D&D 5E I still want D&D and Beyond, but...


I've been really bummed the last week or so with the OGL news. I simply can't get myself up to really do anything D&D / RPG related. I was briefly excited about changing to a new platform, but that soon faded. I was checking DnD Beyond (DDB) this morning to see if there was any OGL news and I realized something. I want to play D&D, not another game, and I want to use DDB. There is a lot of interesting content on DDB (a lot of it free) that reminds of Dragon/Dungeon magazine. I want to continue with my 5e homebrew game, it is just about perfect for my group.

I know technically I can continue playing, but this whole OGL debacle has just drained the RPG will out of me. I guess I feel betrayed? I don't know. Even the calls to create a new open system or rally behind another system just feel wrong and a bit like a betrayal as well. I like D&D and I like sharing it with others. I like the shared community. These forums are, in fact, the only social media I really engage in. I like hearing what @Micah Sweet , @Parmandur, @Maxperson , @TheSword, @Ruin Explorer, @Stalker0, @Matrix Sorcica, and many, many others have to say. I doubt I get that if I leave D&D. I am just finding it very hard to have the desire to play or engage in D&D right now.

For me, the best, and possible the only solution, is a new OGL 1.0(b) that adds that is irrevocable and next to nothing else. I don't even think I want a siloed OGL1.1 anymore (which I previously thought would be fine). Otherwise I just might leave the hobby all together.
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#1 Enworld Jerk™
Old versions of D&D games won't go away nor will their OGL based progeny.

The great things about RPGs is that you an just have an old book and play forever needing nothing else.

I mean, the undeniable truth of that fact is why WOTC is doing all of this in the first place.

Take a break, and play D&D in whatever form (whether is actually, officially, "D&D" or not) strikes your fancy.


Old versions of D&D games won't go away nor will their OGL based progeny.

The great things about RPGs is that you an just have an old book and play forever needing nothing else.
I can play forever, and we use our own setting, but I have lost the will too currently. I reminds me of when I skipped 2e and 3e.
I mean, the undeniable truth of that fact is why WOTC is doing all of this in the first place.
I think Hasbro is doing this, not WotC.
Take a break, and play D&D in whatever form (whether is actually, officially, "D&D" or not) strikes your fancy.
Yep, that is probably the solution. However, I do have some commitments to 5e that I don't want to drop.

[...]and I want to use DDB. There is a lot of interesting content on DDB (a lot of it free) that reminds of Dragon/Dungeon magazine. [...]
(emphasis mine)

That's the thing, isn't it? You all got hooked on an amazing platform (DDB) that has tons of information, functionality and a great user interface. And then the startup company sold it, and now someone wants to make money.

The first hit is for free. After that...


Nothing wrong with taking a break from gaming or D&D for any reason if you just aren't feeling it. If you can get your group to go along with it... pick up another RPG and play a short 3-month campaign or something. Most likely this whole OGL thing will be settled down by then. After al... this whole brouhaha has only been going on for less than a month. Three months from now everything will probably have been cleared up and either everyone becomes comfortable dipping their feet in the D&D/OGC pool... or a full break happens and you can make the choice then as to whether the OGL matters enough to make you stop playing D&D altogether.

Voidrunner's Codex

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