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Improvisation vs "code-breaking" in D&D


Gaming and game culture has existed for millenia.

I guess that depends on what you mean by "game culture". For most of human history, "game culture" meant the culture of gambling. If you looked in a 19th century dictionary, the word "gamer" meant an athlete. In some cases it meant a hunter. Games are ancient and gaming as a pastime is ancient, but the modern gaming culture only really dates make to the mid 20th century and was popularized by companies like Avalon Hill. Before that, it would be hard to say that there was a culture of gaming, because there wasn't a large group of people that shared cultural artifacts and treated gaming as a central activity of their lives.

That culture is being erased in favor of a fundamentalist one based upon narratives as an inevitability.

Despite the shortness of the sentence, there are four problems with that statement. First, you don't seem to have a clue what the word "fundamentalist" means. And secondly, if you go back and look at the development of the theory of games, the notion that games inevitably are based on a fiction isn't a new one. Roger Callois made the observation in 1961, before RPGs even could be said to have existed. Thirdly, I don't think anyone is arguing that narratives are the inevitable result of the play of all games. Parcheesi for example doesn't seem to have a story component to it. Among other things, it lacks anything that might be called 'characters', nor would it's board be mistaken for a 'setting' nor does its play end up creating through transcription anything like a plot or narrative. It's components of play have no correspondence to the components of a story. Even in the case of an RPG, I don't think anyone is arguing that a story is inevitable. All that is being argued is that story is not nor was not seen even from the beginning to be incompatible with playing a game. And fourthly, there is really no sign that any culture is being erased. Not only is it the case that there is today a vibrant culture continuing under the OSR, but there is now deep scholarly study on how RPGs where developed and played during their earliest period as a thing of historical relevance. But perhaps more importantly, when you actually do look at that information regarding the history of how RPGs were played, it is you who are out of step with the culture of gaming and you that are trying to do violence to it.

Games are real, of course. Not fiction or non-fictions at all.

I'm not sure what you mean by this. Books are of course real as well, but I can still classify them as fiction or non-fiction. But games never can be non-fiction in the sense that a book can be, where as they often are fictitious in the same sense that a book can be. The game of chess is a fictitious battle. When you play a wargame based on say Gettysburg or Waterloo, you are creating a new fictitious version of that battle separate from the reality of the actual battle. Within the space of the game, you are creating an alternative reality. The simpler and more abstract that reality, the less correspondence it has to any real thing, but in the case of games which have a component of simulation - which almost all wargames inherently do - you are also attempting to learn something about the actual reality. It's not a coincidence that RPGs are developed out of wargaming simulation, and in particular developed out of a desire to make that simulation more all encompassing and not simply confined to a fictitious battlefield.

The source of a puzzle or game is irrelevant to it being a pattern people can attempt to game or puzzle out.

Sure, but this statement is so broad as to be meaningless. The game 'Pac Man' is a pattern that people can puzzle out. The game 'Mrs Pac Man' is not such a game, but rather requires a very different approach since the ghosts don't follow a mechanical pattern. Instead of puzzling out the pattern and devising a superior strategy, Mrs Pac Man requires reflexes and spontaneity because the designers got rid of an analyzable pattern on purpose so that each game would be different than all other ones.

Read references online on what Game Studies is and how Game Theory "has nothing whatsoever to do with games". Again, as if. Storytelling has nothing to do with games.

Game Theory does have nothing whatsoever to do with games, and in general classical game theory can't actually be applied to games. You very much appear to be someone that has heard about things and developed your own private theories about what those terms mean without actually studying them or closely investigating them. And now you are discovering that other people don't share your private theories, and are claiming that Gygax doesn't know anything about RPG's and von Neumann doesn't know anything about Game Theory and you have no idea how ridiculous you sound.

Pattern recognition and actions taken to achieve objectives within a game pattern are the historical basis for what all games are.

That's absolutely false, but even if I was to accept this as true for the purposes of argument, this statement would do no harm whatsoever to the notion that RPGs are both actions taken to achieve objectives within a set of rules in a particular fictional environment (what you call the board, and I gather together with the rules the "game pattern") and also that by doing so you are creating a narrative.

Or at least were, before the narrative disinformation revolution.

