• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Level Up (A5E) I made a big mistake, is there a way to contact the publishers?

This is gonna sound really stupid, but I spent the last few weeks fully thinking that I had backed the project and expecting the PDFs today, but I guess the form never completed or something.

It's super dumb, but is there someway I can contact the team to get in a backing even though the kickstarter literally just ended?

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I crit!
I think they have an open Backerkit for late pledges. @Morrus

But I think Russ is probably deep asleep at the moment. It's late there and if I know him he's busted his rear over the last few eternities for this kickstarter.

Just to add on to show I'm not bsing and was fully intending to back it, I have this link in my browser history on October 23rd:
https://www. kickstarter. com/checkouts/172299004/payments/new

Image of it in my browser history:
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First Post
A couple of my players missed the deadline too and would be interested in late pledging if possible. If it isn't possible is there a date that the pdf's will be available to the general public?


Thanks to my terrible Google algorithm, I only found out about this project this morning, and I absolutely want in on the late pledge. What do I need to do to give you guys my money?

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