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Hunted: Enemies of the Empire Rogue's Gallery

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American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Trangle Orithan (Male Ithorian Jedi [Guardian] 1)

[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=4][B]Trangle Orithan[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]

[i]Medium Male [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Ithorian]Ithorian[/url] Jedi 1[/i]
[b]Destiny:[/b] 1 	[b]Force Points:[/b] 4 (d6) [B]Dark Side:[/B] 0
[B]Init:[/B]   +6  	[B]Perception:[/B]  +2

[B]Languages[/B] Basic, Ithorian, Twi'lek

[COLOR=DarkOrange]************ Defenses ************[/color]

[b]Reflex[/b]: 13; 	[b]Fortitude[/b]: 12     	[b]Wil[/b]l: 16;
	[i]CL + Abil + Base Save[/i]

[b]Hit Points[/b]: 30 		[b]Threshold[/b]: 12

[COLOR=DarkOrange]************ Attacks ************ [/color]

[b]Speed[/b] 6 squares

[b]BAB[/b] +1	[b]Melee[/b] +1  	[b]Grp[/b] +1 		[b]Rng/Finesse[/b] +2

	+1 [B]Light Saber[/B] (2d8+1) 

[b]Atk Options:[/b]

[COLOR=DarkOrange]**************** Abilities **************** [/color]

	[b]Str[/b] 10, [b]Dex[/b] 12, [b]Con[/b] 10, [b]Int[/b] 13, [b]Wis[/b] 14, [b]Cha[/b] 16

	[J1] [b]Clear Mind[/b]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][b]Feats[/b][/color]:   [i]Weapon Proficiency (Simple Weapons, Light Saber)[/i]
        [Ith] [b]Skill Focus (Know (Life Sciences)[/b]
        [J1]  [b]Force Sensitivity[/b]
        [L1]  [b]Skill Focus (Use The Force)[/b]

[COLOR=DarkOrange][b]Skills[/b][/color]:   [i]1/2 CL + Abil + (Trained +5) + (SF +5)[/i]
	+13 [b]Use the Force[/b]
	+6  [b]Initiative[/b]
	+11 [b]Knowledge (Life Sciences)[/b]		

[COLOR=DarkOrange][b]Special Abilities[/b][/color] 
	[Ith] [b]Bellow[/b] (6/3d6/-1); 
	      [b]Iron Will[/b] (+2 Will Save)
	      [b]Survival Instict[/b] (reroll survival checks)
	[UtF] [b]Force Trance[/b] (DC 10) 
	      [b]Move Light Obj[/b] (DC 10/15)
	      [b]Search Your Feelings[/b] (DC 15)
	      [b]Sense Force[/b] (Auto/DC 15)
	      [b]Sense Surroundings[/b] (DC 15/20)
	      [b]Telepathy[/b] (DC 15-30)

[COLOR=DarkOrange][b]************ Possessions ************[/b][/color]: 

Light Saber (Light Green), 
Jedi Robes (Grey and Brown)

Credit Chip 	100
Datapad (Basic)	100
Aquata Breather	350
All Temp. Cloak	100 
Utility Belt	500
    [i](3 day food supply, medpac, tool kit, power pack (x5), energy cell (x5), 
    glow rod, short-range comlink (encrypted), liquid cable dispenser)[/i]

Credits: 50


[B]Experience: [/B] 240

[COLOR=DarkOrange]**************** Background and Description ****************[/color]


[b]Age[/b]	20		[b]Skin:[/b] 	Darkish Tan with sparse mottling of blue
[b]Height[/b] 	2 meters	[b]Weight:[/b] 60 kg
[b]Hair[/b] 	None		[b]Eyes:[/b] 	Black


Trangle was taken as a young child from his family by a rogue Twi'lek Jedi 
that, as all others not in the employ of the Empire, are being hunted to 
extinction by Lord Vader and his minions.Trangle was discovered on an outer 
rim plant by the female Jedi Iitha Grott. She took Trangle from his family 
with their permission and brought him into the Renegade's fold. The Ithorian 
was trained to hide himself and others from other force uses. Iitha was 
killed by agents of the Empire 2 weeks ago, and Trangle feels not ready to 
take on the responsibilities that his mentor had. He feels young and 
inexperienced. How can he survive if his master could not. Self doubt 
suffuses his thoughts, but he tries hard to repress this emotion and control 
it.He hopes very strongly that Iitha was able to foresee this moment and was 
able to prepare him for his new responsibilities and duties with 
Zin's Renegades.