You keep throwing out these terms with no evidence and no definitions and nothing to point to. What in the heck are you talking about or do you even know? Seriously, Dragonlance was published before there was ever anything like Forge. Braunsteins were being played long before GNS or Vampire: The Masquerade. People were making up games like C&S because D&D paid in their mind too little attention to "who you were" as opposed to merely "what you could do", 10 years before you even are introduced to RPing. For someone claiming to defend "gaming culture" you are profoundly ignorant regarding what that culture actually is. At first I thought you were some sort of uber-Grognard, but you are actually a noob that didn't even get into gaming until the mid-80's. You seem to have made the fundamental mistake that because concepts were new to you in your limited experience, that they were in any way new to people who had been playing since the time you were in diapers. GNS has nothing at all to do with whether or not people wanted to have game plus story at the same time. If anything, you are here advancing GNS far more than I am. GNS argued that you couldn't have game and story at the same time, something I felt was as ridiculous then as your argument now is.

Any honest person rejects the usurpation of one culture by another. The community having a "revolution" by a few rewriting falsely the language of others to conform them to the previous true believers' certainties.

First, I'd happily usurp other people's culture with my own if I could, though I'd rather that they willingly embraced my opinions, beliefs, desires, and culture. But I haven't a clue regarding what "revolution" you are talking about. I have long been critical of Forge Theory and GNS. But GNS by and large has not been very influential over how or what the average game plays, nor is it even possible for GNS to reach back in the past and alter what people have played.

That most everyone responding is largely devoid of historical understanding of games seems obvious.

To whom? The only one here consistently devoid of any historical understanding and evidence is yourself. You haven't made a single citation. You haven't pointed to a single historical event. You have no historical understanding at all.

Of course my understanding has limits.

That's the understatement of the year.

But rationalizing history to fit storytelling beliefs doesn't mean millions of people didn't hold beliefs 180 degrees different.

Where are these people? Show me these millions? Don't you realize that you are speaking to a cross section of gamers that represent hard core D&D players with roots going back in some cases to the very beginning of the game? Haven't I shown rather thoroughly that none of those millions were represented at the tables of Arneson and Gygax? Statistically speaking, your millions wouldn't seem to exist. What evidence do you wish to present for the millions of people that you have just invented in your head?

We *need* modules to play D&D.

No we don't. Modules weren't invented as part of D&D play until half a decade after D&D play began, and even then they weren't invented to be the means and focus of play, but as a means of sharing, recording and communicating the basis of prior play. They are strictly speaking optional supplements. You don't need a module to play D&D. Indeed, the module is a restriction on play that very much tends to give D&D a very specific story form. Quite a few people who prefer less narrative in their games tend to eschew modules. What modules actually are is something that by 1985, by the time you get involved in gaming, very common supplemental material available to novice DMs that had become for some tables the focus of play. But we don't need them, and quite a few tables did without them. Moreover, modules don't demonstrate that RPGs aren't narratives. Quite the contrary, without modules, it would be rather hard to prove on the basis of textual evidence that RPGs are narratives as all we'd be left to cite would be transcriptions of play, and reliable and complete transcriptions of play are very rare. But showing that Desert of Desolation or DL1 has a narrative is trivially easy.

It can't be done without them.

Simply false.

We *need* a map behind the screen for players to play.

Again, simply false. We only need a map if we wish to communicate to another person the space in which a game is occurring. But quite a few games I've played didn't have maps, and more over its trivially easy to show that since the beginning of play a significant number of events occur outside of or off any prepared map. Quite often you have encounters that just occur in an abstract space like, "On a road", with no map given to the DM to use and every expectation that if the physicality of the terrain plays any role in the encounter at all that the DM will improvise a map as needed.

We *need* those screens to hide that map and other secret information to be parceled out as the game progresses.

This is a typical example of you taking a specific tool and implement for being the broad and general case. You could make a reasonable argument that we need a secret keeper who keeps secret the information and parcels out that information to the players as the game progresses, but you can't make the case that that secret keeper needs a physical screen to hide the information. The screen is merely one specific sort of tool that is entirely optional. I've known plenty of DMs even ones running dungeon crawls that did without one and simply relied on players not to peek, or simply set on the sofa while everyone else was across the room, or simply used a long dining room table.

