D&D General I miss Cadderly and his family. What happened to Danica & Spirit Soaring?


Reeks of Jedi
For those who don't know, Drizzt creator RA Salvatore created some fun characters who popped up in his Drizzt books and eventually got their own 5 book series called The Cleric Quintet.

Cadderly the Cleric of Deneir
Danica the Monk his wife
their kids
Ivan the Dwarf Fighter
Pikel the Dwarf Driud (this was before "typical" player Dwarves could be druids), Ivans brother

They dwelled in a magically blessed temple called Spirit Soaring and they had many adventures.

And then 4th ed happened and excreted all over all of it.

Half of the cast being human meant they weren't going to survive the 100 year time jump (see also 90% of Faeruns iconic characters). So what is Salvatore to do? Writes them an explosive exit saving the world.

Now, Cadderly COULD come back after the events of Ghost King but I don't even think he's been mentioned since that tale. Ivan and Pikel hang out with the Battlehammer Dwarves and can be seen in recent Drizzt books.

But what happened to Danica? The kids? I would assume to just aged out. After 100 years the kids would probably have kids and eh, no need to introduce those characters into the Drizzt stuff. I'm guessing Spirit Soaring is still as it was at the end of Ghost King?

Any one read up on current lore have any idea about Danica and Soaring?

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For those who don't know, Drizzt creator RA Salvatore created some fun characters who popped up in his Drizzt books and eventually got their own 5 book series called The Cleric Quintet.
It's been a looooooooooooooooooong time since I read any of those books, but I could have sworn it was the other way around -- that is, the characters from the Cleric Quintet showed up in some Drizzt books after they had their own series not before. Maybe I'm just misremembering.


Reeks of Jedi
It's been a looooooooooooooooooong time since I read any of those books, but I could have sworn it was the other way around -- that is, the characters from the Cleric Quintet showed up in some Drizzt books after they had their own series not before. Maybe I'm just misremembering.
Maybe it was. Been a long time since i read them


The EN World kitten
I believe that Cadderly and co. appear during The Spine of the World, where we get a bit more about what happened in the aftermath of the fifth and final Cleric Quintet book. Also, according to Cadderly's entry on the Forgotten Realms wiki, he plays a major role in The Ghost King.

Voidrunner's Codex

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