His cabin is filled with plants, water, soil all carefully tended to by his 
hand. Trangle enjoys all things natural and often wonders how he got 
caught up in all of this - the empire, the Jedi purge, the Rebellion and 
everything. How much simpler and safer life would have been if he would 
not have shown an ability for the Force. His mind often wanders around 
that thought, but then he also thinks of all of the things that he would 
not have seen or done, if that had not happened, how much of the galaxy 
that he would not understand and perceive and do were it not for the Force. 
The Force is a great ally and a great teacher if you let it be. If you listen 
to it. 

[b]Quote:[/b] "[COLOR=YellowGreen]As the Force allows, I will do what I can.[/COLOR]"

 2 J2 Strong in the Force
 3 J3 Force Haze, Force Training (2 x Rebuke, Sever the Force)
 4 J4 Weapon Focus (Light Saber), +1 Int , +1 Dex
 5 J5 Dark Side Sense
 6 J6 Weapon Finesse, Force Boon
 7 J7 Resist the Dark side
 8 JK1 Niman +1 Dex, +1 Chr
 9 JK2 Force Point Recovery
10 JK3
11 JK4
12 JK5 +1 Chr, +1 Wis
13 JM1 [/sblock]
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First Post


Medium Female
Human Solider 1
Destiny: 1 Force Points: 0
Init: +8 Perception: +5

Languages Basic

************ Defenses ************

Reflex: 16 Fortitude: 14 Will: 11

Hit Points: 31 Threshold: 14

************ Attacks ************

Speed 6 squares BAB +1

Collapsable Quarterstaff 1d6/1d6+2 B

Bowcaster (s) 3d10 +4 P/Eng
**************** Abilities ****************

Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8

Weapon Specialization (Bowcaster)

Armor Profiencey (light)
Armor Profiencey (medium)
Weapon Profiencey (Pistol)
Weapon Profiencey (Rifle)
Weapon Profiencey (Simple)
Exotic Weapon Profiencey
Weapon Focus (Bowcaster)

Initiative +8
Mechanics +5
Knowledge Tatics +5
Perception +5

************ Possessions ************

Bowcaster 1500
Collapseable Quarterstaff 80
Blast Helmet/Vest 500
Credit Chip 100
All Temp. Cloak 100
Utility Belt 500
(3 day food supply, medpac, tool kit, power pack (x5), energy cell (x5),
glow rod, short-range comlink (encrypted), liquid cable dispenser)

Credits: 170



**************** Background and Description ****************


Age 23 Skin: Light
Height 5'1" Weight: 120
Hair Dark Brown Eyes: Brown


"Go to hell, Bata," Jinta's eyes narrowed, staring at the man infront of her. Her cheek ached and throbbed from the cold steel of the torn metal he had ripped across her face. She felt the slip of blood trickle down her cheekbone and into the colar of her jumpsuit, making the fabric stick. It was the most irritating sensation in the world. Blood sticking to fabric, that is. Not the being hit part.

The being hit part made her adrenline throb and her heart tighten. She wanted to rage back, to fight back. That was the point, of course. Zin was trying to prove that she couldn't keep her cool. He wouldn't be wrong either. She had a history of a temper, having across her lifespan been tossed out of four orphanages, two planets and countless bars across the galaxy. Her temper had narrowly gotten her jailed more then once, and landed her in pratical slavery...once.

That had been an interesting encounter with a wookie and a shooting range. It had been some argument between the two of them- and when she was told to put her money where her mouth was- she nearly balked. After some coaxing, she remembered putting down her credit chip- and losing all thousand credits. But, sportingly enough, they offered her a second chance. When she balked again, they called her coward.

Jinta was no coward. She had nothing more to barter, so she said she'd work, for free, for a year - in exchange for the weapon on the wookie's back. Thankfully, she won, and the wookie was goodnatured enough to allow her to learn how to use the huge bow-like projectile. It had saved her hide more then once now...even though she was more then often chuckled at for such an old piece of machinery.

