IG's Legend of The Ripper [OOC]


Autumn said:
Fen has Precise Shot (ironic huh? ) so I don't think he should have taken that -4 penalty, and Point Blank Shot so he should have been at +4 rather than +3. But no matter, the thing's dead!

Sorry about that. You'll have to remind me of your modifiers like that in the future; I don't always think to look at your feats when I'm rolling. I see that I rolled at a +4 the first round, and then promptly forgot about it. I'll try to be more attentive. ;)

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IG, it occurs to me that I forgot to select starting languages for Xao. Mind if I do that now, before I go check out the graffiti? Also, any advice on languages that might be appropriate, given Xao's background?


Schmoe said:
IG, it occurs to me that I forgot to select starting languages for Xao. Mind if I do that now, before I go check out the graffiti? Also, any advice on languages that might be appropriate, given Xao's background?

You can pick your languages now. Any languages are fine, really, though it seems like Xao would probably know some of the more obscure ones.


First Post
industrygothica said:
While the door shows no sign of opening from the outside, Fen thinks that he may be able to reach through the hole to try the knob from the inside.

Hmm, I'm not sure if I quite get this. How would opening the door from the inside help us? Wouldn't there still be boards in the way? And couldn't we just as easily remove them and then open the door from this side, rather than opening the door from the other side and then removing them?

I guess I must be missing something. :eek:


Autumn said:
Hmm, I'm not sure if I quite get this. How would opening the door from the inside help us? Wouldn't there still be boards in the way? And couldn't we just as easily remove them and then open the door from this side, rather than opening the door from the other side and then removing them?

I guess I must be missing something. :eek:

Eh, the description in the module says "locked and reinforced," so take it as you will. I didn't catch it when I read it, or transcribed it - but now that I look at it, you're right--it doesn't make a lot of sense.

So, to make a long story short: Yes, I'd assume that you could probably just as easily remove the boards and open it from the outside, rather than reaching into a window that you can't see through. But where's the fun in that? ;)

In all seriousness, though - thanks for pointing that out. I'll have to read the thing a little more carefully for things like that from now on.


First Post
Hey IG...I'd be interested in replacing Rayex in this game. I'd have to read through some stuff and get caught up on what is going on. Would you want me to play Rexy, or are you at a point where you could introduce a new character?


Rhun said:
Hey IG...I'd be interested in replacing Rayex in this game. I'd have to read through some stuff and get caught up on what is going on. Would you want me to play Rexy, or are you at a point where you could introduce a new character?

You can play Rexy if you want, but only if you want. Otherwise, create a fighter-type and we'll just do a divine switch, or whatever you want to call it. Either way, we'll just assume you've been there all along.

That cool with everyone?


First Post
I looked over Rexy, and I think I could play her with no problem. Plus, continuity issues (and the divine switch :D) drive me nuts.

However, I'd like to make some changes to her, if that is okay? I'm thinking I'd like to modify her skills, bump STR to 12 and drop WIS to 8; also, I noted at least one mistake: Her Initiative bonus should be +7 (+4 for improved init), not +5.


Rhun said:
I looked over Rexy, and I think I could play her with no problem. Plus, continuity issues (and the divine switch :D) drive me nuts.

However, I'd like to make some changes to her, if that is okay? I'm thinking I'd like to modify her skills, bump STR to 12 and drop WIS to 8; also, I noted at least one mistake: Her Initiative bonus should be +7 (+4 for improved init), not +5.

Do what you need to do. I'll assume you have the proper source material; Complete Warrior, I believe.

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