(IC) Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden

Logrim follows the others through the illusory wall and takes in the surroundings. When he notices the tell tale signs of another one of his uncles traps he speaks up.

"Everyone be careful. See those holes?" Logrim points at the holes in the upper wall. "Those are part of a trap. I'm not sure what it does or how it works but be careful."

Following his own advice Logrim steps carefully. He keeps an eye out for the trigger mechanism or any other signs of what the trap does.

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Brydum tightens the grip on his shield, even the stalwart dwarf needing to make conversation to steel his nerves. "I heard about th' murder of Muirdohr Evenhand, the dwarven glassblower in Termalaine. Part of your investigation?" He inquires, stepping over rubble and glancing back as he and Russet resume their place at the front line. Little does he realize the glassblower was just the first of the four deaths attributed to this cold-hearted killer. "The Dain has called for dwarves of Icewind Dale to return to the Valley and seek shelter in our halls. There's been a trickle of pilgrims, but with the murder souring dwarves on the Ten Towns, likely we'll be overflowing with beards soon..."
Zeth nods.

"The murderer's claimed more victims since then. We're on his trail and with his name and physical description we can hopefully can put an end to his killing spree before he has a chance to strike again."

He rubs his hands together to try to warm them, then continues as he hears about more Dwarves coming.

"Hopefully the newcomers will have enough warriors and priests to clear out the rest of the undead and resanctify this place. It's a shame to see as magnificent a structure as this not being put to productive use."

Zeth thinks about Brydum's comment about Dwarves leaving Icewind Dale for a moment.

"What's the food situation like in the Valley? The winter's getting worse and even if you've got spellcasters capable of creating food and water there's only so many people they can feed that way. I've seen how bad it can get when starvations sets in, when you're willing to do anything to survive, even-"

He pauses, shuddering at the thought of his own experiences with that kind of hunger. He's staring but not seeing.

"-I've seen what it's like out there. The cold's taking everything..."

Zeth snaps back to himself.

"I apologize, I've been through a lot and chasing after a serial killer isn't exactly conducive to one's mental health. I just need to finish this, then I can focus on what actually matters."




Brydum's answer is evasive, glancing towards Zeth with a sucking in of his lower lip against his beard. "The Dain will set a place at the table for all dwarves who return to their homeland. We dwarves have a longer view than the Ten-Towners, and we're well equipped to weather storms and siege...even the Eternal Rime if we have to."

Grunting towards Zeth, the dwarf peers into the gloom, "Being close to the Underdark will addle your wits too. Aye, you survived Kelvin's Cairn, so you've seen more of this winter than most." Little does he realize Zeth speaks about older events.

He pauses mid-step as one of the holes on the upper wall suddenly brightens with inner light. Those of you who cast spells feed an immediate sense of magical energy in the air. Slowly stepping backward two paces, Brydum watches as the light dims down. Looking back to Logrim and the party, he swallows dryly, not knowing what the trap does, "West I see double doors. East is...I think the entry to the Arcane Gem Press...."


Jack's eyes gleam with curiosity at Brydum's report. "An Arcane Gem Press, you say? Where I'm from, in the Feywild, there are tales of similar devices, but they're often regarded as daydreams and myths. To think, we might actually see one, right here in Dumathoin’s sanctum! It's a testament to the ingenuity and mastery of the dwarves." He glances to and fro excitedly, imagining what advantages a luck-imbued gemstone could give him in games of cards and dice. He pushes the thought back, and tries to focus on the situation at hand.

Turning his attention to the trap, Jack strokes the stubble on his chin thoughtfully. "Alright, let's see if we can figure this out without getting turned into charred zombie dust. Logrim, you mentioned those holes in the upper wall, and one of them brightened when Brydum stepped forward. Maybe we can use them to our advantage."

He flutters up to get a closer look at the holes and then back down, addressing the group with giddy excitement. "How about this? Instead of risking ourselves, why don't we use the zombie bones? We can throw a pile of bones into the room ahead to see if they trigger the trap. Let the remains of our undead friends take the brunt. If it works, we can figure out a safer way to proceed." Jack wonders whether the trap would just reanimate the bones, but keeps this thought to himself, assuring himself that it's a gamble worth taking, after all.