She payed for her musings with the metal coming clanking down ontop of her head. She dropped to her knees, her gloved hands balling into fists, her long hair threatening to come loose of its bindings. She glared up at the man and shook her head, "Fine. I'll work for you. But you better make it worth my while..."


There was a time when Jinta was probably a normal child. There is little proof of that now, save a small adoption certificate pressed between the lining of her well-used jumpsuit. What she dosn't know was that her parents were traders between worlds, and when her parents got too far into debt, they had to put her up for adoption or sell her into slavery.

The man that adopted her had no real want for a child, save to pratice experiments on. Psychological, mostly. She was battle trained young, taught to fight and to weild weapons of all sorts. She was twelve when he bought a slave, had her befriend it, only to force her to slaughter him. It made the little girl angry...so angry.

As soon as she could, she left. No note, nothing. She hitchiked onto the first trader-ship that would take her, and went to the outer rim to do the only thing she knew how to do- fight. That lasted about as long as the senate changed hands...she had been sent on a mission to support the Senator and was stuck between a rock and a hard place. She found out what the Senator's goals truely were. In a nutshell- she knew when someone was trying to mess with her head. Psychological games were not new to her. So she resigned as soon as she could, and started wandering as a Merc- a hired hand on whatever ship would take a bit of muscle.


First Post
Nyub Devv CL 1

Medium Sullustan scout 1
Destiny 1; Force 5; Dark Side 0
Init +3; Senses Darkvision, Perception +6
Languages Basic, Bothese, Durese, Sullustese

Defenses Ref 16 (flat-footed 13), Fort 13, Will 12
hp 25; Threshold 13

Speed 6 squares
Melee knife +0 (1d4+0) or
Melee unarmed +0 (1d4+0)
Ranged sporting blaster rifle +3 (3d6+0) (add +1/+1 for PBS) or
Ranged sporting blaster pistol +3 (3d4+0) (add +1/+1 for PBS) or
Ranged ion pistol +3 (3d6+0) (add +1/+1 for PBS) or
Base Atk +0; Grp +3

Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 8
Special Qualities Darkvision, Expert Climber, Heightened Awareness
Talents Improved Stealth
Feats WP (pistols, rifles, simple), Point Blank Shot
Skills Climb +5, Endurance +6, Mechanics +7, Perception +6, Pilot +8, Stealth +8, Survival +6
Possessions sporting blaster rifle, sporting blaster pistol, ion pistol, knife, all-temperature cloak, breath mask, credit chip, hip holster (x2), mesh tape, targeting scope, utility belt (3 day food supply, medpac, tool kit, power pack (x5), energy cell (x5), glow rod, short-range comlink (encrypted), liquid cable dispenser)

Nyub is a native of Sullust, where his parents both work for SoroSuub. His parents always assumed he would follow them into the factory to work for the massive SoroSuub corporation, however Nyub could never stand being cooped up inside. Much tougher than the average Sullustan, he preferred to be out in the harsh elements or climbing through the caves of his native world.

Eventually, Nyub decided he needed to get out and see the Galaxy. Shipping out on a tramp freighter, much against the wishes of his parents, he ended up being stranded on a fringe world. He proved to be a much better tracker and hunter than many of the natives, and so survived by tracking down dangerous game that threatened the local livestock. Not exactly what he had in mind when he set out to see the Galaxy, but it paid the bills.

All of that changed when he was recruited to join Zin's Renegades. Although friendly and even talkative at times, Nyub is not a very forceful person and tends to naturally fade into the background. This skill of disappearing, along with his darkvision, made him a natural scout for Zin, especially for night work. Nyub has no particular grudge against the Empire, however Zin rescued him off a backwater planet, and has given him an exciting job that let's him see some of the Galaxy, and he is grateful for that. Not to mention, if things break right, it should pay well!

Nyub is a non-descript Sullustan, standing a slightly below average 1.45 meters.


