Ideas for a 20th lvl adventure in Asgard


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Hi everybody,
I'm looking for suggestions for a 20th level adventure to celebrate, with my friends, our 20 years of RPGs together. The adventure must be short, 3-4 evenings (3 Hours each)

First of all, the rule system will be D&D 3.5, but is not so important for plot ideas :)

My idea so far (in brief)
Thor as been driven mad because is magic hammer has been stolen. The PCs will be summoned in Ysgard (Planescape setting) by a magical horn during a battle. They have to fight a Valkyrie and her warriors sent by the Thunder God in every village of Yagard to find the hammer and the thief.

Next morning (if they die during the battle they will be rised by the magic of Ysgard), the Valkyrie will tell them that they must find the hammer, she is sure it is not in the village of Ysgard but Thor is so insane and does't listen anyone.

She tell them to go to the Well of Mimir, to acquire the wisdom to find the thief.

They will discover that a mortal son of Thor has stolen the hammer and is looking for a great godly beast to battle to become a god himself.

So they must travel along Yggdrasil, find the thief and, of course, battle the beast. After that no other ideas.

So questions:
- What happen at the Well of Mimir? A sacrifice like the eye of Odin? A Battle with Mimir himself?
-What heppen along Yggdrasil?
-Did Loki use the mortal son of Thor to play a joke to his brother?
-Where is the "beast" (Gray Waste?)?
-What is the beast? The Tarrasque?
-What happen next? I don't want the battle ith the beast be the conclusion, I like something else.

Help me please :) and sorry for my bad english ;)

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Some of my initial thoughts.... (you've probably already come to the same conclusion, but hey)

The first battle where they will be summoned
- save time, don't bother running even a signle round of combat, just tell them that they were in a battle and the last thing they remember is a horn going off in the distance... then they see [whatever....]

Fight a Valkyrie and her warriors
- slim it down, maybe just a quick fight.... set ECL 18 or thereabouts

Yeah, that's it.... onto the direct questions.
@ the well of Mimir
- go with riddles, preferably based on Norse mythology... arrange it so that the Valkyrie told them something about the Gods that can come up again as riddles with Mimir

Along the oak Yggdrasil
- an encounter with some innocents who are victims of Thor's mad outbursts

Did Loki.....etc
- tempting tempting to build this into the plot, right off the bat I can't give any good suggestions on how you can weave this into the session, very good idea though

Where is the "beast"
- you can contain the entire adventure within the Heroic Domains of Ysgard, HOWEVER, the Gray Waste of Hades is a good one too.... "Where evil springs eternal"... I would say that the nature of "the beast" could also determine which plane you end up in

What is the Beast?
- by "beast" I assume something BIG... even if there's plenty of Large sized creatures in the Epic Level Handbook I think you should reward your players with fighthing something big... maybe a Dread Linnorm (MM2... I think)? Depends on your group really..... in my group the players view the Tarrasque as a legendary beast. and the whole mystery around the Big T would be broken if they were to fight (and slay) it.

Wha happen next?
- oh yeah... that's a BIG one.... I usually like to start writing my adventures by having the end conclusion clear in mind. Sometimes as simple as:
  • *players fail in the mission - bad :):):):) happens
    * players suceed - nice reward, and something within the adventure that will set the premise for a future adventure
I'll think about it a bit.... maybe come up with an idea.

perhaps Loki was behind the theft of the hammer, disguised himself and took Thors Hammer when he wasn't looking, then hid it, the question that arises there is how do you take a hammer from an omnipresent God, I'll think something up later. Maybe the beast changes and travels through the planes, depending on what mood it is in, I would do a custom monster for that, but if you don't want to spend time on it, I would use a dread linnorm, those things are BA for a final fight, and Big T could crush the whole party, maybe. or going off the mortal some thing, he is battling the BBEG who kills him, hammer is now up for grabs, if the party kills the beast, they get the hammer.

Possibly the reward is Thor gives the PCs his hammer, which would be a bit much, maybe he gives them a similar hammer that is a little weaker, I would make it an epic weapon, like a +7 thundering, flaming hammer, or something sweet like that.

Just spouting off ideas, bad english is OK, I don't speak italian at all and my spanish is awful ;)

thanks so far.

[MENTION=63852]Arrive[/MENTION] in Yasgard
They arrive in the middle of a great batte, all around rain, wind and thunder, a strong storm. Thor is mad and angry. They ear the sound of a horn and a voice (the one who blew the horn) "fight the Valkyrie".
At dawn the valkierie wiii look for them, and she will explain wath they have to do to gain freedom and to help all of Yasgard frm Thor's madness.

@To the Well of Mimir

They travel to the well. They meet Mimir himself. They have to pass 3 tests. Fight barehands agains him, solve a riddle and sacrifice something very important. Find out that the thief is going to the Gray Waste(good idea?)

@Travel along Yggdrasill

They meet a group of victims og Thor's fury. If they help them they gain a guide or suggestion to find a ratatosk to help them along the right way.

too late here, I need to sleep. So long I like the plot, thanks for your ideas. Tommorow I'll write about the Beast and the Hammer.

[MENTION=39231]AngeluS[/MENTION]:My girlfriend was in Pecs just a month ago, she loved the place.

I can't bring the details to mind, but there's a published adventure in Dungeon or Dragon that's set in Asgard and involves dwarves creating a hammer much like Mjolnir for a giant.

after days of thinkining...

@Into the realm of Hel
They arrive into this part of the Grey Waste. All is dull and grey, they arrive in a village and find sign of the son of Thor. His alone in a plain near the "beast" cave. He has lost the hammer throwing it into the cave, he's depressed without energy.

[MENTION=82555]the[/MENTION] "Beast"
The legendary dread linnorm sleeps there, put there (remember Hel is the doughter of Loki) by Loki to keep it out of the eyes of the other gods.
The "Beast" has a power, it's immune to Thor hammer (and other Gods weapons?)
The Heroes fight the Beast and free the hammer from its scales.
If they are smart the will keep a scale of the monster as shield!

@Back to Ysgard
Days are passed in Ysgard, when they return they find a land destroyed by Thor's madness. They give the hammer to the Valkyrie to find out that after days she is mad too, she want to use the hammer to kill thor and become a goddess herself! So the must stop her or bring to Thor the dread Linnorm Scale as shield!

I'm working on the details, please tell me what you thing
k. I know the final part is not soo good. But I like the Valkirie as last enemy.
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Sounds good. See if you can plant some lore about the protective abilities of the linnorm scales. That way it's a bigger chance that the players will bring some of them with.

The Beast is Thor driven insane. Divine storms tear the land apart, sundered earthmotes are adrift on a primal hurricane, below which a rift to Hades is rent open.

Having promised him a terrible beast to slay in order to gain great power Loki manipulates the son into attempting to slay his father in order to save Ysgard.

Thor battles his son on spinning earthmotes over the rift while the storm sends huge swathes of rock crashing into one another.

As Thor's rage tears a rift through Ysgard into Hades the Linnorn is released, and 'all hell breaks loose'.
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Thor battles his son on spinning earthmotes over the rift while the storm sends huge swathes of rock crashing into one another.

As Thor's rage tears a rift through Ysgard into Hades the Linnorn is released, and 'all hell breaks loose'.

explain please, it seems a good idea but I lost myself at this point! :confused:

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