While we are on this subject, lets return to your equally bad statement that the goal of any game is to "score points". No it isn't. Not all games even have the goal of winning, but even if we did assume that all games had the goal of winning, not every game would equate winning with "having the most points". Winning a game of chess has nothing to do with "points". Chess has a completely different goal of play than taking points. Points have been invented as a way to quantize who has the advantage, but people will gamble away piece advantage in chess precisely because the goal of play isn't to gain points. Uno isn't won by taking points. Golf is won by avoiding points. So even if we assumed that D&D was a game that had the goal of "winning the game", in no fashion are we to conclude that winning the game is necessarily the same as scoring points of some sort. Perhaps scoring points is how you define winning D&D, but its not how the game itself defined 'winning' - which by the way is a rather odd notion given that D&D doesn't define how it ends. I would argue that to the extent D&D defines winning at all, it defines it as, "When everyone at the table is satisfied that the game is complete." Exactly what satisfies a group that this is the time to stop and declare victory is going to vary from group to group, but since you formerly argued that modules are necessary for play, I think a good argument could be made that "when the module is complete" is a very common definition of "winning D&D". And yet, if that is the definition of winning, it has nothing to do with how many points you scored.

We *need* games to play before we can play them.

Ok sure. But this does no harm to the statement D&D was invented as a game with a story engine way back in 1973 when Ron Edwards was memorizing multiplication tables and had probably never even imagined an RPG. So what does GNS have to do with any of this? Why don't we just confine ourselves to looking at those modules you claim are so necessary to play and see what they tell us about whether D&D has a story? Let's begin with UK1: Beyond the Crystal Cave, shall we?

Games aren't fictions.

In 1961, Caillois in his highly influential book 'Les jeux et les hommes' defined games as being a human activity that was fun, circumscribed, uncertain, non-productive, governed by rules, and fictitious. More to the point, a game is a form of play, and play is always fictitious. "A play" is literally a piece of fiction. The theatrical definition of "a play" and the verb "to play" have a common origin. To play is to exercise ones imagination. To game is to exercise that imagination in a manner circumscribed by goals and rules, but despite goals and rules it still remains a fiction.
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That I'm really curious about. Would you explain that further?

pemerton is an advocate of 'no myth' and for the DMing creating content in response to the player's declared goals and actions. In this way, he thinks by improvising in reaction to the players, the DM is prioritizing the players interests and desires for the setting over his own. Ironically, I find pemerton's methods more railroad-y than traditional open sandbox play and much more prone to illusionism (and DM rationalizing his biases), but if we open up that argument between pemerton and myself again we're going to need a new thread. ;)


For the portion of the thread that isn't being ridiculous, just out of my own curiosity, in your opinion which of the two games is more like an RPG:

a) A game of Cops and Robbers. A group of 5th graders get together to play a game of cops and robbers. The robbers pretend to commit crimes. The cops pretend to solve the crimes and chase the robbers. Play is largely free form, with the winner being declared depending on whether the robbers get away. Whenever a group of cops and robbers contend over whether something happens or not, for example whether the cop can kick down a door that the robber is holding closed, or whether the cop can shoot a particular robber, a game of 'rock-paper-scissors' is declared.

b) The actual game 'Mice and Mystics'. For those of you that haven't played this, it's something like a stripped down version of D20 where you play through a single prepared module cooperatively without a referee. Monsters move and act mechanically according to some simple rules, and all interaction with the environment is defined explicitly from encounter to encounter. Boxed text associated with a particular character is read periodically by the players to set the scene, but mostly the game is played as a tactical wargame.

I'm afraid that all I can say to that is "Which parent is more like the child?"

That said, the addition of rock-paper-scissors into scenario A makes it IMO more like most tabletop RPGs.


Mod Squad
Staff member
There are no fictions in games.

"Game" is a natural language word, not technical jargon. There are many definitions. Bernard Suits would probably agree with you, but Wittgenstein probably would not. And those are just the philosophers, not the natural users of the word.

You don't own the definition of "game". Yours is one definition of many. Thus, your repeated assertion is not terribly constructive, as it is only true for those who are using your particular definition of the word.


