I want to play something that's not 4th Ed, I'm covered for that. Paizo and Necromancer are good, don't get me wrong, and if they bring something out I'll look at reviews: but I doubt it's something I'll get that excited about.

Crazy Jerome

First Post
Since I didn't buy 3.5, I don't see any way on God's green earth that I would even remotely consider buying 3.75, done by anyone, including WotC.

The production of such a product would not change my plans for a (late, eventual) purchase of 4E in the slightest. And if I thought 4E was a 3.75 in disguise, I wouldn't buy it, either.


First Post
I have no intention of buying 4e based on what I know so far.

I would buy 3.75e if it was done well and by the right people.
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Doug McCrae said:
Poll not giving the result you wanted?

Would you walk into a pub in a catholic neighborhood in north ireland and ask what their opinions are of England and hope to get an unbiased evaluation? Would an average american walk around a Bathist-party stronghold area of iraq and ask how they thought of the "Liberation" by the American military (without body armor) and expect to get an unbiased evaluation? No, of course not. It was equally a bad idea of me to goto a 4E forums and ask if people are going to not buy over something else and expect to get an unbiased evaluation. (for the record, I am not comparing wizards, 4E, or fans of either to Brits, Irish, Bathist or the current American administration, regardless of your opinions of any of these. merely comparing how bad my idea was.)

Geron Raveneye

As it stands right now, 4E is not going to see my money.

On the other hand, in the highly improbable case of some of the current 3.X celebrities (Paizo, Necromancer, GR) putting up a think tank and publishing a "3.75" variant of D&D, I'd actually buy it sight unseen, simply because I've been damn impressed what those companies have published so far, and am convinced they'd preserve my personal preference for D&D's flavours better than what I've seen from 4E so far...and because I'd like to support such an idea. Would still get a house-rule teatment, but it'd be a lot more compatible with all the damn nice and interesting stuff I still got and want to play. :)

Erik Mona

I can't speak for other publishers, but for Paizo, "3.75" is just a code name for what we would do _after_ supporting 3.5 for a while, once you could not reliably get 3.5 rulebooks anymore. The core of our audience would have those books, so it might not be an immediate need. Eventually, we'd take the OGL version of 3.5 and update it into a new game that addresses commonly agreed upon problems, and from that point forward we'd essentially be publishing an RPG independent of Hasbro and Dungeons & Dragons.

Can that business sustain a creative staff the size of Paizo? I have no idea. But the prospect of controlling our own destiny rather than rely upon the good graces of a corporation with business goals that are not necessarily parallel to ours has a great deal of merit and is worthy of serious consideration.

And since I have neither the rules nor a draft of the SRD, "consideration" is about as far as I can take anything these days.

--Erik Mona
Paizo Publishing, LLC


First Post
As an electronic publisher, I'll be supporting 3.5e (and by extension, 95% or more compatible systems such as 3.0, d20 Modern, Modern20, several of the Mongoose OGL lines, Grim Tales and Star Wars Saga Edition).

I'm currently trying to determine if there's sufficient market to support FATE or RuneQuest (and if FATE steps too much on the toes of my proprietary system for me to want to release both). Once I have products out under as many straight open licenses as possible, I'll also look into licenses that, upon cursory inspection, seem to have a bit more complicated setup: Spycraft and True20, for example.

I'll also begin supporting 4e as soon as I can get the SRD - whether that's before the core books release, concurrent with their release, or any given amount of time afterwards. Since I'll have *lots* of material needing nothing but a rules conversion, I hope to be able to put out one or more short products within a week or two of the SRD's release, and certainly no more than a month - it really depends on how familiar and easy to grasp the system is, how long it takes me to learn its broad strokes.

As soon as any of those ceases to be a viable market (by which I mean even the relatively small amount of time it takes me to convert the rules and do whatever small layout changes are needed ceases to be worthwhile), I'll stop supporting it. I'm not really sure that will EVER happen with the current build of the d20 system; certainly I don't see it happening until d20 Modern gets a WotC upgrade, if it ever does.

If another company, be it Paizo or Green Ronin or Mongoose, were to release an open system with the explicit intention of serving as a D&D replacement, which is what a "3.75e" would be, I would support it as long as it seemed like a viable market, too.

But I fully expect the vast majority of my OGL sales to come from 4e. If I were a print publisher, I'd be VERY reluctant to produce anything else (in the d20 market, anyway) once 4e comes out, because I wouldn't have the benefits of the long tail and near-free storage and distribution.
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