(IC) Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden

"Wielded Crenshinibon, The Crystal Shard? If that is the case we probably do not want to go in there."

Logrim tries to remember what he can about Crenshinibon and it's history in the Dale.

OOC: History Check: 1d20+5 24 to see if I know anything about Crenshinibon or Kelvin Duarol. With a 24 I am going to assume I know about the Crystal Shard.

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"Wielded Crenshinibon, The Crystal Shard? If that is the case we probably do not want to go in there."

Logrim tries to remember what he can about Crenshinibon and it's history in the Dale.

OOC: History Check: 1d20+5 24 to see if I know anything about Crenshinibon or Kelvin Duarol. With a 24 I am going to assume I know about the Crystal Shard.
GM: Over a thousand years ago, the frost giant king Kelvin Duarol – after whom this mountain Kelvin's Cairn is named – wielded Crenshinibon (aka The Crystal Shard) in a titanic battle against the god Tempus. The frost giant king fell in this fight, and either to ensure his remains were never recovered or out of respect, Tempus buried the corpse under one thousand feet of stone, creating Kelvin's Cairn.

Regarding the Crystal Shard, knowing everything about it would be a DC 30 and almost everything would be DC 25, so you know a heck of a lot. Feel free to draw on your own knowledge or selectively pick from the FR wiki reflecting what you think Logrim would be knowledgable about. Tl;dr it was an artifact that was imbued with evil that was shattered.

EDIT: Oh, I think we're doing the house rule with everyone gains Inspiration at the start of a new level, so everyone has Inspiration currently - except Russet who spent it during the avalanche to flashback to remembering to bring the damaged dog sled which you overturned to protect yourselves. One possible use for Inspiration is to "get a clue" during a puzzle or mystery - I think I forgot to include that one in my house rules doc paragraph about Better Inspiration - just in case.
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Logrim looks from the doorway to Lumrolur and Alma. He looks at the line Alma marked in the snow and back at the door. He then turns to Alma.

"Miss Alma, do you think it is safe to approach the doorway? I can use these..." Logrim holds up a pair of goggles to show to Alma. ...to find out more about the doorway. But I'd have to get close enough to touch it. I don't want to trigger some protective magic. I might wind up like poor Miss Astrix."

OOC: It's not the ground as much as going inside the mark. I'm worried about some sort of magic protection that will be triggered if I come within 15ft of the doorway. I need to physically touch the doorway to cast Identify so a yardarm or some other device won't work.

"I was unable to discern whether or not crossing the line is safe. It's a precautionary measure," Alma shakes her head. "Though given Jack's translation, we at least know its an entrance to a tomb. Or something of that nature. It's just as likely to be warded as not."


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"So probably only giants or only frost giants can enter. But do we need to risk it? We found the lost member of the expedition?"
Lumrolur looks back to the frozen tiefling.


"Wielded Crenshinibon, The Crystal Shard? If that is the case we probably do not want to go in there."

Logrim tries to remember what he can about Crenshinibon and it's history in the Dale.

OOC: History Check: 1d20+5 24 to see if I know anything about Crenshinibon or Kelvin Duarol. With a 24 I am going to assume I know about the Crystal Shard.
Zeth's ears perk up at the mention of what sounds like an incredibly powerful magical weapon.

If there's even the chance of acquiring an artifact...and a tomb like this would have to have treasure in it either way, right?

Why they'd be doing the whole world a service by putting any treasure here back into circulation. No sense in it just gathering dust, or frost in this case, in some giant's tomb when it could be increasing the wealth and power of the oh-so-deserving Zeth Venagelida.

"So probably only giants or only frost giants can enter. But do we need to risk it? We found the lost member of the expedition?"
Lumrolur looks back to the frozen tiefling.
Zeth tries to project sorrow rather than greed.

"Yes, it's certainly important to get this poor poor woman's body back to her friends, but since she's dead there's no harm in checking out the tomb? Once we've made sure it's safe, of course. It would just be such a waste not to exploit this opportunity. Here, let me just-"

Zeth tries to figure out how to enter the tomb while not setting off whatever magical trap might have ended the tiefling's life.

OOC: Arcana 1D20+6 = [15]+6 = 21


Zeth's ears perk up at the mention of what sounds like an incredibly powerful magical weapon.

If there's even the chance of acquiring an artifact...and a tomb like this would have to have treasure in it either way, right?

Why they'd be doing the whole world a service by putting any treasure here back into circulation. No sense in it just gathering dust, or frost in this case, in some giant's tomb when it could be increasing the wealth and power of the oh-so-deserving Zeth Venagelida.

Zeth tries to project sorrow rather than greed.

"Yes, it's certainly important to get this poor poor woman's body back to her friends, but since she's dead there's no harm in checking out the tomb? Once we've made sure it's safe, of course. It would just be such a waste not to exploit this opportunity. Here, let me just-"

Zeth tries to figure out how to enter the tomb while not setting off whatever magical trap might have ended the tiefling's life.

