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If Thoughts Could Kill


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OOC: Actually, I just thought of another thing. I have a total Knowledge: Psionics of +14. Could you make a roll to see if I know anything myself? If nothing, go ahead and ask the questions, but if there is something, I might want to modify questions based on that.

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Hmm, couldn't Rex cast the spell himself? Darian wonders. Still, it wouldn't do to appear miserly now. Since he had just recently aquired some rare spell scrolls for his collection, scribed some utility spells that could be used in emergencies and had to seek out the components needed to enhance his valuable headband, Darian's reserves of coinage were running rather low. And he still needed to replace or repair the scrying mirror shattered in the struggle against Kelladrin - curse him and his infernal scrying traps. Perhaps, with his education and excellent memory, Darian knew some information that would spare everyone the expense of visiting a sage. [OOC: Knowledges: Arcana: +19, History +10, and the long shots, Nobility +10 and Geography +10 - I laugh at your pathetic +14 :)]

'Well, the first question seems rather vague. Good results can - but not usually - stem from a path of treachery and deception. Altough it's not to my taste, turning the tables on fiends with trickery does have an appealing irony. Also, an ernest plea to release a trapped entity could result in untold mayhem and destruction. Some things are best kept asleep. Perhaps it would be wiser to ask if the intention was benign or malevolent instead. Then we cover two of your questions with but a single query, Lysander."

"Also, we might ask the wisdom of seeking out other parties that have been contacted, assuming of course that others were contacted. Given the phrase "you are One Who Will Choose", I deem it most probable that others recieved similar visions. If only Verra was chosen for nothing, would the vision not have included THE, as in "you are the One. . ." Certainly diction implying a singular individual would be most appropriate were Verra the only one that will choose."

"I agree that having a few questions contingent upon the answers to others or otherwise in reserve would be a wise choice. There should be little reason not to proceed with the Commune."
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Merry Christmas, All. Sorry for the delay.

*clatter of dice* Lysander and Darian have each pondered the vision, but there is so little to go on other than the cerulean sea and the strange statement. Their knowledge of psionic, arcane, and mundane matters do not provide any clues.

The attending priest begins his prayer. Ten minutes later he looks up, his eyes as bright as the risen sun. "ASK YOUR QUESTIONS," he states in a high, rich voice.

'Was the intent of whatever or whoever contacted us a deception of any sort, or was it in earnest?'


'Was it an intelligent being?'


'Does the crystal sea and the fact that it contacted Verra, as a psion, signify that it involves psionics rather than magic?'


'Were there other persons who received the message?'


'Would it bring overall harm or good to seek it out?'


'What is the most expedient way of seeking it out?'


Lysander recognizes the name Colorless Lodge. They are an order of psions who share mental abilities with one another. Their headquarters is in the country of Tyug, more than five hundred miles to the south.

Six questions have been asked. Three remain.


I aim to misbehave
Verra suggests, "Is the sender of the vision intelligent? Those that oppose this vision, are they aware of Verra as a chosen? Is the colorless lodge on our side?


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"This force, does it mean any harm to Verra?"


"Those that oppose this vision, are they aware of Verra as a chosen?"


"Is the Colorless Lodge on our side?"


The light slowly fades from the priest's eyes. The temple elder turns to the party. "Intriguing," he says. "Is there anything else we can provide for our honored guests?"


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"Verra, it looks as if you might be drawing some unwanted attention. Since one or more hostile groups have become aware of your status so quickly, we must assume that they have signficant magical or psionic resources at their command as well. It might be wise to ward against scrying, as a skilled individual can scry with nothing more than a name." Surely it wouldn't go farther than an intrusive scrying attempt. Unscrupolous wizards had once assassinated each other in attacks made possible by scrying and teleport. Organized wizard guilds and conclaves had civilized matters, but the truly desperate - or those without regulation like most sorcerers and psions - might defy convention and gamble on a successful surprise attack. Until he had a greater feel for the situation, Darian would have to cautious and hold some combat magic ready.

"I'm not familar with this Colorless Lodge. Since even with powerful spells there can be misunstandings between mortals and the divine, I'd rather not place trust in them without knowing more of them."

OOC: Has Darian ever been to Tyug? What do we know of it? Skill values haven't changed from above.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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