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Incursion Help


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I am starting a group of new charactors in the Incursion campaign (as listed in Dragon #309 and Dungeon #100) and was wondering if anbody ran this or had any suggestions. The reason why I ask is that, as a DM, I have never attempted anything this grand and massive in scale. To be honest, I am a bit intimidated. And for me thats a good thing! I've ran story arc's that end up like a TV miniseries, but nothing like this. So if there is any suggestions you, the good people of EN World, could give me it would be most appreciated.

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Captain Howdy

I ran it for a little while last year. I think it works best with an established campaign setting that your group has been playing in for a long time.
The reason I say this is because about three years ago, I ran a long and successful campaign in my own home-brew setting. My players loved it, but they got to epic level, got bored, and we moved on to other things. Then a few years later, I ran this Incursion campaign in the same home-brew, the one that the players hadn’t visited in a few years. Plus the fact that the group had changed a little bit, and there were a couple people whom had never played in that setting before…
Long story short, I got the feeling that the players really didn’t give two hoots whether or not the Githyanki killed everyone or not. They had fun fighting them, but the overall feel of the campaign just wasn’t right at all.
One other tip I can give is to plan a lot of material in advance. It seems like the issues of Dragon, and Dungeon do a good job of outlining the campaign, but for some reason, I always found myself getting stuck because I hadn’t planned enough. That’s coming from a guy who runs most sessions with a page of notes and some dice. There was just something about the campaign. It seemed like I could never prepare enough.
Oh dear, I think I might be making this campaign sound even more intimidating than you thought it was. It’s not really all that though to run. Just don’t think that you can wing every session and still be able to follow the outline in the magazine.
What setting are you using for the campaign? Has your group been playing in that setting for a while? If not, try to quickly establish a places, people, or things that the players could become attached to. That way when the gith come and tear it all down, the group will be adequately pissed off.
I hope that helps at least a little, if I find my campaign notes, I’ll share some more later.


Do as the captain says, as his advice is sound :)

I would probably let the incursion scale slowly. In the beginning the characters are more conserned with more typical adventures, only rarely encountering the advanced scouts of the incursion force. These scouts belong to different races, but are always beholden to a Githyanki master (in a few cases, these scouts should be Githyanki. Especially one of the first). Slowly develope the threat and then spring the full fledged invasion.


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I plan on using The Greyhawk setting. The main reason, I am from Michigan and according to the Living Greyhawk book it puts me at groung 0, or as I call it Furyondy. The second, and please don't flame me, the whole Greyhawk setting always seemed too generic for me so i don't mind tearing it down. I don't know enough about the FR to run it their and as much fun as ariel dogfights and ship to ship battles in Ebberon sound, I don't think the setting can handle something like this so soon after the Las War. And as an out loud musing, Ravenloft would seem more of a punishment for the gith that a viable invasion targat.
The biggest problem I am having is I told my players they could be anything they wanted to be as long as I give it the ok. So far I know I have a Grig and a Poison Dusk Lizard, a Gipli is pending, and our fourth player knows he wants to be a Psion of some sort. I might have a problem getting them to care about Furyony not to mentioned the world. I wan't to express my concerns to the group but so far only one of them knows what I have in store for them (he's the one having second thoughts about the Gipli).
So far thanks for the help everyone has rendered. The start of my trial as a DM is a ways off and we will take breaks during it. I just hope I don't falter when this all starts.


I ran the Githyanki Incursion (from the Dragon issue) last year in my Dragonlance game (to replace the Summer of Flame events for those in the know). It went well though players being players made it especially interesting for me.

My advice is to follow what it says in the magazine. At certain levels certain scenario types come to the fore, and lead into future events. Think repercussions and consequences - both on a party scale and world wide.

Good luck.

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