D&D 2E if Willpower is for Magic-Users...

le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
Willpower, the art of Bending Reality to suit one's needs, is clearly a tool for Wizards;
usually Wizards rely on Int rather than Wis ( can you follow my words ? )
still, in Ad&d 2E Player's Option, Wis = Intuition x Willpower !

that's all folks !

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It's a good point, but the reality is, bending reality is not a feat of will for a Wizard at all. I'll attach the relevant section of the Wizard from the PHB, but basically, the Wizard's will doesn't matter at all, only their ability to research and remember instructions.

Casting spells in 2e is more like following a cake recipe than applying your will to the universe at large.

Or remembering cheat codes you looked up on the internet!


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I was just looking at the wish spell ( obviously ( a word that I like a lot ! ) )

still on the same road, isn't that research meant to gain ( occult ) power ( undlessly ?? )
" the quest for the power" , like " the road to hell " , no ??
again, while priests should use lâcher-prise, to comform to the God he works for,
Wizards use Willpower as a tool for themselves ...

Oh yeah, the game's lore is full of Wizards who delve into secrets best left unknown, and many go a little crazy and use their spells to create super dungeons, steal the powers of Gods, and decide to crossbreed owls and bears...

Basically, when the multiverse was created, the developers (the Gods, perhaps?) left little backdoors and debug menu options for themselves, just like with a computer game. The Wizard looks at all the lines of code the universe is made of, and figures out these little tricks that let them do things characters weren't intended to do, like breaking the physics engine, or flying through the air.

Obviously, there should be a chance to accidentally input a "cause self to explode" code, or run afoul of the game's anti cheating mechanisms (some games cause invincible enemies to appear or mess with your controls if they detect you are cheating), but that's not the kind of rule that generally helps the D&D experience- that sort of thing is better left for Call of Cthulhu. : )

So, willpower, and strength ?

Intuition as intelligence
Empathy as wisdom
Willpower as strength
Energy as constitution
Might/prestige/leadership as charisma
?? Virtuoso?? As dexterity

There's a lot of ground for discussion with regards to will power, wisdom, spells and saves.

For example, Charisma is said to represent force of personality. So there's an argument for Charisma representing willpower.

Wisdom is said to be in tune with one's surroundings, while Intelligence is analyzing information. But don't you need to analyze the information of your surroundings to be in tune with them? So maybe Intelligence and Wisdom could be merged at the cost of some resolution.

Some claim Wisdom also represents accumulated experience, while intelligence represents book learning. Yet there is a literal experience measurement that has nothing to do with Wisdom. Perhaps Wisdom better represents the senses, but does this mean someone is wise simply for having a keen sense of smell? Would a renowned philosopher be considered a fool when he gets older and buys a hearing aid?

In BECMI, only Wisdom gave bonus to saving throws against spells. And it was all spells.

So you see, this is all a ploy by Cleric players. They want WoTC to dump Wisdom as an ability, change the Cleric's primary stat to Charisma, add Charisma bonus to Will saves so the Clerics can slay all the Bards. Now it is time for the Cleric to seduce the barmaids. All of them.

There's a lot of ground for discussion with regards to will power, wisdom, spells and saves.

For example, Charisma is said to represent force of personality. So there's an argument for Charisma representing willpower.

Wisdom is said to be in tune with one's surroundings, while Intelligence is analyzing information. But don't you need to analyze the information of your surroundings to be in tune with them? So maybe Intelligence and Wisdom could be merged at the cost of some resolution.

Some claim Wisdom also represents accumulated experience, while intelligence represents book learning. Yet there is a literal experience measurement that has nothing to do with Wisdom. Perhaps Wisdom better represents the senses, but does this mean someone is wise simply for having a keen sense of smell? Would a renowned philosopher be considered a fool when he gets older and buys a hearing aid?

In BECMI, only Wisdom gave bonus to saving throws against spells. And it was all spells.

So you see, this is all a ploy by Cleric players. They want WoTC to dump Wisdom as an ability, change the Cleric's primary stat to Charisma, add Charisma bonus to Will saves so the Clerics can slay all the Bards. Now it is time for the Cleric to seduce the barmaids. All of them.

this is all compatible with another of my topics, where I confront Scholarship Level (stats ) to Exposure ( xp level ),
so ( following Andvari ) Wis ===> Exposure, and Int ===> Stats ( or Skills )


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