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In the Valus - The Heroes of Marchford (Chapter 14 Continues - 12/24/08)


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Chapter 9: Death in the Family continued

heh. Got it up before midnight. Eat that Yeti.


“I am Thyvron.” The priest of Cula Vak bowed low in a mocking style. The malicious grin spread across his face seemed permanently chiseled in his gritty skin. “And yes, I am a priest of the Sunken Lord.”

Fitz grunted and donned his best sneer. “We have no time to talk to you. Good day.” Fitz pivoted to continue on his merry way.

“Oh you will stop. And you will listen, even if you do not speak.” The malicious grin had transformed into a cruel mockery of a smile.”

“What do you want?” Tobias loosed his sword slightly, baring two inches of the blade. Light from the summer sun danced from the blade into the black priest’s eyes.

Thyvron grunted and untied a broad brim hat from his belt, placing the hat upon his balding head. “We are loyal servants of Cula Vak. And we have come on behalf of his followers. All we want is a few words with you noble fools.”


“On behalf of the followers of Cula Vak we humbly request you cease the pointless slaughter of our people. Whatever you may call your quest, it is nothing but murder. You have invaded the home of our God and slaughtered his followers. If you do not stop your interference, we will be forced to prevent your meddling.”

Tobias shook his head and laughed. Already his sixth sense was stretching outward confirming all of his suspicions. He could feel the taint upon each of the souls now facing his party. Thyvron’s taint was easily the strongest of the group of seven. The cleric had power. With his harsh laugh Tobias brought his blade out two more inches.

Thyvron cleared his throat to regain the tempo of the discussion. Tobias’ laugh gradually dwindled giving the cleric space to speak. “We would also like to thank you. You have actually been quite helpful to us recently. Although, I’m afraid I’m not really at liberty to say how.”

“Is that all?” Fitz questioned.

“Well,” Thyvron continued, “once we have your words you will no longer interfere with out business. And once we retrieve something of ours that you have.”

“You’ll never have our word.” Tobias blurted. “That God’s followers, those rapists and murderers you represent. All will meet swift justice of our blades.”

“I am truly, so truly sorry you feel this way. Wolfram!” One of the others stepped forward. This man also dressed as a farmer but wielded a large greataxe.

“Yes, my lord.”

“Tell me, Wolfram, what is the name of your new slave? You know,” Thyvron’s eyes glared toward the Heroes, “that female druid we collected from the nearby forest.”

“Her name was Calyx, my lord.” Wolfram grinned, his few stained, crooked teeth not improving his pock-marked face. “She was quite…submissive after I taught her a few new tricks.” Again his grin stained the beautiful summer day. Tobias’ blade edged out a few more inches, his arms trembling slightly in anticipation and anger.

“You see, my friends. We can be quite persuasive in our own way. If you know what is good for your friend, I suggest you comply.” Thyvron smiled again.

Tobias snapped. His greatsword shed the hard shell protection dangling from his belt, arcing upward into the sky. The sunlight bounced off the blade, attacking the followers of Cula Vak. As Tobias’ sword came down, Thyron stepped back to dodge. The sword drew a thick line of blood across the cleric’s chest, wiping the smirk from his face.

Thyvron’s right arm glanced into the air and cut downward as words spurted from his mouth. As his hand reached its lowest extension, Tobias’ eyes rolled into his head. The fighter dropped his sword and fell forward, unconscious.

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O Boy....

A real cliff hanger here, how ever does it end for our heroes......
Now that I'm done sounding like an old Batman rerun.
Good job Funeris.
Keep it up.
I know your alone this week. I better see nightly updates. The midget is going to be awaiting your arrival home.


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Lol. You know I stayed up all night last night. I think I've earned tonight as a night of rest. Besides...I have to work on that Alignment book. Its getting near time for finalizing the product...and getting my name out in the D20 publishing world :D


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Ok Fune, your not using your time wisely because I have seen no new updates in a while. Or are you just pouting because Destan punished us and killed our fun? We can just offer up the yeti next session as a PC kill and it will be all better.

Your friendly neighborhood cannibal


Sorry the Midget has been slacking..

Sorry but the Midget's stolen school bus was ambushed turning the corner into Ron's office parking lot. They are plotting to storm the building later in the day. News choppers are on the scene now. Both the Midgets and Ron are taking pop shots at them......

And you went and offered up Magnus, how could you. *Sniff* *Sniff*


First Post
Your midgets have been eliminated. :D

Not using my time wisely? I got an update up this week. Sheesh. Maybe I should pull a PirateCat and demand fan art before updates. Do I have any fans out there??

Actually today I was at work only half a day...and spent the rest of the day in court and running errands....so...I'll see if I can't get one up sometime this weekend.


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Hello everyone. I wanted to thank you for the congratulations on Aidan. He is beautiful and a handful. I am enjoying the story hour immensely. Keep them coming.


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Chapter 9: Death in the Family Continued

First of Two Updates (Hopefully)


The thud of two arrows combined with the sound of Motega’s charging feet. The Rornman had already hung his bow over his shoulder and drew his longsword during the charge.

Magnus’ face drained as he began intoning the words for a spell. Thyvron’s smirk only grew larger as he quickly completed another spell. When Magnus blurted out the last few words of the spell nothing happened. An impenetrable silence had filled the air around the mage. His face quickly shifted from pallid to deep crimson as his eyes twitched in rage.

