• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!


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well as I said, that's my opinion. But It seems that we spend more than that for D20 modules which are only used one time? That is unless you homebrew all your adventures.

I understand where you're coming from, just in my case I feel the money is no big deal, considering the amount we spend on other gaming stuff.


First Post
JeffB said:
As far as the introductory adventure goes: I didn’t mean I wanted a 32 pager, but something similar to the adventure in the first D20 Star Wars book..7 or 8 pages. Nothing fancy, but something to break the GM and players in on the game system.

I imagine Decipher considered the "Through the Mines of Moria" adventure in the intro box set as their "Sample Adventure." Though it is a separate product. I picked up an open box copy of the intro game for 40% off the other day at my FLGS to flip through. Based on my brief scan, the Moria adventure isn't a bad "shakedown" adventure. It's about 20pg, but part of that is rules explanations, since the box doesn't really have a "Rulebook."

Melkor said:
Can someone tell me about The Stats of non-mortal powerful beings like Gandalf, Saruman or Balrog? Is Sauron given stats? What about First and Second Ages?

Gandalf & the Balrog are in the basic set, so I hope they are included in the full rules. I hope it isn't necessary to buy the basic box to get that info when you've already dished out $30-40 for the main book.
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Liquid Awesome
If anyone is interested, there is another review of the book at www.guildcompanion.com. Go to the "Scrolls of Wisdom" section (the archives) and look at the August 2002 issue. It should be about half way down the page under the "Reviews" section.


I think the Balrog is statted (because there was some controversy about its statistics on the Decipher board, because apparently a beginning character can start out being better at armed combat than the demon or something like that).

I think the Nazgul are statted. And Saruman.

Dragon's aren't though. :(

(This is all gathered from what I've read others describe. Perhaps Gothmog will grace us with his presence and give us some more info.)


First Post
Wolfspider said:
I think the Balrog is statted (because there was some controversy about its statistics on the Decipher board, because apparently a beginning character can start out being better at armed combat than the demon or something like that).

The Balrog is indeed stated.

And before anyone get themselves twisted up on *this* board about that starting character thing, the original poster on the Decipher boards was shot down by a horde of posters with a better grasp of the rules system and character design.

I think the Nazgul are statted. And Saruman.

Yes to both. Also Gollum, Wormtongue, the Dunlendings, orcs, uruk, half-orcs, trolls, olog-hai, barrow-wights, the spider brood of Ungoliant including Shelob, hell-hawks, oliphaunts, and wolves/wargs/werewolves

Dragon's aren't though. :(

That is correct. Dragons are to be covered in a later book on all the beasts of Middle-Earth.


Werewolves are statted? That's interesting...I thought werewolves were only explicitly mentioned in the Silmarillion.

Thanks for the clarifications.
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Amateur Fortean
Hot dang! I've been waiting and waiting (and waiting and waiting) for this to arrive. From the few preview pages I've seen it looked as beautifully designed as the CoC D20 book (which is saying something). With any luck it'll be at my local store this afternoon.

Never played the ICE game, but has anyone who did picked up the new version? Whattaya you think?

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