OOC: Arcana 1D20+6 = [15]+6 = 21
GM: Based on Alma's observation, the unnaturally smooth wall of ice is likely the source of Evocation magic... the Divination and Abjuration magic seeping from the archway into the surrounding snow suggests it is meant to detect something occurring on the ground near the colossal arch. Transmutation magic hints that this may not be the only form or state that the wall of ice might take...

...which could explain what Aric found about the tiefling Astrix's corpse being thoroughly frozen on the front side of the body... but it could also suggest there's a way to move or lower or bypass the magic wall of ice.

There may be a hidden trick in the Giant-ese engraving on the arch that Jack illuminated with faerie fire and translated... perhaps something related to the frost giant Kelvin, the artifact Crenshinibon, or the god Tempus... or perhaps a relationship between them...

Logrim's own historical knowledge may prove a useful starting point.

Herein lies Kelvin Duarol, the Mighty Jarl, who wielded Crenshinibon and stood against Tempus. Enter only those who fight on in Kelvin’s memory, and doom unto his foes.



As the halfling Perilou looks over her deceased friend's belongings, she furrows her brows as she scans the pages of the dead tiefling's spellbook in the red light of Alma's magic, sheltering the book with her cloak tattered by yeti claws.

"Oh, Astrix... it looks like she was trying to find a way inside the Cairn. We'd come hunting the goat that's been terrorizing Icewind Pass, but I could tell there was something else going on between those horns of hers..."

Perilou points to several notes spread across two pages of Astrix's spellbook...

We spotted a green-cloaked figure and several torches near the peak of Kelvin’s Cairn. If these ‘torches’ were dancing lights as I suspect, then it may be the one-eyed wizard. She asked me to join the Arcane Brotherhood, but I’ve never been a joiner. I suspect she’s come for one of Akar Kessell’s relics or to consult with the witch of Kelvin’s Cairn…if the witch isn’t just a fairy tale.

I’m not sure what to believe from the drunkard’s talk at the Luskan Arms, but he called the witch ‘Snow White’ claiming she sells bottled spells to the desperate and power-blind. If I can find the secret route inside the cairn, I might be able to beat the one-eyed wizard to the treasures within…



As the halfling Perilou looks over her deceased friend's belongings, she furrows her brows as she scans the pages of the dead tiefling's spellbook in the red light of Alma's magic, sheltering the book with her cloak tattered by yeti claws.

"Oh, Astrix... it looks like she was trying to find a way inside the Cairn. We'd come hunting the goat that's been terrorizing Icewind Pass, but I could tell there was something else going on between those horns of hers..."

Perilou points to several notes spread across two pages of Astrix's spellbook...

We spotted a green-cloaked figure and several torches near the peak of Kelvin’s Cairn. If these ‘torches’ were dancing lights as I suspect, then it may be the one-eyed wizard. She asked me to join the Arcane Brotherhood, but I’ve never been a joiner. I suspect she’s come for one of Akar Kessell’s relics or to consult with the witch of Kelvin’s Cairn…if the witch isn’t just a fairy tale.

I’m not sure what to believe from the drunkard’s talk at the Luskan Arms, but he called the witch ‘Snow White’ claiming she sells bottled spells to the desperate and power-blind. If I can find the secret route inside the cairn, I might be able to beat the one-eyed wizard to the treasures within…

Alma's interest is piqued by the spellbook. Not because of the magic, however. Rather, what seem to be journal entries. She inches closer, looming over Perilou with her light, eyes scanning the writing hungrily. She recites the passage out loud if the halfling hadn't already. Much of it means nothing. But something tugs at the back of her mind and she flips through memories, chasing the sensation.

"The Arcane Brotherhood. A powerful group of mages interested in arcane secrets. They often seek powerful magic artifacts. Usually to their own detriment. They operate out of Luskan. To find a member all the way out here, they must be tracking something very desirable indeed. I'm not familiar with the relics spoken about here, though." She looks to the others. "Do any of you know what this Snow White is referencing?"

Logrim gathers with the others. He listens to Alma's explication of the Arcane Brotherhood then the question as to the Snow White reference.

"Miss Alma I've heard of her. Nothing solid, mostly rumors of a sorceress selling potions and charms. I can't attest to the validity of these rumors. I never was able to examine any of her wares." Logrim pauses for a second trying to remember more. "An acquaintance from Good Meade said he acquired one of her potions. But he disappeared with a caravan to Fireshear several years ago. Never got the potion just the empty bottle. Made of some strange ice-like material. I might have it somewhere back in my uncle's shop."

Logrim looks at Alma to see if his answer was helpful. He looks around uncomfortably at the attention and continues.

"All the rumors point to this Snow white to not be the nicest of people. She comes off as similar to a hag or witch in the stories. She plies in vengeance, greed and misery. Most say that her deals are never good for the person making them."

Voidrunner's Codex

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