D&D (2024) I think depending on survey results Aasimar, Genasi, and Changelins could be added to One D&D.

All the races that you were given to pick from for favourite race were in the One D&D playtest (including Goliaths & Orcs), which suggests to me its a hint at what races could end up in the One D&D Playtest, I encourage folks to pick these races in the survey as I'd like them to be in the One D&D PHB.

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I picked elf, dwarf, and halfling as they are the races I would prefer. I could see goliath, but do not want orcs as PC races myself.


I'll be happy with whatever they decide to put in the game. I'll be even happier if they remove Half-Elf and Half-Orc as specific options and rather created a 'Mixed' species option in the game that allowed you to have two parents from a wider range of species instead. Human/Elf parents and Human/Orc parents should not be the only options available to players.

That being said... I'd have no problem (were they to indeed create a Mixed ancestry in the book) to use the Half-Elf and Half-Orc as their examples of how to create a character with mixed ancestry using whatever rules they come up with. That way almost everyone gets what they want-- we get specific designations from WotC itself of what a half-elf and a half-orc receive as species abilities (in like a sidebar or something), but we also get full rules on how to create whichever mixed parentage players might want.

Aasimar seem like the most obvious to add, as they're the counterpart to tieflings. Selfishly I'd love to see genasi there though, as they're my favourite player species.

(though I don't really view planetouched as their own species, more members of other species who have been touched by either planar or elemental magic)

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