"It's an appropriate precaution," Alma agrees. "It may not affect the trigger if it happens to be a pressure plate. There's no way to guarantee you'll hit the correct area. But I see no harm in experimentation."

Logrim nods to Jack's plan.

"It doesn't hurt to see what will happen mister Jack. But as miss Alma says we don't know the trigger and it might not do anything."

Logrim examines the walls and then takes a couple steps closer to to the hall. He proceeds carefully until the holes begin to light up like they did for Brydum. Once they do he will take a step back until they dim again. Logrim then begins to examine the walls and floor right around the trigger point. He is looking for any plates or runes that could indicate how the trap is triggered.

OOC: I'm looking for any indication of what is initiating the glow from the holes. If Logrim walks forward do they start to glow around the same spot they did for Brydum. Let me know what I should roll if anything?


Logrim nods to Jack's plan.

"It doesn't hurt to see what will happen mister Jack. But as miss Alma says we don't know the trigger and it might not do anything."

Logrim examines the walls and then takes a couple steps closer to to the hall. He proceeds carefully until the holes begin to light up like they did for Brydum. Once they do he will take a step back until they dim again. Logrim then begins to examine the walls and floor right around the trigger point. He is looking for any plates or runes that could indicate how the trap is triggered.

OOC: I'm looking for any indication of what is initiating the glow from the holes. If Logrim walks forward do they start to glow around the same spot they did for Brydum. Let me know what I should roll if anything?
As the party looks for a zombie arm (there are pleeeenty), Logrim quickly realizes something. When Logrim gets within about 15 feet of the upper "false weep" holes, they begin to glow a white so cool it's almost bluish. Repeating the test, but moving across a different section of the floor produces the exact same result.

Examining the ground, there's no telltale signs of scraping or depressions that would be associated with pressure plates or trick flagstones.

In the moment of quiet the party gives Logrim to test and examine the trap, once against the party can hear a deep throaty croaking sound from the south and echoes of something scrambling on stone.

Faint shadows juuust at the edges of Alma's reddish light hint at a zombie crawling on the ground around the eastern (right) passage. You can only make out its head and shoulders – the dwarvish zombie wears a silver necklace with an axe-shaped pendant. (GM reminder: like the axe-shaped indent you observed in western doors) However, it's shadow casts on the curvature of the walls. Suddenly it is pulled back a looming toad-shaped shadows, fingers scrambling on the stone.

Logrim notes that none of the other "false weep holes" illuminated when the zombie and whatever that monster was moved in the passage...
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Jack proceeds to gather up the remnants of about 5 zombie arms, holding them like an armload of firewood, and gets ready to toss them into the room, past the point where movement causes the magical light to appear.

There sure is something going on with that trap. Just can’t put my finger on it.” He grins sheepishly. “Well, let’s see if these guys can finally lend a hand!” Jack begins to throw undead remnants into the room, one by one.


Jack proceeds to gather up the remnants of about 5 zombie arms, holding them like an armload of firewood, and gets ready to toss them into the room, past the point where movement causes the magical light to appear.

There sure is something going on with that trap. Just can’t put my finger on it.” He grins sheepishly. “Well, let’s see if these guys can finally lend a hand!” Jack begins to throw undead remnants into the room, one by one.
As jack lobs the zombie arms down the eastern curving passage, they thump on the floor and stiffly roll several feet. After the third arm tumbles and hits the wall – there are no signs of the trap becoming active – the croaking sound to the south becomes higher pitched mid-croak with an echoing quality. The sound of curiosity.

After tossing the fourth arm, a distorted shadow traces along the wall of a toad-like creature with hands reaching from its mouth...the creature must be the size of a horse... or perhaps a pony... it's hard to say in the magical red light on the curving walls...

It's cold down here, though nowhere as cold as the surface, but a sudden chill claws at your winter clothes, and your breath hangs heavy in the air as thick mist.

Those of you with Darkvision (any distance, the curvature of the passage limits how far you can see) can see a looming toad the size of a pony with crystals growing from its back. It has a zombie sticking out of its mouth, with just the zombies head and arms flailing mindlessly.


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