The treat monsters the same as PCs was a big part of 3e. The thing is, this becomes a rapidly escalating commitment for the DM.So people are talking about how 5E rules generally stack things in favor of the PCs and against monsters, more so in higher levels. Wouldn't the easiest way to fix it be just reverse it? I mean have players make characters based off the systems in the monster Manuel while the DMs follow the generation sytems in the phb.
Now we're back to PCs crawling up against stricly more powerful foes!
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As levels get higher, the complexity and options increase exponentially and the amount of prep for the DM skyrocketed.
I ran a 3e game from 1 to 20+ and by the end, statting up the encounters got really, really time consuming. On the plus side, I got really good at short cuts, eye balling difficulty level, and generally planning encounters quickly.
4e really pushed the monsters are NOT PCs angle and had some pretty good tools for quick and effective encounter design. I'm glad 5e took many cues from this because encounter prep (at least for me) has been pretty easy. I certainly haven't had a problem challenging players.
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