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I Need Ideas for My Thayan Campaign

The Thayan Menace

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I'll Pass on Faerunian Warforged

smootrk said:
I do not know if you are interested in this kind of idea, but I have a thread on the topic of bringing the Eberron Warforge [sic] race into the FR. Many of the ideas submitted by folks here have included the Red Wizards in their thinking.
I'm not interested.

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I would suggest looking at the write-up of Unther in the FRCS (3e) and reading the novel "The Alabaster Staff" for a more recent update.

According to the FRCS, the Red Wizards have been smuggling resources into Unther, seeking to keep the rump of northern Unther free of Mulhorand. It's likely however, that Thay's efforts will simply delay the inevitable, unless something dramatic happens.

I would suggest that Kesia is tasked by her superiors (Orlav? the Zulkir of her school?) with a specific mission in Unther to contribute to this effort. Realizing Unther's resistance is insufficient, the Red Wizards have decided to recruit the Banite templars of the Black Lord's Altar (see Faiths & Avatars, major centers of worship). Kesia is tasked with approaching the Banite Imperceptor and convincing him to dispatch his church army.

Kesia's motivation is obvious. Isis should follow naturally as a bodyguard. Caelin's dreams of conquest, plus his association with Isis should bring him along. Ra'Faz is likely to accompany Kesia due to their relationship. That's enough critical mass to make it "group outing." The others may just follow along. Otherwise, Haffrung might be motivated by the twin thoughts of new potential converts and rumors of magical lore in Mourktar or Messemprar. Zax might go as an envoy of the Guild of Foreign Trade, investigating whether to put an enclave in Mourktar or Messemprary (if there isn't one already ... check Lords of Darkness). Gori's the only one without motivation, but he might enjoy the challenge of a war zone.

Once they get there, the diplomatic mission should be plagued by assasination attempts by agents of Mulhorand (who have spies in Thay who have revealed the mission) and the difficulty in getting the high priest of Bane to agree. The high priest probably has his own reasons for not dispatching his army, but, to stall for time, might insist that the PCs complete a series of missions for him. (See the write-up of the Great Bone Wyrm in the sidebar about "other dracoliches" in Cult of the Dragon [2e] for ideas.) One great mission might be to run the adventure found in the Draconomicon (2e) that details a hidden blue dragon lair beneath either Unther or Mulhorand (I forget which). Perhaps that dragon knows a bit of lore the high priest needs. Then, once the PCs have accomplished whatever tasks you need to finish, they return to find the high priest has just been murdered. As they are the only ones who are known to be innocent, the high priest's second in command tasks them with investigating the crime. (He doesn't care about justice ... he cares about the temple's reputation and making sure he's not next, as he has no idea who's behind the killing and, more importantly, why.)



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In the game I was playing, the player were going to discover a woman trapped in stasis. Once freed, she would present herself as a noble of netherese(sp?) that was imprisoned for political reasonswho would have enough magic and knowledge to keep the players from disposing of her. In actuallity, she was going to be a high level wizard that upon finding her homeland destroyed and mostly forgotten would begin to build her power structure with what was at hand. If the players were ambitious in their political plans, then she would make a good ally, if they weren't then she would make a good patron who would use them for jobs as she increased her power base within Thay. One of the main reasons she was going to use the party is because of the noble members because she coudl make better use of their nobility than they could, possibly even offering a political marriage to place herself within her newly found power structure.

The Thayan Menace

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Netherese if You Please

I like the idea of finding a patron in stasis, however, for reasons that I cannot reveal, I am not likely to use a Netherese contact in this story (at least not yet). Perhaps she could be Imaskari or Mulhorandi ....


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Since you're trying to keep the campaign in Thay itself right now, I doubt you'd be interested in this, but you could perhaps work some of it in.

Right before TSR stopped supporting Spelljammer, the Thayans appeared to be on the cusp of a truly remarkable breakthrough: they were the first humanoid race to produce a working spelljamming (flying ship) helm (power source) of their own, rather than buying one from the Arcane (blue-skinned giants, basically the 'mercane' of the Epic Level Handbook). This would have been a world-changing event for the Spelljammer setting, propelling Thay far ahead of its neighbors in the fantasy space race, into an entirely different league of powers. At least, that's how the Thayans saw it...

Perhaps your PCs could be involved in some way with the development of the so-called "Grand Helm" of Thay. All of the Thayans' neighbors and rivals, particularly Waterdeep (the other major spelljamming 'Western' power in Realmspace), would be desperate to either steal or destroy the plans before such a device could be built.

Even if you didn't use Spelljammer material, the idea of the Thayans, with their masterful magic item creators, being on the cusp of a major magical development that other nations wanted to destroy would be very interesting. I'm always fond of 'defensive' scenarios to break up the usual pattern of most campaigns, forcing the PCs to protect their stuff and themselves from folks who want to kill them and take it.

Of course, this being Thay, somebody is probably backstabbing somebody else. What's selling the plans for the Grand Helm to Waterdeep compared to the chance to humiliate a rival Red Wizard?

Option one: the PCs are affiliated with the faction working on the Grand Helm (or its equivalent), in which case a higher-ranking Red Wizard might recruit Kesia as one of the testers for it (spelljamming helms drew power from spellcasters who sat in their throne-like contraptions) and the others would have to protect her from an assassin or kidnapper while she attempted to control it.

Option two: the PCs are involved with an opposing faction, and called in to disrupt the 'dangerous experiment' of a 'tragically - terminally - misguided' Red Wizard. But, they have the opportunity to discover that the Red Wizard who gave them the task is actually conspiring with filthy Waterdeepian scum (or Shou Lung scum, for a more globe-trotting, Kara-Tur twist)! Now they have a choice between betraying that wizard or possibly betraying Thay; of course, they could always blackmail him, to... :]

Unfortunately, I know a fair bit about Thay from using it in Spelljammer campaigns, but next to nothing about the rest of the Realms, so that's all I've got.

The Thayan Menace

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Spelljamming Thayans Make Neogi Look Like E.T.

The spelljamming angle is interesting; I could rework the premise and have a serviceable plot. I might not use this one right away, but thanks for the idea.


Also, there's a whole bunch of plot hooks in the write-up of the Flaming Brazier in Powers & Pantheons (2e). (It's one of the fully detailed temples in teh back of the book.)



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I would like to point out, again, how ridiculously cool this board is...looking for a campaign plot idea, how about one of it's key contributer/designers chiming in with a few ideas.

Thank you Eric for being so cool, and making contributions to the discussion.

Local ideas to Thay. Well it will probably involve one or more of the following:
politics and backstabbing
economic advantage
evil priesthoods
battle with Rashemen/Mulhorondi
influence from dark forces from other planes
magic, magic, and more magic...

For the levels of your party, they should be just "coming into their own" and starting to get recognized by those in power. Limited travel required at this stage.

Existing power bases: Red Wizards, Shar, Kossuth, and the Guild of Foreign Trade.

Your party's first love -- clearly appears to be combat.

Based on the above, I'd recommend bringing the fight to them. Send them on a simple mission (perhaps for the church or Red Wizards), and begin to pelt them with Mulhorondi assassins/spies, opposing internal factions (political, opposing school minions, and opposing elemental churches). Pick a dungeon article, anything that looks interesting from the 7th - 9th level range, and then fill it in with all the Thayan agents.

Just my 2 cents. Good luck, and good gaming!

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