Fitz drew the healing wand and stepped toward Tobias. The other Culites charged toward the cleric of Ceria, all of their weapons drawn. Arrows rained downward from two of the Culites, experienced archers.

Thyvron lifted his pick-axe, to finish off the young fighter. Screaming silently, Magnus flung himself toward the cleric. The pick-axe dropped downward as the two bodies crumpled to the ground in a twisting, groping struggle for control.

Motega leapt in front of Fitz, drawing the skilled slashing of the Culites. The priest of Ceria knelt near the fighter, laying a hand gently on the pulse preparing to use the wand. Tobias groaned, as if in deep sleep. Fitz smiled as the wand slipped back into his satchel. He stood, withdrawing his scythe, and waded in beside the Rornman.

Thyvron and Magnus continued to struggle upon the ground, both reaching for the pick-axe. Magnus’ arm shot out but the priest’s knee found a painful opening and the hand retracted sharply. Magnus brought his fist down solidly against Thyvron’s skull. The cleric shrugged the pain off as he extended his leg, kicking the mage to the ground.

Motega and Fitz easily dropped two of the swordsmen. Fitz charged toward the closer of the archers as Motega pursued the Culite, Wolfram. Wolfram was moving to aid Thyvron until Motega intercepted bringing his sword upward and creating a deadly obstacle.

Tobias groaned and shifted, his eyes fluttering open. His blurry vision parted as he deciphered the wrestling forms in front of him. He tightened his grip on his blade.

Thyvron grabbed the pick-axe, lurching into a standing position. Magnus flipped over onto his knees, scuttling out of the way. Thyvron screamed in rage, the cocky façade on his face disappearing, as his pick-axe charged downward.

Magnus’ eyes focused dead ahead at Tobias’. Tobias’ eyes had stretched unusually wide in horror. Slowly, the lips of the fighter spread, sound edging its way out of the hoarse throat. Magnus’ tried a feeble grin as the pick-axe shattered his skull, the pick piercing his brain. Fractures spread out around the impact wound, destroying the solid portions of skull still intact. Blood flowed from the mage’s eyes and nose as his half grinning face kissed the earth.


First Post
Chapter 9: Death in the Family Continued

Second update. WOOT!


A tingling sensation spread outward through Magnus’ head in a circular pattern, weaving a web of numbness interlaced with several undulating spikes of pain. The crystal blue of the fighter’s eyes had reflected something before his eye lids had closed heavily.

Magnus grasped mentally for the image. Memories merging, ebbing and flowing like the waves of the sea; Magnus reached past the images of water and shuddered. The soft lapping of the ocean solidified as temperature dropped. A fierce wind tore through the wintry wasteland.

Magnus grasped for his cloak, hands touching only the bitterness of the empty landscape. Flurries then larger snowflakes fell from the vastness of above, into the eternal depths of nothingness below.

A quiet calm settled over the mage as he stared into the blinding whiteness. Then another sharp spike smashed the silent calm. Magnus clutched toward his non-existent head. A deep blackness poured into the whiteness.

Salt and pepper danced swirling, confusing trajectories in the empty. Another jagged, raw explosion echoed throughout the mage’s mind.

“No!” He shrieked into the darkness. The memory fluttered out of the shadow and into the light. The reflection was of a pick-axe, piercing and collapsing Magnus’ skull. Blood splattering outward slowly and then reversing back into his skull. Then the blood exploded outward again; the never-ending rebirth of a single blooming crimson flower.

Metal scraping metal, a cacophony introduced the assaulting blackness again. Memories of Victorsburg were called back from Magnus’ childhood. Sagat, his father, cooked in the bakery in the early morning hours. His sister Susanna, helped the old, one-armed war hero. The sweet smell of raspberry pastries and fifteen differently baked breads would fill the house everyday.

“Now, the dwem are heading northward. Toward Victorsburg,” the mage thought grimly.

“I WILL not die!” Magnus screamed into the repressive darkness. Somewhere, something white and cold shifted insubstantially in the darkness.


The bones bowed outward, sliding back into place. Magnus’ eyes flickered slightly behind his eyelids. Fitz sighed and tapped the mage with the wand another time.

Tobias dropped an unconscious body next to the cleric. The second archer thudded and despite the groan, remained unconscious. Motega paced restlessly nearby. All of the remaining Culites had been killed except for the last archer, spared by Tobias. Calmly, the fighter wiped the blood of Thyvron off his blade and snatched the black orb medallion from the priest’s neck. He slipped the holy icon into his satchel and returned to polishing his blade.

Motega stalked over to Wolfram. The Culite had admitted many things before the Rorn ran him through. Motega bent low and with a few flicks of his knife, collected the eyes of his victim; the eyes of Calyx’s rapist.

“We have to move these bodies into the woods,” Motega grumbled.

Magnus’ eyes opened. Painfully the light flowed into his mind.

“Welcome back, mage.” Fitz said. “That was a close one.” Motega easily hid his relieved smile from the other Heroes.



Thought I was a goner didn't y'all.
Take more than a pick axe crit from a Cula Vak Priest to take me out.
Course I was at full health to, what was it -8 and Fitz got to me at -9 the next round. So yup I almost had to bring a back-up character.

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