First Post
Destiny 1 Force Points 5 Dark Side
Medium 4th Degree Droid Scoundrel 1
Init +7; Perception +7
Languages Basic, Binary
Defenses Reflex 19, Will 12, Fortitude 11
Hit Points 18; Threshold 16
Spd 6 squares (walking)
Melee stun baton +0 (2d6 stun)
Ranged Sporting blaster pistol +4 (3d4) or
Ranged Sporting Blaster pistol +5 (3d4+1) with point blank shot or
Ranged Sporting Blaster Pistol +6 (3d4+1) with point blank shot and skirmisher
Base Attack +0; Grapple +0
Atk Options None
Special Actions None
Abilities STR 11 DEX 18 CON - INT 12 WIS 10 CHA 6
Talents Skirmisher
Feats Point Blank Shot, Weapon Proficiency Pistols, Simple Weapons, Improved Damage Threshold
Skills Initiative +7, Mechanics +6, Perception +7, Pilot +9, Stealth +7, Use Computer +6
Droid Systems Heuristic processor, 2 arm appendages, vocabulator, internal comlink, improved sensor package, darkvision, locked access, 5 kilograms compartment space, quadanium shell armor (+3)
Possessions Hip holster (holding a sporting blaster pistol), stun baton, ion pistol, tool kit, security kit, 2 spare power packs, 2 spare energy cells, credit chip (312 credits)
Experience 0
Appearance HX-33 is a thin gun metal grey bipedal humanoid droid that walks with a slight roll to its steps. Its head is shaped like a bucket with sensors spaced evenly along its circumference. When it speaks, its voice issues from a small box on its chest, which seems bolted on after manufacture, giving it a slightly cobbled together look. It carries a heavy blaster on its hip, giving it the seeming of a gunslinger. A rusty, obsolete wreck of a gunslinger.

Background HX-33 has had its memory wiped so many times that it’s almost comical. Its skill set seems to suggest that it was a security droid, and its penchant for explosions backs that up. However, its personality suggests that it was supposed to be used for target practice and somehow survived.

Quote: “This unit is certified for search and rescue operations. Do you require your rescuees to be alive and fully functional? This unit is programmed to provide mostly functional, with a slim chance of alive.”


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Worraarr was never a typical wookiee. He left Kashyyk at a young age to see the galaxy and got hired to pilot a small freighter "the Fly". Then came the day he met Girov, a bothan jedi, when Girov booked a passage on the Fly in order to get to Bakuria on a diplomatic mission. On that fatefull evening the order 66 took effect and in a moment Girov was no longer a hero but a hunted outlaw. The other crew of the Fly wanted to turn Girov in but to a wookiee this was a dishonorable thing to do. So he and Girov fled and hid on Bakuria for few years until they were found by imperial forces. Girov lost his life and Worraarr was left dying. But somehow he survided. During their time on Bakuria Girov tried to teach Worraarr to control his rage, and was succesfull to some degree. Worraarr is a bit more calm than his brethren and his vox-box includes the start of jedi-code, spoken by Girov, to remind him to stay calm. Now alone Worraarr has been hopping from station to station, using a vox-box to communicate with those who don't understand shyriiwook. To return home now would be a disgrace as he shamed his family by leaving. Worraarr is a big wookiee, almost two and half meters tall, with a bright flaming red fur. Because of his furr he is all too easy to regognise, and as an jedi-collabarator he is an outlaw. Luckily he isn't the most valuable hunt and as such not actively searched but he has been forced to do the unheard and wear clothing. So he has gotten big grey robes to hide in. Today he was contacted by some underlings of a man named Zin. Apparently he needs the help of talented individuals who aren't on good terms with the empire.

Wookiee Soldier 1
Lenght: 2.48 meters
Weight: 195 kg
Furr: Bright Flaming-Red
Eyes: Black
Destiny 1; Force 5
Init 1; Senses Perception 0
Languages: Basic, Shyriiwook, Binary.
Defenses Ref 12 (flatfooted 11), Fort 14, Will 10
Hp 32; Treshold 14
Speed 6
Melee 4
-Vibro-Ryyk; 2d6+4
Ranged 2
-Bowcaster; 3d10
-Sporting pistol; 3d4
Base attack 1
str 16, dex 12, con 14, int 12, wis 10, cha 9
Talents: Melee Smash,

Feats: Armor prof light; medium, Weapon prof pistol; rifle; simple; advanced melee,

Skills: mechanics 6, pilot 6, use computer 6, endurance 7

Special: Extraordinary Recuperation, Rage, Take 10 Climb, Reroll intimidate.

