(IC) Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden


He turns his attention to Garrett and Keegan, his expression softening. "As for you two, braving the storm on the surface might not be the wisest tale to weave. Perhaps your sleds and steadfast dogs could carry you home before the worst of the blizzard unleashes its fury. Getting back to a cozy hearth is a story with a happier ending, I'd wager."

Holding Garret's weak hand in his own, Keegan looks up when the winter-kissed fairy speaks. "The sooner I can get Garret back into Ten-Towns the better. If he were awake, I'm sure he'd be blustering on about the last storm he braved. But I'm not the brave one. A hearth would do us both well... I'm sure Boy could use some rest too." A light inquisitive whine comes from the sled dog outside the tent.

Finally, Jack's gaze settles on Perilou, his eyes twinkling with the promise of shared adventure. "And Perilou, would you be so kind as to guide our friends here through the snow's embrace back to safety? Unless, of course, you fancy a journey with us through the earth's hidden veins to Termalaine and adventures unknown."

"I'm afraid us halflings aren't as quick to forget as you fey folk," Perilou offers with a weak smile, hunkered over the fire fingering the holy symbol about her neck. "I'm not much of a guide – Mokingo was the one who knew the tundras – but I can use my healing magic to help Keegan on the way back to keep him stable."

PC token_Corse.png
ting the curious metallic Ludo awkwardly, Corse looks from Alma to Aric, then to Jack. "If we're to part ways – each taking a four-person sled – then it would make sense for me to accompany Garret, Keegan, and our halfling friend..." Pausing to build drama, she adds with a wise twinkle in her eye, "I am a guide after all. That would leave Russet, Zeth, Alma, the two gnomes could squeeze into a seat... and then you Jack. It'd be crowded, but I suspect you could make it work..."
GM: It's been about 30 minutes. You got a Short Rest (house rules)...

Short Rests are 10 minutes of catching your breath. You can spend a number of Hit Dice up to your proficiency bonus (currently 2) to heal, and reset death saving throws.
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OOC: now to read back and check if there was any damage :)
GM: I went back to the first page of this thread and updated the Table of Contents with hyperlinks to get into much more detail, so you can jump back by section of the Kelvin's Cairn adventure if you're trying to recollect something (see snapshot).

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: Lumrolur took no damage, he avoided avalanche and the cats, and yetis never targeted him. Short rest just to get warm and plan the route.



The Dwarven Valley
Dwarven Valley Daledrop Outpost.png

Warm enough to use your hands again, you settle on your course of action – you'll follow Lumrolur's heading south toward the Dwarven Valley. You can find shelter from the oncoming blizzard there, and Lumrolur knows of a passage to the Underdark which may allow you to make haste to Termalaine with its gem mines... If all goes to plan, you'll catch up with the dwarf Torrga Icevein's caravan and the "cold-hearted killer" in Termalaine.

Breaking down the tents in the dark chill hours, you load up the two sleds. Keegan asks only that you return the borrowed sled and dogs to them in Targos once you finish your quest. Bidding fond farewells to Fieldwalker Corse, Keegan & Garret Velryn, and the halfling Perilou, you can see the light of their sled disappearing to the southeast headed to nearby Caer-Konig.

Runners of your sled hiss along the snow, the tired dogs catching their second wind and surging forth despite the sled crowded with people, yeti pelts, and a duergar treasure chest. The dogs too can sense the approaching blizzard. Beyond the range of your light sources, the landscape is vague dark grey silhouettes...

After two-and-a-half hours south (it's about 4:30am), you follow a switchback descending into the cloudy Dwarven Valley in the pre-dawn hours – if such a term matters anymore with the darkness of the Frostmaiden's curse. The sled dogs pant as they navigate steep terrain, dodging patches of rock. A herd of mountain goats bounds clear of your path. Ahead, you see faint lantern-lights seemingly hovering above the trail, soon revealing a massive axe-shaped dwarven outpost at the valley’s natural chokepoint. Dwarf-sized icicles hang from worn stone. Something clatters on the rocks sixty feet away, a hint of light catching your eye, and soon another follows – a crossbow bolt emitting momentary luminescence! Warning shots!

A booming voice echoes from the outpost above, “Hoi there! Halt!”

GM: Either Aric @Steve Gorak or Russet @domminniti is probably best equipped to drive the sled since they're proficient in Animal Handling. Whoever drives needs to make a DC 9 Animal Handling check to prevent the overburdened dogs from suffering 2 levels exhaustion (they can take up to 4 exhaustion levels before becoming incapacitated). Or feel free to get creative. Or pile on whatever bonuses your party can muster. EDIT: Ninja'd by Vlad's bag of holding!

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Hello, outpost! We're just hurrying through to avoid the storm!"
yells Lumrolurl trying to see the attackers "Let us through!"
Quieter "Slow the dogs down."


"Hello, outpost! We're just hurrying through to avoid the storm!"
yells Lumrolurl trying to see the attackers "Let us through!"
Quieter "Slow the dogs down."

While most of you can only make out the silhouette of a dwarf on the battlements of the axe-shaped outpost, some seventy feet away, Lumrolur (with 120 ft darkvision) can make out not one but three dwarves in shades of grey. They hold crossbows at the ready.

"Hold fast there, in the name of Clan Battlehammer! No closer, or the next bolt strikes true. You come at the head of an ill wind from the north," cautions the booming but weary voice of the dwarf overlooking your sled.

"Usually, it's monsters descending from the Cairn. You're no monsters – but at this hour and from the Cairn? You're no merchants either. The Valley doesn't welcome strangers. State your business or go around the long way." Lumrolur can see him lean to the side, whispering with another one of the dwarves, who points toward your party.

Steve Gorak

Aric is weary. Dwarves don’t tend to like goblins, although he finds the interesting on an individual basis. He’s not the best at talking, so he looks at the other bigger folk to respond

Voidrunner's Codex

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