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D&D 5E [IC] hafrogman's Hoard of the Dragon Queen

Steve Gorak

"To be honest commander, Carad and I could take point and clear a path as required with the rest of you some distance behind us?"his brilliant white smile flashes in the gloom.

"Grroooaarrrrr, grawl grrrrmm" Jeni_bear growls and moves her paw close to her chest at this last statement.

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Forged Fury

First Post
Having heard from both scouts, Morgan nodded. Input from Venn was as likely to be useful as a string of unrelated arcane terms. "I think the north path. While we have a better chance of intercepting other patrols heading south, I think the less time the children are out here the better. If you have spare cloaks, cut them short and give them to the kids, maybe we can make them look like kobolds. We'll have them walk on Jeni's left so her mass might conceal them from anyone approaching us from the north."

Severing a length of rope, Morgan turned to Jeni and said, "Let's make it look like you're hobbled. I'll tie this rope around your neck and will make another length appear to be tied around your snout. If anyone gets close, we'll say you're a trained bear we found. It's not a good explanation, but it's the only one I can think of to explain your presence."

Turning to Carad and Hunter, she said, "Alright, you lot out front. I'm not too worried about covering the rear, we should be moving out at speed. If needed, Venn can cover our tail for now. If we do end up in combat, just remember that top priority is getting these folks to the keep. Use whatever resources you have to get that done. Let's hustle."


The group sets off skirting around the north side of the hill before climbing up to the keep itself. You avoid the patrols moving in the night and find yourselves up against the keep's stone walls. There are defenders visible atop the parapets, but they seem to be distracted by something activity on the west side. As Hunter and Carad range ahead, with Bear-Jeni close at their heels, they quickly catch sight of a small battle about to start at the main gates. A kobold patrol led by a larger wing'd member of their race has chased a pair of peasants (P) up the hill. Two of the guards are outside of the open gates, moving to bring them inside, but you're not sure if they will make it in time. In the darkness around the keep, other small probing attacks are already underway as cultists and kobolds harass the defenders.

OOC: Sorry if this map is a little harder to read, there's a lot going on here.

Hunter 22
Jeni 19
Winged Kobold 18
Guards 14
Morgan 13
Cultists 13
Carad 12
Commoners 12
Kobolds 5
Venn 4

Hunter and Jeni, you're up.


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Time to act! Hunter thought to himself.

"To the keep!" he calls out to those behind him as he races forwards to help the peasant straggler. He runs quickly and launches a javelin at the lead kobold before drawing another.


Move Action 25 ft, to N7

Attack on Kobold at J13
Attack = [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

He then completes his last 5ft of movement to N8 and draws another javelin.

Steve Gorak

Jeny_bear thinks to herself Too many foes...I need to protect the family and peasants as they get into the keep. In the heat of the moment, Jeni sometimes forgot that she couldn't easily communicate with humanoids when shape-changed. This came out as "Grrlll Groar rrrah rrrah" to those grasping the finer nuances of bear-speech.

She rushes ahead putting her powerful bear body between the peasants and enemies to the west.

OOC: Double move to H12. Jeni will use her bonus action to shapechange back into a brown bear if she is damaged so much as to revert back to elf form

Forged Fury

First Post
"Black Tide! Form a defensive line and let the refugees gain the keep!" Morgan called while drawing her flail and banging it against her shield.

OOC: Unless something changes drastically with the flying kobold:
Item Interaction: Draw Flail
Action: Dash
Move: O7

HP: 23/28
AC: 19

4d8 Superiority Dice, Maneuvers Available: Distract, Feint, & Rally


Hunter rushes forward and hurls a javelin at one of the kobolds, but goes wide.
Jeni barrels forward, nearly knocking over Carad and one of the guards, not to mention scaring the living daylights out of the peasants. But she gets herself right into the midst of the kobolds.
The kobold leader, alarmed at the sight of an angry bear, flings himself into the night sky and hurls a rock into Jeni's head.
The two guards on the ground move forward and take up defensive positions in front of the peasants.
The remaining guards attempt to ward off their invaders, but aren't exactly equipped for it, throwing spears at only the nearest targets, wounding a kobold.
Morgan moves into position, ready to hold the line.
The cultists move in. One runs to Morgan, one goes for a guard, but is warded off, and the third takes a futile swing at the bear. On the other side of the keep, two attempt to scale the wall because the DM forgot they don't have any ranged weapons. But they do not make any progress. The final, and most fanatical cultist runs straight for the gates, attempting to get in and keep them open.

OOC: Jeni is hit for [roll0] damage.
Carad and Skree are up.


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First Post
"Well, there goes that plan," Carad thought to himself. From his vantage point just at the corner of the keep, he started urging the family of refugees to move in but quickly changed and signaled them to hold back when the fanatical cultist ran practically to the entrance of the keep.

Glancing quickly at the chaos around him, Carad debated whether to engage the cultist or to assist the rest of his party. "There are too many enemies," he decided, "and a stray arrow or blade could endanger the innocent."

With that, he reached one hand into a pouch and drew out a pinch of sand, while chanting mystical words of power under his breath. Pulling the Weave around him, he flung the sand into the midst of the battle near Jeni-bear, and with a burst, tendrils of magic reached out to the combatants, trusting that Jeni-bear's constitution should ward off the effects of the spell.

[sblock=Sleep spell]
Carad casts Sleep, centred at E12 (range 90ft), with radius of effect 20ft (avoiding the guard but including Jeni-bear).

"Scree, keep out of this for now. Keep an eye on the other side of the keep and let me know if more enemies approach our position," Carad sent to his owl.
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Carad's enchantment sends three of the kobolds to the dirt, gently snoring as they get some much needed rest.
The two peasants freeze in place as their escape path is blocked by the cultist, but Linan and Curth hurry their children forward at the party's urging.
A tide of kobolds rolls forward to do their worst. The two on Jeni work in tandem, one cutting in with his dagger, the other hurling a stone from his sling, and both hit the large target.
To the south, a hail of sling stones pelt the guards on the walls. Their armor, shields, and the walls themselves protect them from damage, but kobold with true aim, clips his stone right over the edge of the wall and into one guard's helm, shattering his nose in a spray of blood.

OOC: Jeni is hit for [roll0] and [roll1] damage.
Venn, Hunter and Jeni are up.


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Seeing the danger to the fleeing peasants, the dark skinned warrior races to the cultist blocking their path.

"Quickly now! To the keep!" he yells out as he launches a reckless attack on the man.


Move to O10.

Attack advantage

Damage [roll2]


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