The problem is that H&W occasionally seems to equate Ludology (that is 'game studies') with mathematical Game Theory as if he's not really aware that there is a difference.

I would love to think that H&W is actually in his own fashion engaged in the Ludology/Narratology debate, but I very much get the impression he's largely unaware that such a thing exists much less what is actually being debated. I don't get the impression that the thinks of games as being art forms at all, and his assertion that they are always and exclusively "code breaking" seems to suggest he would resist that classification as well.


Mod Squad
Staff member
This is what EVERY FAN says about Forge theory when you point out it happens to be wrong. This solipsistic and non-reality-based legacy of conversation is why people hate Forge "theory".

Except, it is reality based. "I get use out of it," *is* reality. It is a small chunk of someone's local reality, sure, but it is still reality. Dismissing the value others have found just because you don't like it is the non-reality-based step here.

There is *nothing* valuable to a theory except in its use. If someone gets good use out of GNS theory, then it is useful. A thing does not need to be perfect to be useful - a hammer does not drive screws very well,but I have one in my toolbox, regardless.

That Mr Edwards made claims far beyond its actual usefulness is irrelevant.


I really wish we would stop talking about D&D as if it were one game, rather than the many games with the same name it is. Playing Gygaxian AD&D dungeon bashing is a fundamentally different experience than a 2nd Edition Planescape game, which is also a fundamentally different game from scene framed 4e play. I feel like it helps immensely to be specific. For instance, I like the first and the last of those although I feel like Mentzer's BD&D is the better game for dungeon bashing.

Also, can we stop playing the word game? Playing around with definitions and the like does little too get to the heart of the matter.
Do you remember the debate on these boards about 10-12 years ago about how the basic act of a game was not "resolution"? Where Forgites were spilling "the truth" about how all games were two or more alternative narratives in conflict and all rules were meant to resolve which was selected? What Edwards did was place all games in a philosophy of narrative-only ideas. All of game culture where designers focused on enabling pattern recognition and game mechanics as mathematical designs was either ignored or shamed.

Edwards would call the "Memory" game the act of telling a story rather than a game meant to test a player's memory.


Do you remember the debate on these boards about 10-12 years ago about how the basic act of a game was not "resolution"? Where Forgites were spilling "the truth" about how all games were two or more alternative narratives in conflict and all rules were meant to resolve which was selected? What Edwards did was place all games in a philosophy of narrative-only ideas. All of game culture where designers focused on enabling pattern recognition and game mechanics as mathematical designs was either ignored or shamed.

Leaving aside the fact that I don't know exactly what you mean by "enabling pattern recognition" and "game mechanics as mathematical designs", I see those two things as being fundamentally describing the same thing from two different perspectives. One guy is holding a trunk; one guy is holding a giant ear; it's clear to me that if you step back that they'll both see they've got an elephant. One guy says, "I'm trying to achieve a certain victory condition, and I'm making my decisions on the basis of the mathematical probability that my decision will succeed given what I know of the rules and game state." And one guy says, "I'm trying to achieve a certain story goal, and I'm making decisions on the basis of what I think will affirm my desired narrative outcome over another one." And I tend to go, "Oh, you guys are playing an RPG!" Unlike the 'Forgites', I don't see the rules as creating an either/or situation. We have both a process of resolution, and that repeated process is creating a story that is guided by players desire and implemented by player agency as provided for by the rules.

As for the "ignoring and shaming" part of that, early in Forge's theorizing "gamist" wasn't part of the theory. It wasn't accepted in the community that playing the game for the game itself was something that was valid or even something anyone actually did. This just goes to show just how far behind in some ways The Forge was in its theory some of the practical work that had been done by ludologists studying video games. They eventually did come around when one of their own advanced 'game' as a valid aesthetic of play in a convincing manner and got people to change their mind, but there were I agree a lot of people early on the community that had really dumb and impractical models of play.

But even then, I don't think Edwards would claim "memory" was an RPG. He was making a theory of RPGs; not a theory of games generally.

Zak S

What do you think I'm saying in this thread that is provably untrue?

I didn't mention you specifically--I am talking about the culture of sucky debate the Forge engendered by growing out of a culture surrounding a bad theory. I'm not talking about you, the topic of my post was why people don't like the Forge's legacy.

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