Possessions: Bowcaster, Vibro-blade, Vox-Box, Energy cell, 20 caster bolts, Sporting blaster pistol, Power pack, Hip holster, Back-sheat, Tool kit, All-temperature cloak, Mesh Tape, Bandolier, Credits 8.

Phrases with Vox-Box: "Yes." "No." "Maybe." "Greetings." "Take me to you chieftain." "I will rip your arms off." "Back off." "Hungry." "I am Worraarr." "How much?" "Give." and "There is no passion." The other phrases are recorded as mechanised voices and sounds metallic like droids. The last phrase was recorded by Girov and therefore has a calm deep tone to it.

Quote: "Roaarr wrauu rar har raaagh!" "I'll take whatever he's drinking."
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First Post
Horst Felk
Medium Male Zabrak Scoundrel 1
Destiny 1; Force Points 5
Init +2; Perception +5;
Languages Zabrak, Basic, Binary
Defense Reflex: 16 (flat-footed 14); Fortitude: 13; Will: 12
Hit Points: 19 Threshold: 13
Speed 6 squares
Base Attack Bonus +0, Grp +0
Melee Stun Baton +0
Ranged Sporting Blaster Pistol +2 (3d4)
Abilities: STR 10 DEX 14 CON 12 INT 13 WIS 10 CHA 14
Talents: Spacehound
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Weapon Prof (Pistols, Simple), Precise Shot
Skills: Deception +7, Mechanics +6, Perception +5, Pilot +7, Use Computer +6
Possessions: Stun baton, Sporting blaster pistol equipped with Targeting scope (standard), Long range com-link with pocket scrambler, Credit chip (395 credits), Utility Belt, Security kit, 2 Power packs, Hip Holster,, All-temperature cloak
Experience 100
Background Horst has had a run of bad luck. Unlucky at cards, he lost his ship. Unlucky at love, he was thrown out by his long time girl. Unlucky at interpersonal communications, he may have threatened a Moff with castration (it was a BIG misunderstanding.) On the run and without a ship, he’s looking for his luck to change.

Quote: "It wasn't my fault! How was I supposed to know they'd built in a self destruct? And failed to properly label it? I mean, sure it was the big red button, but it could have been a GOOD big red button!"
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Voda Vosa

First Post
Mithos Fuldin
Bith Noble 1

Init +5
Languages Basic Bith Ithorian Sullustan Wookiee Rodian Duro
Destiny 1
Reflex: 12 Fortitude: 12 ; Will: 14
Hit Points: 19 Threshold: 12
Speed 6 squares
Base Attack Bonus +0, Grp +0
Ranged Ion Pistol +0(+1 at 30 ft) (3d6+1)
Abilities: STR 10 DEX 10 CON 12 INT 15 WIS 12 CHA 16

Race abilities:
Heightened Smell: Bith can identify an individual by the smell at a range of 10 meters with a succesfull wisdom check (DC 15).
Micro-Vision: Bith may reroll Perception checks when limiting the use of this skill to 2 squares.
Bith suffer double the range penalties (-4 for short, -10 for medium, and -20 for long).
Meditative Trance: A bith doesn't sleep but instead enters a meditative trance. He gains the benefits of 8 hours of sleep with 4 hours in trance. The trance may be entered only once in a standard day. During the trance bith stays somewhat aware of his surroundings an may roll perception checks to avoid being surprised.

Feats(class): Linguist, Weapons (pistols, simple), Weapon focus (Ion blaster)

Talents: Inspire Confidence.

Deception 8
Persuasion 8
Gather info 8
Initiative 5
Use computer7
Perception 6
Knowledge(Bureaucracy) 7
Knowledge(Galactic Lore) 7

Possessions: (total to spend 4800)
Stun baton 15
Energy cell 30
Power pack 25
Power Recharger 100
Commlink LR 250
Pocket scrambler 400
Code cylinder 500
Credit chip 100
Datapad 1000
Aquata Breather 350
All Temp. Cloak 100
Utility Belt 500
Ion pistol(+targeting scope) 350
Hip Holster 25
Tool kit 250
Security kit 750

Credits 65

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